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Created March 26, 2014 20:34
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* Created by Nicholas Hallahan <>
* on Tue Mar 11 2014
var pg = require('pg');
var S = require('string');
var settings = require('./settings').pg;
var salesforce = require('./salesforce');
var salesforceQueries = require('./salesforce-queries');
// PostGIS Connection String
var conString = "postgres://" +
settings.user + ":" +
settings.password + "@" +
settings.server + ":" +
settings.port + "/" +
function query(queryStr, cb) {
pg.connect(conString, function(err, client, done) {
if(err) {
return console.error('error fetching client from pool', err);
client.query(queryStr, function(err, result) {
//call `done()` to release the client back to the pool
if(err) {
return console.error('ERROR RUNNING QUERY:', queryStr, err);
cb(result.rows || result);
function fetchTableNames(cb) {
var queryStr = "SELECT * FROM pg_tables;";
query(queryStr, function(rows) {
var tables = {};
tables[row.tablename] = true;
function insertRows(queryTable, rows) {
fetchTableNames(function (tables) {
// See if a query table exists.
if (tables[queryTable]) {
_insertRows(queryTable, rows);
// If not, create the given table and then insert rows.
else {
createTable(queryTable, rows, function() {
_insertRows(queryTable, rows);
* This is to be called inside of function insertRows only.
* Consider this private private.
* @param rows
* @private
function _insertRows(queryTable, rows) {
var insertStr = "INSERT INTO " + queryTable + " ( ";
var valStr = "VALUES ( ";
for (var field in row) {
insertStr += field + ', ';
valStr += sanitize(row[field]) + ', ';
insertStr = insertStr.slice(0, insertStr.length-2) + ') ';
valStr = valStr.slice(0, valStr.length-2) + ');';
var sql = insertStr + valStr;
// console.log(sql);
query(sql, function() {
* Creates a table based on the type of each field in a given row.
* If a given field for a row is null, we iterate further until we
* find the type for the given field. If all rows for a given field
* are null, we just make the type be a String.\
* @param rows
function createTable(queryTable, rows, cb) {
var table = {
// fieldName: type
var row = rows[0];
var len = rows.length;
for (var key in row) {
var val = row[key];
// it's a string that may be a stringified object
if (typeof val === 'string') {
table[key] = 'text';
// it's a number
if (typeof val === 'number') {
if (isInt(val)) {
table[key] = 'integer';
} else {
table[key] = 'float';
// it's a null value, see if you can find a row that has a field that isn't null...
else if (typeof val === 'object' && val === null) {
for (var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
row = rows[i];
val = row[key];
// its a string that may be a stringified object
if (typeof val === 'string') {
table[key] = 'text';
// it's a number
if (typeof val === 'number') {
if (isInt(val)) {
table[key] = 'integer';
} else {
table[key] = 'float';
// OK, well... We haven't found what we're looking for. Let's just call it text
// and move on with our lives...
if (!table[key]) table[key] = 'text';
var sql = "CREATE TABLE " + queryTable + "( ID SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, ";
for (var field in table) {
sql += field + ' ' + table[field] + ', ';
sql = sql.slice(0, sql.length-2); // get rid of that last ', '
sql += ");";
console.log("Creating table for " + queryTable);
query(sql, function(res) {
console.log(queryTable + ' successfully created.');
// If we have a location guid, we should make an index on it.
// NOTE: We can have this happen whenever, so don't worry about a callback with this.
var locationField = 'Location__c';
if (typeof row !== 'undefined' && typeof row[locationField] !== 'undefined') {
var sql = 'CREATE INDEX idx_'+queryTable+'_location__c ON ' + queryTable + '(' + locationField + ');';
query(sql, function(res){
console.log('Created Index: ' + sql);
function insertQuery(sfQueryName) {
var queryStr = salesforceQueries[sfQueryName];
var queryTable = 'sf_' + S(sfQueryName).underscore().s;
salesforce.queryAndFlattenResults(queryStr, function(rows) {
insertRows(queryTable, rows);
function dropQueryTable(sfQueryName) {
var queryTable = 'sf_' + S(sfQueryName).underscore().s;
var sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + queryTable + ";";
query(sql, function(res) {
function insertAllQueryTables() {
for (var sfQueryName in salesforceQueries) {
function dropAllSalesforceTables() {
for (var sfQueryName in salesforceQueries) {
************************ UTILITY FUNCTIONS************************
function isInt(n) {
return n % 1 === 0;
function sanitize(val) {
// we want a null to still be null, not a string
if (typeof val === 'string' && val !== 'null') {
// $nh9$ is using $$ with an arbitrary tag. $$ in pg is a safe way to quote something,
// because all escape characters are ignored inside of it.
var esc = settings.escapeStr;
return "$"+esc+"$" + val + "$"+esc+"$";
return val;
**************************** TESTS *******************************
function testSimpleSelectQuery() {
var queryStr = "SELECT id_0, ogc_fid, year, guid FROM gadm0;";
query(queryStr, function(rows) {
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