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Created February 28, 2017 22:20
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="app">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<div ng-controller="AppController as appCtrl">
<creature creature="appCtrl.creature" on-damage="appCtrl.notifyDamage(newHp, oldHp)" on-death="appCtrl.notifyDeath(name)"></creature>
<script src=""></script>
'use strict';
(function (angular) {
.module('app', ['creature'])
.controller('AppController', function ($log) {
this.creature = { name: 'Elf', hp: 100 };
this.notifyDamage = function (newHp, oldHp) {
$'Antes o life da criatura era ', oldHp, ' agora é ', newHp);
this.notifyDeath = function (name) {
$'A criatura ', name, ' morreu!');
.module('creature', [])
.component('creature', {
bindings: {
creature: '<',
onDamage: '&',
onDeath: '&'
controller: function ($interval) {
var that = this;
this.damage = function (value) {
var oldHp = that.creature.hp;
var newHp = oldHp - value;
// O menor valor só pode ser zero
newHp = newHp < 0 ? 0 : newHp;
// Atualiza valor no objeto para atualizar a view
that.creature.hp = newHp;
// Notifica pros interessados que houve dano
that.onDamage({newHp: newHp, oldHp: oldHp});
// Se criatura morreu
if (newHp === 0) {
// Notifica pros interessados que houve morte
// Cancela o timer que dá damage na criatura
this.timer = $interval(function () {
// Gera um valor aleatório de no máximo 20, que será o dano na criatura
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20);
}, 2000);
'<div><span>{{$}}</span> (' +
'<span ng-if="$ctrl.creature.hp > 0">{{$ctrl.creature.hp}}</span>' +
'<span ng-if="$ctrl.creature.hp === 0">Morreu!</span>' +
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