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Created March 28, 2014 08:03
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Trying to apply ES6 generators to create monad comprehensions. Unfortunately it looks like this will not work with monads that contain multiple values, such as arrays.
* The implementation
function du(comprehension) {
return function(/* args */) {
var gen = comprehension.apply(null, arguments)
return next();
function next(v) {
var res =
return (!res.done && res.value) ? flatMap(res.value, tryNext) : res.value
function tryNext(v) {
try {
return next(v)
catch (err) {
return gen.throw(err)
function flatMap(m, f) {
if (typeof m.then === 'function') {
return m.then(f)
else if (typeof === 'function' && typeof m.length === 'number') {
return flatten(
else {
throw new TypeError("No implementation for this argument!")
function flatten(xs) {
if (!xs || !xs.reduce) {
return xs
return xs.reduce(function(flat, x) {
return flat.concat(x)
}, [])
* An array monad in action
var guests = [
{ name: "Sophia", vegetarian: true, peanutAllergy: false },
{ name: "Madison", vegetarion: false, peanutAllergy: false },
{ name: "Liam", vegetarion: true, peanutAllergy: true },
{ name: "Noah", vegetarian: true, peanutAllergy: false },
{ name: "Elizabeth", vegetarian: false, peanutAllergy: true }
var entrees = [
{ name: "Meatballs", vegetarian: false, peanut: false },
{ name: "Pad Thai", vegetarion: true, peanut: true },
{ name: "BLT", vegetarion: false, peanut: false },
{ name: "Caesar Salad", vegetarian: true, peanut: false },
{ name: "Game Hen", vegetarian: false, peanut: true }
var acceptablePairings = du(function*() {
var guest = yield guests
var entree = yield entrees
if (guest.peanutAllergy && entree.peanut) {
return []
else if (guest.vegetarian && !entree.vegetarian) {
return []
else {
return [[,]]
// Upon calling `` with the second entree, an error is reported:
// > Error: Generator has already finished
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