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Forked from jesjos/proposal.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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# = Example Sandthorn setup
Sandthorn.config do |sand|
snapshot_store =
sand.event_stores = {
default: "sqlite://my_db"), snapshot_driver: snapshot_store)
mongo:, snapshot_driver: snapshot_store)
# This maps aggregates to event stores.
# Aggregates that aren't exlicitly mapped will be stored in the default store.
# I see the need to be able to define either concrete classes or patterns.
sand.aggregate_mappings = {
alternative: [StoreAggregates::Foo, StoreAggregates::Bar]
aux: /LogAggregates/
# Example aggregate
class MyAggregate
include EventStore::AggregateRoot
attr_reader :name
def initialize(name: nil)
@name = name
def change_name(name)
@name = name
def name_changed
# = Committing
# When commit is called, we just construct the appropriate event and save it in the aggregate.
# The events should be in the agreed-upon event format.
# = Saving an aggregate
# Saving means finding the appropriate event store for the aggregate type, and then calling `save_events` on the event store with any unsaved events.
# Example:
# 1. calls Sandthorn.event_store_for(my_aggregate) and gets an event_store
# 2. Call event_store.save_events(my_aggregate, my_aggregate.unsaved_events)
# Here's an incomplete implementation of AggregateRoot
module EventStore
module AggregateRoot
attr_reader :unsaved_events
def self.included(base)
module ClassMethods
def event_store
def save
if unsaved_events.any?
def save_events(events)
event_store.save_events(self, events)
def event_store
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jesjos commented Jan 13, 2015

So you want Sandthorn to be some kind of very abstract object database interface with a number of possible backends? Can you explain why this is desirable?

I think Sandthorn should be an EventSourcing system. I think that's a reasonable scope for a project like this, and it's something that few others have done in the Ruby community. I really don't see the need for the extra abstraction you want to introduce. I think they make the scope too big and the system too abstract.

I think we want Sandthorn for the benefits that an Event Sourcing System gives us. For example - the ability to create projections and the ability to audit object state at different points in time. Given that assumption, offering storage backends that don't use Event Sourcing seems counter intuitive. I think you should use some other library if that is what you want. I think all aggregates in Sandthorn should be built upon events.

Some notes

  • A Ruby object is by definition already stored in memory, so what's the purpose of an InMemory store for aggregates?
  • When I say that events should have an agreed-upon format, that doesn't mean that all events have to be hashes with exactly the same keys or that they have to be saved in exactly that format. It only means that events coming from different stores must have the same public API. Just to be perfectly clear – I don't care about how the internal storage format of the Event Store.
  • Having different stores use different formats means that for example your projections will be broken if you decide to store events in another store. You should be able to just switch stores without caring.

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Yes you can be right about taking Sandthorn in the wrong direction and make the scope to big.

It maybe easier to just use Active Record directly for the objects that not have to be backed by events. I have encountered cases there event based object are overkill and a classic state based object could be enough and that it could be queried by default. Events are only an implementation detail that builds the objects.

  • Yes a ruby object lives in memory but a http request is stateless and to be able to access a object in a second request it has to be stored somewhere that be memory or on disk. The InMemory store are persisted as long as its host. In the end of the day it probably used most for testing the domain.
  • I think we mean the same thing.
  • The EventStore should have the same API objects out and event in. Then its up to the driver or that we call it to store the events as it please. An EventStore stores events in a pre defined format. Then the projections is coupled to the EventStore independent of underlying sequel or mongo db.

In the end we want the same thing I maybe take it a step to far.

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I had some nightly insight around this discussion.

We plan to inject Buckthorn in Sandthorn but the API towards Buckthorn are objects, if I remember it correctly. Sandthorn will not know how the Buckthorn objects are stored. (events or only state). Would´t be a smell if the AggregateRoot are in Sandthorn but the objects from Buckthorn would not include it? As the objects from Buckthorn are modeled in Elixir/Erlang code and not in ruby land.

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jesjos commented Jan 21, 2015

I wrote a super long comment and then accidentally clicked the back-button.

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