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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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(ns poker.core)
(def suits ['C 'D 'H 'S])
(def values ['A '2 '3 '4 '5 '6 '7 '8 '9 'T 'J 'Q 'K])
(def deck (map (fn [i] [(rem i 13) (quot i 13)]) (range 52)))
(defn format-card [card]
(apply str (map get [values suits] card)))
(defn low-card [hand]
(first (sort-by first hand)))
(defn high-card [hand]
(last (sort-by first hand)))
(defn highest-card [hand]
(first (filter #(= 0 (first %)) hand))
(high-card hand)))
(defn royal? [hand]
(= (sort (map first hand)) [0 9 10 11 12]))
(defn flush? [hand]
(let [suit (last (first hand))]
(every? #(= suit (last %)) hand)))
(defn royal-flush? [hand]
(flush? hand)
(royal? hand)))
(defn straight? [hand]
(royal? hand)
(= (sort (map first hand)) (range ((low-card hand) 0) (inc ((high-card hand) 0))))))
(defn straight-flush? [hand]
(straight? hand)
(flush? hand)))
(defn partition-hand [hand]
(partition-by first (sort-by first hand)))
(defn groups-of [hand number]
(filter #(= number (count %)) (partition-hand hand)))
(defn of-a-kind? [hand number]
(= 1 (count (groups-of hand number))))
(defn four-of-a-kind? [hand]
(of-a-kind? hand 4))
(defn three-of-a-kind? [hand]
(of-a-kind? hand 3))
(defn two-pair? [hand]
(= 2 (count (groups-of hand 2))))
(defn one-pair? [hand]
(of-a-kind? hand 2))
(defn full-house? [hand]
(of-a-kind? hand 2)
(of-a-kind? hand 3)))
(defn highest-hand [hand]
(condp #(%1 %2) hand
royal-flush? "Royal flush"
straight-flush? "Straight flush"
four-of-a-kind? "Four of a kind"
full-house? "Full house"
flush? "Flush"
straight? "Straight"
three-of-a-kind? "Three of a kind"
two-pair? "Two pair"
one-pair? "One pair"
(str "High card: " (format-card (highest-card hand)))))
(defn print-hand [hand]
(doseq [card hand] (println (format-card card)))
(println (highest-hand hand))
(defn print-player [player deck]
(println (str "Player " player))
(println (apply str (repeat 8 "-")))
(print-hand (take 5 deck)))
(defn -main [& args]
(loop [player 1 shuffled-deck (shuffle deck)]
(print-player player shuffled-deck)
(when (< player 4) (recur (inc player) (drop 5 shuffled-deck)))))
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