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Created January 31, 2012 17:45
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Compute statistics for a vector with renaming
#' Convenient interface for computing statistics on a vector
#' @author Andrew Redd
#' @param x the vector
#' @param ... statistics to compute, must take a vector and return a vector
#' @param .na.action the action to take on NA values, for all statistics
#' @return A one row \code{data.frame} with columns named as in \code{...}
#' @seealso \code{\link[plyr]{ldply}}
#' @example ex_dostats.R
dostats <- function(x, ...,{
x <- .na.action(x)
funs <- list(...)
fnames <- names(funs)
{ # infer names
names <- str_sub(deparse(substitute(c(...))), 3, -1)
names <- str_split(names, ", ")[[1]]
names <- gsub("^([\\w\\._]+).*", "\\1", names, perl=T)
fnames <- names
fnames <- ifelse(fnames != "", fnames, names)
l <- structure(llply(funs,, list(x)), names=names)
l <- llply(l, function(y)if(length(y)==1) y else t(y)), l)
#' Filter by class
#' @param x vector of any class
#' @param .class string for class to filter by
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link{dostats}}
#' @return data frame of computed statistics if x is of class \code{.class}
#' otherwise returns \code{NULL}.
#' @sealso \code{\link{dostats}}
class.stats <- function(.class){
function(x, ...){if(inherits(x, .class))
dostats(x, ...)
else NULL
numeric.stats <- class.stats(numeric)
factor.stats <- class.stats(factor)
integer.stats <- class.stats(integer)
iqr <- function(x){
structure(diff(quantile(x, c(.25, .75))), names=NULL)
dostats(1:10, mean, median, sd, quantile, iqr)
ldply(mtcars, dostats, median, mean, sd, quantile, iqr)
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