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Created April 6, 2014 01:29
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LocomotiveCMS でニュース記事一覧機能を作る ref:
title: Content type templates
slug: content_type_template
listed: false
published: true
position: 100
content_type: news
{% extends parent %}
{% block main %}
%h3 {{news.title | escape}}
.date {{news.posted_at | localized_date}}
.lead {{news.lead}}
.body {{news.body}}
{% endblock %}
% bundle exec wagon generate content_type testnews title:string posted_at:date lead:text body:text
create app/content_types/news.yml
create data/news.yml
more content_type/news.yml
# Public name of this content type
name: News
# TODO: explain
slug: News
# Explanation for the backoffice
description: A description of the content type for the editors
# Default field (e.g title)
label_field_name: title
# Order of entries
order_by: manually # default: manually, also available: created_at or any field slug
# Describe each field. The name shoud always be an underscored string
- title: # Name of the field
label: Title
type: string
required: true
hint: A description of the field for the editors
localized: false
- posted_at: # Name of the field
label: Posted at
type: date
required: false
hint: A description of the field for the editors
localized: false
order_by: posted_at
order_direction: desc
~/Documents/.../locomotive/hackcamptest% more data/testnews.yml dev
- "Sample 1":
posted_at: 2014/04/04 # YYYY/MM/DD
lead: "Atque est hic dolor nihil facilis et dolores. Vero occaecati quis aliquam rem enim quia magni deserunt. Nihil ea repellat assumenda aut. Dolorem modi aut labore debitis aspernatur eius deserunt omnis. Dolorem eum ullam aut error."
body: "Ab quia repellat sint et dolore nesciunt. Voluptatem qui ipsam ut autem quaerat. At dolor vero dolorem qui ipsam maxime. Quis ea enim atque nobis vero est nostrum voluptatem."
- "Sample 2":
posted_at: 2014/04/04 # YYYY/MM/DD
lead: "Omnis eaque labore perferendis. Qui quo nulla id deserunt consectetur qui possimus. Ea est aspernatur corrupti facere pariatur. Est provident iusto ducimus itaque architecto repellat."
body: "Quia qui rerum corporis veniam autem quis. Ipsam atque sit blanditiis dolore eum. Natus quia quaerat eaque aliquid veritatis."
% bundle exec wagon push development -r content_types
* Pushing Site
* Pushing ContentTypes
updating News...............................................................[done]
% bundle exec wagon generate page news
Do you prefer a HAML template ? y
create app/views/pages/news.liquid.haml

% bundle exec wagon generate page news/content_type_templates
Do you prefer a HAML template ? y
create app/views/pages/news/content_type_templates.liquid.haml
conflict app/views/pages/news.liquid.haml
Overwrite /Users/hal/Documents/workspace/locomotive/hackcamptest/app/views/pages/news.liquid.haml? (enter "h" for help) [Ynaqdh] n
skip app/views/pages/news.liquid.haml
title: お知らせ
slug: content_type_template
listed: true
published: true
position: 1
{% extends parent %}
{% block main %}
{% for topic in %}
%h3 {{topic.title | escape}}
.date {{topic.posted_at | localized_date}}
.lead {{topic.lead}}
%a{href:"/news/{{topic._slug}}"} 詳細
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
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