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Created December 21, 2010 20:55
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Haskell solution the Project Euler Problem 54
import Poker
import Char
import Data.List
toValue :: Char -> Value
toValue 'A' = Ace
toValue 'K' = King
toValue 'Q' = Queen
toValue 'J' = Jack
toValue 'T' = Ten
toValue c = toEnum $ (-2 +) $ digitToInt c -- Why can't this be point free?
toSuit :: Char -> Suit
toSuit 'C' = Clubs
toSuit 'D' = Diamonds
toSuit 'H' = Hearts
toSuit 'S' = Spades
toCard :: String -> Card
toCard s = Card (toValue $ s !! 0) (toSuit $ s !! 1)
main = do
cards <- getContents
print $ length $ filter (\(x, y) -> hand x > hand y)
$ [splitAt 5 $ map toCard (words i) | i <- lines cards]
module Poker (Value(..), Suit(..), Card(..), Hand, hand) where
import Control.Exception
import Data.List
data Value = Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten
| Jack | Queen | King | Ace deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show)
data Suit = Clubs | Diamonds | Hearts | Spades deriving (Eq, Show)
data Card = Card {val :: Value, suit :: Suit} deriving (Eq, Show)
data HandType = HighCard
| OnePair
| TwoPairs
| ThreeOfAKind
| Straight
| Flush
| FullHouse
| FourOfAKind
| StraightFlush
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Hand = Hand [Card] deriving (Eq, Show)
hand :: [Card] -> Hand
hand cards =
assert (length cards == 5) -- A poker hand most consist of five cards
$ assert (nub cards == cards) -- No two cards may have the same suit/val
$ Hand $ sortBy (\x y -> val x `compare` val y) cards -- Normalize
valCounts takes a Hand and returns a list of (Value, Count) pairs ordered
first by count greatest to least and then by value also greatest to least.
valCounts (hand [Card Two Clubs, Card Two Hearts, Card King Diamonds,
Card King Spades, Card Ace Spades])
== [(King, 2), (Two, 2), (Ace, 1)] -- The result of this expression is True
valCounts :: Hand -> [(Value, Int)]
valCounts (Hand a) =
sortBy (\x y -> snd y `compare` snd x) -- Put highest counts first
$ nubBy sameVal -- Only keep unique vals and their counts in the list
$ reverse -- Make nub keep only the highest count and put high vals first
$ scanl1 (\x y -> if sameVal x y then (fst y, snd x + 1) else y) -- inc cnt
[(val x, 1) | x <- a] -- Ignore suits, initialize counts to 1
where sameVal x y = fst x == fst y
isAceLowStraight :: Hand -> Bool
isAceLowStraight (Hand a) = map val a == [Two, Three, Four, Five, Ace]
isStraight :: Hand -> Bool
isStraight h@(Hand a)
| isAceLowStraight h = True
| otherwise =
vals == take 5 [head vals..] -- equal to straight starting at head?
where vals = map val a
isFlush :: Hand -> Bool
isFlush (Hand a) = (length $ nub $ map suit a) == 1 -- Super easy
handType :: Hand -> HandType
handType a
| isStraight a && isFlush a = StraightFlush
| count 0 == 4 = FourOfAKind
| count 0 == 3 && count 1 == 2 = FullHouse
| isFlush a = Flush
| isStraight a = Straight
| count 0 == 3 = ThreeOfAKind
| count 0 == 2 && count 1 == 2 = TwoPairs
| count 0 == 2 = OnePair
| otherwise = HighCard
where count = (map snd (valCounts a) !!)
instance Ord Hand where
compare a b
| handType a < handType b = LT
| handType a > handType b = GT
| otherwise =
map fst (valCounts a') `compare` map fst (valCounts b')
fixAceLow h@(Hand x) = if isAceLowStraight h
then Hand $ drop 4 x ++ take 4 x -- Breaks Hand ordering
else h
a' = fixAceLow a
b' = fixAceLow b
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