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Created January 11, 2011 01:31
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numSquares' n x y acc
| x > y = acc
| x*x + y*y > n = numSquares' n x (y-1) acc
| x*x + y*y == n = numSquares' n (x+1) (y-1) (acc+1)
| otherwise = numSquares' n (x+1) y acc
numSquares n = numSquares' n 0 (floor . sqrt . fromIntegral $ n) 0
main = interact $ unlines . map (show . numSquares . read) . tail . lines
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Array
import Text.Printf
type PegRow = [Bool]
type PegBoard = [PegRow]
buildBoard :: Int -> Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> PegBoard
buildBoard rows cols rms =
-- Convert 2D array to a nested list of bools
splitEvery width . elems
-- remove missing pegs
. (// map (\(r, c) -> ((r, if even r then 2*c-1 else 2*c), False)) rms)
-- generate fully pegged board
$ listArray ((0,0), (rows - 1, width - 1)) (cycle [False, True])
where width = 2 * cols - 3
chunk3 :: [a] -> [(a,a,a)]
chunk3 xs = zip3 xs (drop 1 xs) (drop 2 xs)
solveRow :: [Double] -> PegRow -> [Double]
solveRow probs row =
zipWith (\(peg1, peg2, peg3) (pr1, pr2, pr3) ->
(if peg1 then 0.5 * pr1 else 0)
+ (if peg2 then 0 else pr2)
+ (if peg3 then 0.5 * pr3 else 0))
(chunk3 (False:row++[False])) (chunk3 (0:probs''++[0]))
-- terrible hack with awful performance
where probs' = if head row then 2 * (head probs) : tail probs else probs
probs'' = if last row
then take (length probs' - 1) probs' ++ [2 * last probs']
else probs'
unintersperse :: [a] -> [a]
unintersperse xs = [x | (i, x) <- zip [0..] xs, even i]
solveBoard :: PegBoard -> [Double] -> [Double]
solveBoard board input =
unintersperse $ foldl solveRow (intersperse 0 input) board
allSolves :: Int -> PegBoard -> [[Double]]
allSolves cols board =
take (cols-1) $ map (solveBoard board) (iterate (0:) (1:repeat 0))
bestSolve :: Int -> [[Double]] -> (Int, Double)
bestSolve target solves =
maximumBy (\x y -> snd x `compare` snd y)
. zip [0..] $ map (!! target) solves
readTuples :: [Int] -> [(Int, Int)]
readTuples (x1:x2:xs) = (x1,x2):readTuples xs
readTuples _ = []
solveTestCase :: String -> String
solveTestCase line =
let nums = map read (words line)
solution = bestSolve (nums !! 2) . allSolves (nums !! 1)
$ buildBoard (nums !! 0) (nums !! 1) (readTuples (drop 4 nums))
in show (fst solution) ++ printf " %.6f" (snd solution)
main = interact $ unlines . map solveTestCase . filter (""/=) . tail . lines
import Data.List
lowlex = concat . (sortBy (\x y -> (x++y) `compare` (y++x))) . tail . words
main = interact $ unlines . map lowlex . tail . lines
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