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Last active February 2, 2022 03:33
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  • Save halvves/5612cfdef2389fea4aa773b92843788d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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schema {
query: query_root
mutation: mutation_root
subscription: subscription_root
"""whether this query should be cached (Hasura Cloud only)"""
directive @cached(
"""measured in seconds"""
ttl: Int! = 60
"""refresh the cache entry"""
refresh: Boolean! = false
) on QUERY
Boolean expression to compare columns of type "Boolean". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input Boolean_comparison_exp {
_eq: Boolean
_gt: Boolean
_gte: Boolean
_in: [Boolean!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: Boolean
_lte: Boolean
_neq: Boolean
_nin: [Boolean!]
Boolean expression to compare columns of type "Int". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input Int_comparison_exp {
_eq: Int
_gt: Int
_gte: Int
_in: [Int!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: Int
_lte: Int
_neq: Int
_nin: [Int!]
Boolean expression to compare columns of type "String". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input String_comparison_exp {
_eq: String
_gt: String
_gte: String
"""does the column match the given case-insensitive pattern"""
_ilike: String
_in: [String!]
does the column match the given POSIX regular expression, case insensitive
_iregex: String
_is_null: Boolean
"""does the column match the given pattern"""
_like: String
_lt: String
_lte: String
_neq: String
"""does the column NOT match the given case-insensitive pattern"""
_nilike: String
_nin: [String!]
does the column NOT match the given POSIX regular expression, case insensitive
_niregex: String
"""does the column NOT match the given pattern"""
_nlike: String
does the column NOT match the given POSIX regular expression, case sensitive
_nregex: String
"""does the column NOT match the given SQL regular expression"""
_nsimilar: String
does the column match the given POSIX regular expression, case sensitive
_regex: String
"""does the column match the given SQL regular expression"""
_similar: String
columns and relationships of "accounting.charge"
type accounting_charge {
amount: Int!
"""An object relationship"""
nft_sale: nft_sales
original_amount: Int
"""An object relationship"""
paymentIntentByPaymentIntent: accounting_payment_intent!
"""An object relationship"""
user: users
order by aggregate values of table "accounting.charge"
input accounting_charge_aggregate_order_by {
avg: accounting_charge_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: accounting_charge_max_order_by
min: accounting_charge_min_order_by
stddev: accounting_charge_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: accounting_charge_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: accounting_charge_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: accounting_charge_sum_order_by
var_pop: accounting_charge_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: accounting_charge_var_samp_order_by
variance: accounting_charge_variance_order_by
order by avg() on columns of table "accounting.charge"
input accounting_charge_avg_order_by {
amount: order_by
original_amount: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "accounting.charge". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input accounting_charge_bool_exp {
_and: [accounting_charge_bool_exp!]
_not: accounting_charge_bool_exp
_or: [accounting_charge_bool_exp!]
amount: Int_comparison_exp
nft_sale: nft_sales_bool_exp
original_amount: Int_comparison_exp
paymentIntentByPaymentIntent: accounting_payment_intent_bool_exp
user: users_bool_exp
order by max() on columns of table "accounting.charge"
input accounting_charge_max_order_by {
amount: order_by
original_amount: order_by
order by min() on columns of table "accounting.charge"
input accounting_charge_min_order_by {
amount: order_by
original_amount: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "accounting.charge"."""
input accounting_charge_order_by {
amount: order_by
nft_sale: nft_sales_order_by
original_amount: order_by
paymentIntentByPaymentIntent: accounting_payment_intent_order_by
user: users_order_by
select columns of table "accounting.charge"
enum accounting_charge_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
order by stddev() on columns of table "accounting.charge"
input accounting_charge_stddev_order_by {
amount: order_by
original_amount: order_by
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "accounting.charge"
input accounting_charge_stddev_pop_order_by {
amount: order_by
original_amount: order_by
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "accounting.charge"
input accounting_charge_stddev_samp_order_by {
amount: order_by
original_amount: order_by
order by sum() on columns of table "accounting.charge"
input accounting_charge_sum_order_by {
amount: order_by
original_amount: order_by
order by var_pop() on columns of table "accounting.charge"
input accounting_charge_var_pop_order_by {
amount: order_by
original_amount: order_by
order by var_samp() on columns of table "accounting.charge"
input accounting_charge_var_samp_order_by {
amount: order_by
original_amount: order_by
order by variance() on columns of table "accounting.charge"
input accounting_charge_variance_order_by {
amount: order_by
original_amount: order_by
columns and relationships of "accounting.payment_intent"
type accounting_payment_intent {
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [accounting_charge_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [accounting_charge_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: accounting_charge_bool_exp
): [accounting_charge!]!
created_at: timestamptz
"""An object relationship"""
isrcByIsrc: isrcs!
"""An object relationship"""
nft_sale: nft_sales
"""An object relationship"""
user: users
order by aggregate values of table "accounting.payment_intent"
input accounting_payment_intent_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: accounting_payment_intent_max_order_by
min: accounting_payment_intent_min_order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "accounting.payment_intent". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input accounting_payment_intent_bool_exp {
_and: [accounting_payment_intent_bool_exp!]
_not: accounting_payment_intent_bool_exp
_or: [accounting_payment_intent_bool_exp!]
charges: accounting_charge_bool_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
isrcByIsrc: isrcs_bool_exp
nft_sale: nft_sales_bool_exp
user: users_bool_exp
order by max() on columns of table "accounting.payment_intent"
input accounting_payment_intent_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
order by min() on columns of table "accounting.payment_intent"
input accounting_payment_intent_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "accounting.payment_intent"."""
input accounting_payment_intent_order_by {
charges_aggregate: accounting_charge_aggregate_order_by
created_at: order_by
isrcByIsrc: isrcs_order_by
nft_sale: nft_sales_order_by
user: users_order_by
select columns of table "accounting.payment_intent"
enum accounting_payment_intent_select_column {
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "albums"
type albums {
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artists_albums_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artists_albums_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artists_albums_bool_exp
): [artists_albums!]!
copyright: String
cover_art_large: String
cover_art_override_large: String
cover_art_override_small: String
cover_art_small: String
created_at: timestamptz!
id: String!
last_auto_updated: timestamptz
name: String!
reference: String
release_date: String
release_date_precision: String
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tracks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tracks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tracks_bool_exp
): [tracks!]!
type: String
updated_at: timestamptz!
url: String!
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "albums". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input albums_bool_exp {
_and: [albums_bool_exp!]
_not: albums_bool_exp
_or: [albums_bool_exp!]
artists_albums: artists_albums_bool_exp
copyright: String_comparison_exp
cover_art_large: String_comparison_exp
cover_art_override_large: String_comparison_exp
cover_art_override_small: String_comparison_exp
cover_art_small: String_comparison_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
id: String_comparison_exp
last_auto_updated: timestamptz_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
reference: String_comparison_exp
release_date: String_comparison_exp
release_date_precision: String_comparison_exp
tracks: tracks_bool_exp
type: String_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
url: String_comparison_exp
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "albums"."""
input albums_order_by {
artists_albums_aggregate: artists_albums_aggregate_order_by
copyright: order_by
cover_art_large: order_by
cover_art_override_large: order_by
cover_art_override_small: order_by
cover_art_small: order_by
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
last_auto_updated: order_by
name: order_by
reference: order_by
release_date: order_by
release_date_precision: order_by
tracks_aggregate: tracks_aggregate_order_by
type: order_by
updated_at: order_by
url: order_by
select columns of table "albums"
enum albums_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
add artist_follows table
columns and relationships of "artist_follows"
type artist_follows {
"""An object relationship"""
artist: artists!
artist_id: String!
created_at: timestamptz!
id: bigint!
"""An object relationship"""
user: users!
user_id: uuid!
aggregated selection of "artist_follows"
type artist_follows_aggregate {
aggregate: artist_follows_aggregate_fields
nodes: [artist_follows!]!
aggregate fields of "artist_follows"
type artist_follows_aggregate_fields {
avg: artist_follows_avg_fields
count(columns: [artist_follows_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int!
max: artist_follows_max_fields
min: artist_follows_min_fields
stddev: artist_follows_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: artist_follows_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: artist_follows_stddev_samp_fields
sum: artist_follows_sum_fields
var_pop: artist_follows_var_pop_fields
var_samp: artist_follows_var_samp_fields
variance: artist_follows_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "artist_follows"
input artist_follows_aggregate_order_by {
avg: artist_follows_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: artist_follows_max_order_by
min: artist_follows_min_order_by
stddev: artist_follows_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: artist_follows_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: artist_follows_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: artist_follows_sum_order_by
var_pop: artist_follows_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: artist_follows_var_samp_order_by
variance: artist_follows_variance_order_by
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type artist_follows_avg_fields {
id: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "artist_follows"
input artist_follows_avg_order_by {
id: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "artist_follows". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input artist_follows_bool_exp {
_and: [artist_follows_bool_exp!]
_not: artist_follows_bool_exp
_or: [artist_follows_bool_exp!]
artist: artists_bool_exp
artist_id: String_comparison_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
id: bigint_comparison_exp
user: users_bool_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type artist_follows_max_fields {
artist_id: String
created_at: timestamptz
id: bigint
user_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "artist_follows"
input artist_follows_max_order_by {
artist_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type artist_follows_min_fields {
artist_id: String
created_at: timestamptz
id: bigint
user_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "artist_follows"
input artist_follows_min_order_by {
artist_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "artist_follows"."""
input artist_follows_order_by {
artist: artists_order_by
artist_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
user: users_order_by
user_id: order_by
select columns of table "artist_follows"
enum artist_follows_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type artist_follows_stddev_fields {
id: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "artist_follows"
input artist_follows_stddev_order_by {
id: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type artist_follows_stddev_pop_fields {
id: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "artist_follows"
input artist_follows_stddev_pop_order_by {
id: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type artist_follows_stddev_samp_fields {
id: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "artist_follows"
input artist_follows_stddev_samp_order_by {
id: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type artist_follows_sum_fields {
id: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "artist_follows"
input artist_follows_sum_order_by {
id: order_by
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type artist_follows_var_pop_fields {
id: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "artist_follows"
input artist_follows_var_pop_order_by {
id: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type artist_follows_var_samp_fields {
id: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "artist_follows"
input artist_follows_var_samp_order_by {
id: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type artist_follows_variance_fields {
id: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "artist_follows"
input artist_follows_variance_order_by {
id: order_by
add artist_royalty_claims table
columns and relationships of "artist_royalty_claims"
type artist_royalty_claims {
created_at: timestamptz!
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "artist_royalty_claims". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input artist_royalty_claims_bool_exp {
_and: [artist_royalty_claims_bool_exp!]
_not: artist_royalty_claims_bool_exp
_or: [artist_royalty_claims_bool_exp!]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
input type for inserting data into table "artist_royalty_claims"
input artist_royalty_claims_insert_input {
applicant_name: String
artist_name: String
claim_state: royalty_claims_state_enum
created_at: timestamptz
email: String
id: uuid
phone_number: String
relationship_to_artist: String
social: String
updated_at: timestamptz
website: String
response of any mutation on the table "artist_royalty_claims"
type artist_royalty_claims_mutation_response {
"""number of rows affected by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data from the rows affected by the mutation"""
returning: [artist_royalty_claims!]!
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "artist_royalty_claims"."""
input artist_royalty_claims_order_by {
created_at: order_by
select columns of table "artist_royalty_claims"
enum artist_royalty_claims_select_column {
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "artists"
type artists {
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artists_albums_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artists_albums_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artists_albums_bool_exp
): [artists_albums!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artists_tracks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artists_tracks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artists_tracks_bool_exp
): [artists_tracks!]!
created_at: timestamptz
disabled: Boolean!
follower_count: numeric!
id: String!
image_large: String
image_small: String
last_auto_updated: timestamptz
name: String!
popularity: Int!
top_nfts_limit_show: numeric
type: String
updated_at: timestamptz
url: String
columns and relationships of "artists_albums"
type artists_albums {
"""An object relationship"""
album: albums!
album_id: String!
"""An object relationship"""
artist: artists!
artist_id: String!
created_at: timestamptz!
updated_at: timestamptz!
order by aggregate values of table "artists_albums"
input artists_albums_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: artists_albums_max_order_by
min: artists_albums_min_order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "artists_albums". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input artists_albums_bool_exp {
_and: [artists_albums_bool_exp!]
_not: artists_albums_bool_exp
_or: [artists_albums_bool_exp!]
album: albums_bool_exp
album_id: String_comparison_exp
artist: artists_bool_exp
artist_id: String_comparison_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
order by max() on columns of table "artists_albums"
input artists_albums_max_order_by {
album_id: order_by
artist_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
updated_at: order_by
order by min() on columns of table "artists_albums"
input artists_albums_min_order_by {
album_id: order_by
artist_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
updated_at: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "artists_albums"."""
input artists_albums_order_by {
album: albums_order_by
album_id: order_by
artist: artists_order_by
artist_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
updated_at: order_by
select columns of table "artists_albums"
enum artists_albums_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "artists". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input artists_bool_exp {
_and: [artists_bool_exp!]
_not: artists_bool_exp
_or: [artists_bool_exp!]
artists_albums: artists_albums_bool_exp
artists_tracks: artists_tracks_bool_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
disabled: Boolean_comparison_exp
follower_count: numeric_comparison_exp
id: String_comparison_exp
image_large: String_comparison_exp
image_small: String_comparison_exp
last_auto_updated: timestamptz_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
popularity: Int_comparison_exp
top_nfts_limit_show: numeric_comparison_exp
type: String_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
url: String_comparison_exp
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "artists"."""
input artists_order_by {
artists_albums_aggregate: artists_albums_aggregate_order_by
artists_tracks_aggregate: artists_tracks_aggregate_order_by
created_at: order_by
disabled: order_by
follower_count: order_by
id: order_by
image_large: order_by
image_small: order_by
last_auto_updated: order_by
name: order_by
popularity: order_by
top_nfts_limit_show: order_by
type: order_by
updated_at: order_by
url: order_by
select columns of table "artists"
enum artists_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "artists_tracks"
type artists_tracks {
"""An object relationship"""
artist: artists!
artist_id: String!
created_at: timestamptz!
"""An object relationship"""
track: tracks!
track_id: String!
updated_at: timestamptz!
order by aggregate values of table "artists_tracks"
input artists_tracks_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: artists_tracks_max_order_by
min: artists_tracks_min_order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "artists_tracks". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input artists_tracks_bool_exp {
_and: [artists_tracks_bool_exp!]
_not: artists_tracks_bool_exp
_or: [artists_tracks_bool_exp!]
artist: artists_bool_exp
artist_id: String_comparison_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
track: tracks_bool_exp
track_id: String_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
order by max() on columns of table "artists_tracks"
input artists_tracks_max_order_by {
artist_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
track_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
order by min() on columns of table "artists_tracks"
input artists_tracks_min_order_by {
artist_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
track_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "artists_tracks"."""
input artists_tracks_order_by {
artist: artists_order_by
artist_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
track: tracks_order_by
track_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
select columns of table "artists_tracks"
enum artists_tracks_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "auth.account_roles"
type auth_account_roles {
"""An object relationship"""
account: auth_accounts!
role: String!
order by aggregate values of table "auth.account_roles"
input auth_account_roles_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: auth_account_roles_max_order_by
min: auth_account_roles_min_order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "auth.account_roles". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input auth_account_roles_bool_exp {
_and: [auth_account_roles_bool_exp!]
_not: auth_account_roles_bool_exp
_or: [auth_account_roles_bool_exp!]
account: auth_accounts_bool_exp
role: String_comparison_exp
order by max() on columns of table "auth.account_roles"
input auth_account_roles_max_order_by {
role: order_by
order by min() on columns of table "auth.account_roles"
input auth_account_roles_min_order_by {
role: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "auth.account_roles"."""
input auth_account_roles_order_by {
account: auth_accounts_order_by
role: order_by
select columns of table "auth.account_roles"
enum auth_account_roles_select_column {
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "auth.accounts"
type auth_accounts {
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [auth_account_roles_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [auth_account_roles_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: auth_account_roles_bool_exp
): [auth_account_roles!]!
"""An object relationship"""
user: users!
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "auth.accounts". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input auth_accounts_bool_exp {
_and: [auth_accounts_bool_exp!]
_not: auth_accounts_bool_exp
_or: [auth_accounts_bool_exp!]
account_roles: auth_account_roles_bool_exp
user: users_bool_exp
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "auth.accounts"."""
input auth_accounts_order_by {
account_roles_aggregate: auth_account_roles_aggregate_order_by
user: users_order_by
input auth_filter_accounts_args {
ndays: String
scalar bigint
Boolean expression to compare columns of type "bigint". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input bigint_comparison_exp {
_eq: bigint
_gt: bigint
_gte: bigint
_in: [bigint!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: bigint
_lte: bigint
_neq: bigint
_nin: [bigint!]
columns and relationships of "blocks"
type blocks {
hash: bytea!
number: bigint!
timestamp: timestamp!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [token_transfers_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [token_transfers_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: token_transfers_bool_exp
): [token_transfers!]!
fetch data from the table: "transactions"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [transactions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [transactions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: transactions_bool_exp
): [transactions!]!
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "blocks". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input blocks_bool_exp {
_and: [blocks_bool_exp!]
_not: blocks_bool_exp
_or: [blocks_bool_exp!]
hash: bytea_comparison_exp
number: bigint_comparison_exp
timestamp: timestamp_comparison_exp
token_transfers: token_transfers_bool_exp
transactions: transactions_bool_exp
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "blocks"."""
input blocks_order_by {
hash: order_by
number: order_by
timestamp: order_by
token_transfers_aggregate: token_transfers_aggregate_order_by
transactions_aggregate: transactions_aggregate_order_by
select columns of table "blocks"
enum blocks_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
scalar bytea
Boolean expression to compare columns of type "bytea". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input bytea_comparison_exp {
_eq: bytea
_gt: bytea
_gte: bytea
_in: [bytea!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: bytea
_lte: bytea
_neq: bytea
_nin: [bytea!]
columns and relationships of "claim_free_nfts"
type claim_free_nfts {
added_at: timestamptz
"""An object relationship"""
artist: artists
artist_id: String
isrc: String
"""An object relationship"""
isrcByIsrc: isrcs
updated_at: timestamptz
"""An object relationship"""
user: users!
user_id: uuid!
order by aggregate values of table "claim_free_nfts"
input claim_free_nfts_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: claim_free_nfts_max_order_by
min: claim_free_nfts_min_order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "claim_free_nfts". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input claim_free_nfts_bool_exp {
_and: [claim_free_nfts_bool_exp!]
_not: claim_free_nfts_bool_exp
_or: [claim_free_nfts_bool_exp!]
added_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
artist: artists_bool_exp
artist_id: String_comparison_exp
isrc: String_comparison_exp
isrcByIsrc: isrcs_bool_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
user: users_bool_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
order by max() on columns of table "claim_free_nfts"
input claim_free_nfts_max_order_by {
added_at: order_by
artist_id: order_by
isrc: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
order by min() on columns of table "claim_free_nfts"
input claim_free_nfts_min_order_by {
added_at: order_by
artist_id: order_by
isrc: order_by
updated_at: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "claim_free_nfts"."""
input claim_free_nfts_order_by {
added_at: order_by
artist: artists_order_by
artist_id: order_by
isrc: order_by
isrcByIsrc: isrcs_order_by
updated_at: order_by
user: users_order_by
user_id: order_by
select columns of table "claim_free_nfts"
enum claim_free_nfts_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "config"
type config {
key: String!
"""JSON select path"""
path: String
): json!
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "config". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input config_bool_exp {
_and: [config_bool_exp!]
_not: config_bool_exp
_or: [config_bool_exp!]
key: String_comparison_exp
value: json_comparison_exp
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "config"."""
input config_order_by {
key: order_by
value: order_by
select columns of table "config"
enum config_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "countries"
type countries {
description: String!
value: String!
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "countries". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input countries_bool_exp {
_and: [countries_bool_exp!]
_not: countries_bool_exp
_or: [countries_bool_exp!]
description: String_comparison_exp
value: String_comparison_exp
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "countries"."""
input countries_order_by {
description: order_by
value: order_by
select columns of table "countries"
enum countries_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
add coupons table
columns and relationships of "coupons"
type coupons {
created_at: timestamptz!
description: String
fixed_discount: Int!
id: String!
percent_discount: Int!
"""JSON select path"""
path: String
): json!
updated_at: timestamptz!
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "coupons". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input coupons_bool_exp {
_and: [coupons_bool_exp!]
_not: coupons_bool_exp
_or: [coupons_bool_exp!]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
description: String_comparison_exp
fixed_discount: Int_comparison_exp
id: String_comparison_exp
percent_discount: Int_comparison_exp
rules: json_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "coupons"."""
input coupons_order_by {
created_at: order_by
description: order_by
fixed_discount: order_by
id: order_by
percent_discount: order_by
rules: order_by
updated_at: order_by
select columns of table "coupons"
enum coupons_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "early_access_emails"
type early_access_emails {
created_at: timestamptz!
email: String!
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "early_access_emails". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input early_access_emails_bool_exp {
_and: [early_access_emails_bool_exp!]
_not: early_access_emails_bool_exp
_or: [early_access_emails_bool_exp!]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
email: String_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "early_access_emails"
enum early_access_emails_constraint {
"""unique or primary key constraint"""
input type for inserting data into table "early_access_emails"
input early_access_emails_insert_input {
email: String
response of any mutation on the table "early_access_emails"
type early_access_emails_mutation_response {
"""number of rows affected by the mutation"""
affected_rows: Int!
"""data from the rows affected by the mutation"""
returning: [early_access_emails!]!
on conflict condition type for table "early_access_emails"
input early_access_emails_on_conflict {
constraint: early_access_emails_constraint!
update_columns: [early_access_emails_update_column!]! = []
where: early_access_emails_bool_exp
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "early_access_emails"."""
input early_access_emails_order_by {
created_at: order_by
email: order_by
"""primary key columns input for table: early_access_emails"""
input early_access_emails_pk_columns_input {
email: String!
select columns of table "early_access_emails"
enum early_access_emails_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
input type for updating data in table "early_access_emails"
input early_access_emails_set_input {
email: String
update columns of table "early_access_emails"
enum early_access_emails_update_column {
"""column name"""
input filter_nft_sale_auctions_args {
ndays: String
input filter_nft_sales_aftermarket_args {
ndays: String
input filter_nft_sales_new_args {
ndays: String
input get_track_with_lower_popularity_by_artist_id_for_search_args {
input_artist_id: String
columns and relationships of "hottest_sales"
type hottest_sales {
created_at: timestamptz!
id: uuid!
"""An object relationship"""
nft_sale: nft_sales!
order: Int!
sale_id: uuid!
updated_at: timestamptz!
order by aggregate values of table "hottest_sales"
input hottest_sales_aggregate_order_by {
avg: hottest_sales_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: hottest_sales_max_order_by
min: hottest_sales_min_order_by
stddev: hottest_sales_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: hottest_sales_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: hottest_sales_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: hottest_sales_sum_order_by
var_pop: hottest_sales_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: hottest_sales_var_samp_order_by
variance: hottest_sales_variance_order_by
order by avg() on columns of table "hottest_sales"
input hottest_sales_avg_order_by {
order: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "hottest_sales". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input hottest_sales_bool_exp {
_and: [hottest_sales_bool_exp!]
_not: hottest_sales_bool_exp
_or: [hottest_sales_bool_exp!]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
nft_sale: nft_sales_bool_exp
order: Int_comparison_exp
sale_id: uuid_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
order by max() on columns of table "hottest_sales"
input hottest_sales_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
order: order_by
sale_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
order by min() on columns of table "hottest_sales"
input hottest_sales_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
order: order_by
sale_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "hottest_sales"."""
input hottest_sales_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
nft_sale: nft_sales_order_by
order: order_by
sale_id: order_by
updated_at: order_by
select columns of table "hottest_sales"
enum hottest_sales_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
order by stddev() on columns of table "hottest_sales"
input hottest_sales_stddev_order_by {
order: order_by
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "hottest_sales"
input hottest_sales_stddev_pop_order_by {
order: order_by
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "hottest_sales"
input hottest_sales_stddev_samp_order_by {
order: order_by
order by sum() on columns of table "hottest_sales"
input hottest_sales_sum_order_by {
order: order_by
order by var_pop() on columns of table "hottest_sales"
input hottest_sales_var_pop_order_by {
order: order_by
order by var_samp() on columns of table "hottest_sales"
input hottest_sales_var_samp_order_by {
order: order_by
order by variance() on columns of table "hottest_sales"
input hottest_sales_variance_order_by {
order: order_by
columns and relationships of "isrcs"
type isrcs {
address: bytea
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [claim_free_nfts_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [claim_free_nfts_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: claim_free_nfts_bool_exp
): [claim_free_nfts!]!
description: String
isrc: String!
media_url: String
name: String
nft_art_large: String
nft_art_medium: String
nft_art_small: String
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): [nft_sales!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): nft_sales_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [accounting_payment_intent_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [accounting_payment_intent_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: accounting_payment_intent_bool_exp
): [accounting_payment_intent!]!
sort: Int
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tracks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tracks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tracks_bool_exp
): [tracks!]!
type: nft_type_enum!
updated_at: timestamptz
"""An object relationship"""
wallet: wallets
wallet_address: bytea
order by aggregate values of table "isrcs"
input isrcs_aggregate_order_by {
avg: isrcs_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: isrcs_max_order_by
min: isrcs_min_order_by
stddev: isrcs_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: isrcs_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: isrcs_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: isrcs_sum_order_by
var_pop: isrcs_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: isrcs_var_samp_order_by
variance: isrcs_variance_order_by
order by avg() on columns of table "isrcs"
input isrcs_avg_order_by {
sort: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "isrcs". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input isrcs_bool_exp {
_and: [isrcs_bool_exp!]
_not: isrcs_bool_exp
_or: [isrcs_bool_exp!]
address: bytea_comparison_exp
claim_free_nfts: claim_free_nfts_bool_exp
description: String_comparison_exp
isrc: String_comparison_exp
media_url: String_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
nft_art_large: String_comparison_exp
nft_art_medium: String_comparison_exp
nft_art_small: String_comparison_exp
nft_sales: nft_sales_bool_exp
payment_intents: accounting_payment_intent_bool_exp
sort: Int_comparison_exp
tracks: tracks_bool_exp
type: nft_type_enum_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
wallet: wallets_bool_exp
wallet_address: bytea_comparison_exp
order by max() on columns of table "isrcs"
input isrcs_max_order_by {
description: order_by
isrc: order_by
media_url: order_by
name: order_by
nft_art_large: order_by
nft_art_medium: order_by
nft_art_small: order_by
sort: order_by
updated_at: order_by
order by min() on columns of table "isrcs"
input isrcs_min_order_by {
description: order_by
isrc: order_by
media_url: order_by
name: order_by
nft_art_large: order_by
nft_art_medium: order_by
nft_art_small: order_by
sort: order_by
updated_at: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "isrcs"."""
input isrcs_order_by {
address: order_by
claim_free_nfts_aggregate: claim_free_nfts_aggregate_order_by
description: order_by
isrc: order_by
media_url: order_by
name: order_by
nft_art_large: order_by
nft_art_medium: order_by
nft_art_small: order_by
nft_sales_aggregate: nft_sales_aggregate_order_by
payment_intents_aggregate: accounting_payment_intent_aggregate_order_by
sort: order_by
tracks_aggregate: tracks_aggregate_order_by
type: order_by
updated_at: order_by
wallet: wallets_order_by
wallet_address: order_by
select columns of table "isrcs"
enum isrcs_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
order by stddev() on columns of table "isrcs"
input isrcs_stddev_order_by {
sort: order_by
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "isrcs"
input isrcs_stddev_pop_order_by {
sort: order_by
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "isrcs"
input isrcs_stddev_samp_order_by {
sort: order_by
order by sum() on columns of table "isrcs"
input isrcs_sum_order_by {
sort: order_by
order by var_pop() on columns of table "isrcs"
input isrcs_var_pop_order_by {
sort: order_by
order by var_samp() on columns of table "isrcs"
input isrcs_var_samp_order_by {
sort: order_by
order by variance() on columns of table "isrcs"
input isrcs_variance_order_by {
sort: order_by
scalar json
Boolean expression to compare columns of type "json". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input json_comparison_exp {
_eq: json
_gt: json
_gte: json
_in: [json!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: json
_lte: json
_neq: json
_nin: [json!]
columns and relationships of "leaderboard.most_profitable_by_isrc"
type leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc {
isrc: String!
"""An object relationship"""
isrcByIsrc: isrcs!
total: numeric!
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "leaderboard.most_profitable_by_isrc". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc_bool_exp {
_and: [leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc_bool_exp!]
_not: leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc_bool_exp
_or: [leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc_bool_exp!]
isrc: String_comparison_exp
isrcByIsrc: isrcs_bool_exp
total: numeric_comparison_exp
Ordering options when selecting data from "leaderboard.most_profitable_by_isrc".
input leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc_order_by {
isrc: order_by
isrcByIsrc: isrcs_order_by
total: order_by
select columns of table "leaderboard.most_profitable_by_isrc"
enum leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "leaderboard.most_spent_by_user"
type leaderboard_most_spent_by_user {
total: numeric!
"""An object relationship"""
user: users!
user_id: uuid!
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "leaderboard.most_spent_by_user". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input leaderboard_most_spent_by_user_bool_exp {
_and: [leaderboard_most_spent_by_user_bool_exp!]
_not: leaderboard_most_spent_by_user_bool_exp
_or: [leaderboard_most_spent_by_user_bool_exp!]
total: numeric_comparison_exp
user: users_bool_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
Ordering options when selecting data from "leaderboard.most_spent_by_user".
input leaderboard_most_spent_by_user_order_by {
total: order_by
user: users_order_by
user_id: order_by
select columns of table "leaderboard.most_spent_by_user"
enum leaderboard_most_spent_by_user_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "leaderboard.user_token_count"
type leaderboard_user_token_count {
total: bigint
"""An object relationship"""
user: users
user_id: uuid
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "leaderboard.user_token_count". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input leaderboard_user_token_count_bool_exp {
_and: [leaderboard_user_token_count_bool_exp!]
_not: leaderboard_user_token_count_bool_exp
_or: [leaderboard_user_token_count_bool_exp!]
total: bigint_comparison_exp
user: users_bool_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
Ordering options when selecting data from "leaderboard.user_token_count".
input leaderboard_user_token_count_order_by {
total: order_by
user: users_order_by
user_id: order_by
select columns of table "leaderboard.user_token_count"
enum leaderboard_user_token_count_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""mutation root"""
type mutation_root {
insert data into the table: "artist_royalty_claims"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [artist_royalty_claims_insert_input!]!
): artist_royalty_claims_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "artist_royalty_claims"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: artist_royalty_claims_insert_input!
): artist_royalty_claims
insert data into the table: "early_access_emails"
"""the rows to be inserted"""
objects: [early_access_emails_insert_input!]!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: early_access_emails_on_conflict
): early_access_emails_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "early_access_emails"
"""the row to be inserted"""
object: early_access_emails_insert_input!
"""on conflict condition"""
on_conflict: early_access_emails_on_conflict
): early_access_emails
update data of the table: "early_access_emails"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: early_access_emails_set_input
"""filter the rows which have to be updated"""
where: early_access_emails_bool_exp!
): early_access_emails_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "early_access_emails"
"""sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"""
_set: early_access_emails_set_input
pk_columns: early_access_emails_pk_columns_input!
): early_access_emails
columns and relationships of "nft_sale_auction_bids"
type nft_sale_auction_bids {
"""An object relationship"""
auctionById: nft_sale_auctions
bid: numeric!
created_at: timestamptz!
id: uuid!
"""An object relationship"""
nftSaleAuctionByNftSaleAuction: nft_sale_auctions!
nft_sale_auction: uuid!
"""An object relationship"""
user: users!
user_id: uuid!
aggregated selection of "nft_sale_auction_bids"
type nft_sale_auction_bids_aggregate {
aggregate: nft_sale_auction_bids_aggregate_fields
nodes: [nft_sale_auction_bids!]!
aggregate fields of "nft_sale_auction_bids"
type nft_sale_auction_bids_aggregate_fields {
avg: nft_sale_auction_bids_avg_fields
count(columns: [nft_sale_auction_bids_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int!
max: nft_sale_auction_bids_max_fields
min: nft_sale_auction_bids_min_fields
stddev: nft_sale_auction_bids_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: nft_sale_auction_bids_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: nft_sale_auction_bids_stddev_samp_fields
sum: nft_sale_auction_bids_sum_fields
var_pop: nft_sale_auction_bids_var_pop_fields
var_samp: nft_sale_auction_bids_var_samp_fields
variance: nft_sale_auction_bids_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "nft_sale_auction_bids"
input nft_sale_auction_bids_aggregate_order_by {
avg: nft_sale_auction_bids_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: nft_sale_auction_bids_max_order_by
min: nft_sale_auction_bids_min_order_by
stddev: nft_sale_auction_bids_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: nft_sale_auction_bids_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: nft_sale_auction_bids_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: nft_sale_auction_bids_sum_order_by
var_pop: nft_sale_auction_bids_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: nft_sale_auction_bids_var_samp_order_by
variance: nft_sale_auction_bids_variance_order_by
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type nft_sale_auction_bids_avg_fields {
bid: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "nft_sale_auction_bids"
input nft_sale_auction_bids_avg_order_by {
bid: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "nft_sale_auction_bids". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input nft_sale_auction_bids_bool_exp {
_and: [nft_sale_auction_bids_bool_exp!]
_not: nft_sale_auction_bids_bool_exp
_or: [nft_sale_auction_bids_bool_exp!]
auctionById: nft_sale_auctions_bool_exp
bid: numeric_comparison_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
nftSaleAuctionByNftSaleAuction: nft_sale_auctions_bool_exp
nft_sale_auction: uuid_comparison_exp
user: users_bool_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type nft_sale_auction_bids_max_fields {
bid: numeric
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
nft_sale_auction: uuid
user_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "nft_sale_auction_bids"
input nft_sale_auction_bids_max_order_by {
bid: order_by
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
nft_sale_auction: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type nft_sale_auction_bids_min_fields {
bid: numeric
created_at: timestamptz
id: uuid
nft_sale_auction: uuid
user_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "nft_sale_auction_bids"
input nft_sale_auction_bids_min_order_by {
bid: order_by
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
nft_sale_auction: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "nft_sale_auction_bids"."""
input nft_sale_auction_bids_order_by {
auctionById: nft_sale_auctions_order_by
bid: order_by
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
nftSaleAuctionByNftSaleAuction: nft_sale_auctions_order_by
nft_sale_auction: order_by
user: users_order_by
user_id: order_by
select columns of table "nft_sale_auction_bids"
enum nft_sale_auction_bids_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type nft_sale_auction_bids_stddev_fields {
bid: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "nft_sale_auction_bids"
input nft_sale_auction_bids_stddev_order_by {
bid: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type nft_sale_auction_bids_stddev_pop_fields {
bid: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "nft_sale_auction_bids"
input nft_sale_auction_bids_stddev_pop_order_by {
bid: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type nft_sale_auction_bids_stddev_samp_fields {
bid: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "nft_sale_auction_bids"
input nft_sale_auction_bids_stddev_samp_order_by {
bid: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type nft_sale_auction_bids_sum_fields {
bid: numeric
order by sum() on columns of table "nft_sale_auction_bids"
input nft_sale_auction_bids_sum_order_by {
bid: order_by
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type nft_sale_auction_bids_var_pop_fields {
bid: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "nft_sale_auction_bids"
input nft_sale_auction_bids_var_pop_order_by {
bid: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type nft_sale_auction_bids_var_samp_fields {
bid: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "nft_sale_auction_bids"
input nft_sale_auction_bids_var_samp_order_by {
bid: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type nft_sale_auction_bids_variance_fields {
bid: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "nft_sale_auction_bids"
input nft_sale_auction_bids_variance_order_by {
bid: order_by
columns and relationships of "nft_sale_auction_coupons"
type nft_sale_auction_coupons {
"""An object relationship"""
coupon: coupons!
coupon_id: String!
"""An object relationship"""
nft_sale: nft_sales!
nft_sale_id: uuid!
user_id: uuid!
order by aggregate values of table "nft_sale_auction_coupons"
input nft_sale_auction_coupons_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: nft_sale_auction_coupons_max_order_by
min: nft_sale_auction_coupons_min_order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "nft_sale_auction_coupons". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input nft_sale_auction_coupons_bool_exp {
_and: [nft_sale_auction_coupons_bool_exp!]
_not: nft_sale_auction_coupons_bool_exp
_or: [nft_sale_auction_coupons_bool_exp!]
coupon: coupons_bool_exp
coupon_id: String_comparison_exp
nft_sale: nft_sales_bool_exp
nft_sale_id: uuid_comparison_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
order by max() on columns of table "nft_sale_auction_coupons"
input nft_sale_auction_coupons_max_order_by {
coupon_id: order_by
nft_sale_id: order_by
user_id: order_by
order by min() on columns of table "nft_sale_auction_coupons"
input nft_sale_auction_coupons_min_order_by {
coupon_id: order_by
nft_sale_id: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "nft_sale_auction_coupons"."""
input nft_sale_auction_coupons_order_by {
coupon: coupons_order_by
coupon_id: order_by
nft_sale: nft_sales_order_by
nft_sale_id: order_by
user_id: order_by
select columns of table "nft_sale_auction_coupons"
enum nft_sale_auction_coupons_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "nft_sale_auctions"
type nft_sale_auctions {
created_at: timestamptz!
final_ended_at: timestamptz
id: uuid!
initial_ended_at: timestamptz
initial_price: numeric!
"""An object relationship"""
nft_sale: nft_sales
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_auction_bids_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_auction_bids_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_auction_bids_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_auction_bids!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_auction_bids_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_auction_bids_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_auction_bids_bool_exp
): nft_sale_auction_bids_aggregate!
started_at: timestamptz!
updated_at: timestamptz!
"""An object relationship"""
winning_bid: nft_sale_auction_bids
winning_bid_id: uuid
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "nft_sale_auctions". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input nft_sale_auctions_bool_exp {
_and: [nft_sale_auctions_bool_exp!]
_not: nft_sale_auctions_bool_exp
_or: [nft_sale_auctions_bool_exp!]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
final_ended_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
initial_ended_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
initial_price: numeric_comparison_exp
nft_sale: nft_sales_bool_exp
nft_sale_auction_bids: nft_sale_auction_bids_bool_exp
started_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
winning_bid: nft_sale_auction_bids_bool_exp
winning_bid_id: uuid_comparison_exp
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "nft_sale_auctions"."""
input nft_sale_auctions_order_by {
created_at: order_by
final_ended_at: order_by
id: order_by
initial_ended_at: order_by
initial_price: order_by
nft_sale: nft_sales_order_by
nft_sale_auction_bids_aggregate: nft_sale_auction_bids_aggregate_order_by
started_at: order_by
updated_at: order_by
winning_bid: nft_sale_auction_bids_order_by
winning_bid_id: order_by
select columns of table "nft_sale_auctions"
enum nft_sale_auctions_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "nft_sale_buy_nows"
type nft_sale_buy_nows {
id: uuid!
"""An object relationship"""
nft_sale: nft_sales
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): [nft_sales!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): nft_sales_aggregate!
price: numeric!
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "nft_sale_buy_nows". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input nft_sale_buy_nows_bool_exp {
_and: [nft_sale_buy_nows_bool_exp!]
_not: nft_sale_buy_nows_bool_exp
_or: [nft_sale_buy_nows_bool_exp!]
id: uuid_comparison_exp
nft_sale: nft_sales_bool_exp
nft_sales: nft_sales_bool_exp
price: numeric_comparison_exp
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "nft_sale_buy_nows"."""
input nft_sale_buy_nows_order_by {
id: order_by
nft_sale: nft_sales_order_by
nft_sales_aggregate: nft_sales_aggregate_order_by
price: order_by
select columns of table "nft_sale_buy_nows"
enum nft_sale_buy_nows_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "nft_sale_state"
type nft_sale_state {
description: String
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): [nft_sales!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): nft_sales_aggregate!
value: String!
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "nft_sale_state". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input nft_sale_state_bool_exp {
_and: [nft_sale_state_bool_exp!]
_not: nft_sale_state_bool_exp
_or: [nft_sale_state_bool_exp!]
description: String_comparison_exp
nft_sales: nft_sales_bool_exp
value: String_comparison_exp
enum nft_sale_state_enum {
"""1. Sales is currently avaliable to bid on or purchase"""
"""The payment gateway has confirmed the charge"""
"""4. Sale has been fully processed, transferred, and complete"""
"""2. Sale is waiting for purchase to be processed"""
"""3. Sale is waiting for blockchain transfer to complete"""
Boolean expression to compare columns of type "nft_sale_state_enum". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input nft_sale_state_enum_comparison_exp {
_eq: nft_sale_state_enum
_in: [nft_sale_state_enum!]
_is_null: Boolean
_neq: nft_sale_state_enum
_nin: [nft_sale_state_enum!]
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "nft_sale_state"."""
input nft_sale_state_order_by {
description: order_by
nft_sales_aggregate: nft_sales_aggregate_order_by
value: order_by
select columns of table "nft_sale_state"
enum nft_sale_state_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "nft_sale_type"
type nft_sale_type {
description: String!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): [nft_sales!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): nft_sales_aggregate!
value: String!
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "nft_sale_type". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input nft_sale_type_bool_exp {
_and: [nft_sale_type_bool_exp!]
_not: nft_sale_type_bool_exp
_or: [nft_sale_type_bool_exp!]
description: String_comparison_exp
nft_sales: nft_sales_bool_exp
value: String_comparison_exp
enum nft_sale_type_enum {
"""A sale to the highest bidder"""
"""A sale at a fixed price"""
Boolean expression to compare columns of type "nft_sale_type_enum". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input nft_sale_type_enum_comparison_exp {
_eq: nft_sale_type_enum
_in: [nft_sale_type_enum!]
_is_null: Boolean
_neq: nft_sale_type_enum
_nin: [nft_sale_type_enum!]
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "nft_sale_type"."""
input nft_sale_type_order_by {
description: order_by
nft_sales_aggregate: nft_sales_aggregate_order_by
value: order_by
select columns of table "nft_sale_type"
enum nft_sale_type_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
columns and relationships of "nft_sales"
type nft_sales {
auction: uuid
buy_now: uuid
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [accounting_charge_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [accounting_charge_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: accounting_charge_bool_exp
): [accounting_charge!]!
created_at: timestamptz!
created_by: uuid
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [hottest_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [hottest_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: hottest_sales_bool_exp
): [hottest_sales!]!
id: uuid!
isrc: String!
"""An object relationship"""
isrcByIsrc: isrcs!
"""An object relationship"""
nft_sale_auction: nft_sale_auctions
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_auction_coupons_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_auction_coupons_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_auction_coupons_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_auction_coupons!]!
"""An object relationship"""
nft_sale_buy_now: nft_sale_buy_nows
"""An object relationship"""
nft_sale_state: nft_sale_state!
"""An object relationship"""
nft_sale_type: nft_sale_type!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [accounting_payment_intent_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [accounting_payment_intent_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: accounting_payment_intent_bool_exp
): [accounting_payment_intent!]!
state: nft_sale_state_enum!
transaction_hash: bytea
type: nft_sale_type_enum!
"""An object relationship"""
user: users
aggregated selection of "nft_sales"
type nft_sales_aggregate {
aggregate: nft_sales_aggregate_fields
nodes: [nft_sales!]!
aggregate fields of "nft_sales"
type nft_sales_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [nft_sales_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int!
max: nft_sales_max_fields
min: nft_sales_min_fields
order by aggregate values of table "nft_sales"
input nft_sales_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: nft_sales_max_order_by
min: nft_sales_min_order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "nft_sales". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input nft_sales_bool_exp {
_and: [nft_sales_bool_exp!]
_not: nft_sales_bool_exp
_or: [nft_sales_bool_exp!]
auction: uuid_comparison_exp
buy_now: uuid_comparison_exp
charges: accounting_charge_bool_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
created_by: uuid_comparison_exp
hottest_sales: hottest_sales_bool_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
isrc: String_comparison_exp
isrcByIsrc: isrcs_bool_exp
nft_sale_auction: nft_sale_auctions_bool_exp
nft_sale_auction_coupons: nft_sale_auction_coupons_bool_exp
nft_sale_buy_now: nft_sale_buy_nows_bool_exp
nft_sale_state: nft_sale_state_bool_exp
nft_sale_type: nft_sale_type_bool_exp
payment_intents: accounting_payment_intent_bool_exp
state: nft_sale_state_enum_comparison_exp
transaction_hash: bytea_comparison_exp
type: nft_sale_type_enum_comparison_exp
user: users_bool_exp
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type nft_sales_max_fields {
auction: uuid
buy_now: uuid
created_at: timestamptz
created_by: uuid
id: uuid
isrc: String
order by max() on columns of table "nft_sales"
input nft_sales_max_order_by {
auction: order_by
buy_now: order_by
created_at: order_by
created_by: order_by
id: order_by
isrc: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type nft_sales_min_fields {
auction: uuid
buy_now: uuid
created_at: timestamptz
created_by: uuid
id: uuid
isrc: String
order by min() on columns of table "nft_sales"
input nft_sales_min_order_by {
auction: order_by
buy_now: order_by
created_at: order_by
created_by: order_by
id: order_by
isrc: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "nft_sales"."""
input nft_sales_order_by {
auction: order_by
buy_now: order_by
charges_aggregate: accounting_charge_aggregate_order_by
created_at: order_by
created_by: order_by
hottest_sales_aggregate: hottest_sales_aggregate_order_by
id: order_by
isrc: order_by
isrcByIsrc: isrcs_order_by
nft_sale_auction: nft_sale_auctions_order_by
nft_sale_auction_coupons_aggregate: nft_sale_auction_coupons_aggregate_order_by
nft_sale_buy_now: nft_sale_buy_nows_order_by
nft_sale_state: nft_sale_state_order_by
nft_sale_type: nft_sale_type_order_by
payment_intents_aggregate: accounting_payment_intent_aggregate_order_by
state: order_by
transaction_hash: order_by
type: order_by
user: users_order_by
columns and relationships of "nft_sales_popularity_desc"
type nft_sales_popularity_desc {
"""An object relationship"""
album: albums
album_id: String
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artists_tracks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artists_tracks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artists_tracks_bool_exp
): [artists_tracks!]!
auction: uuid
buy_now: uuid
created_by: uuid
disc_number: numeric
duration_ms: numeric
isrc: String
"""An object relationship"""
isrcByIsrc: isrcs
name: String
"""An object relationship"""
nft_sale_auction: nft_sale_auctions
"""An object relationship"""
nft_sale_buy_now: nft_sale_buy_nows
nft_sale_id: uuid
popularity: numeric
preview_url: String
state: String
track_id: String
track_number: numeric
transaction_hash: bytea
url: String
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "nft_sales_popularity_desc". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input nft_sales_popularity_desc_bool_exp {
_and: [nft_sales_popularity_desc_bool_exp!]
_not: nft_sales_popularity_desc_bool_exp
_or: [nft_sales_popularity_desc_bool_exp!]
album: albums_bool_exp
album_id: String_comparison_exp
artist_tracks: artists_tracks_bool_exp
auction: uuid_comparison_exp
buy_now: uuid_comparison_exp
created_by: uuid_comparison_exp
disc_number: numeric_comparison_exp
duration_ms: numeric_comparison_exp
isrc: String_comparison_exp
isrcByIsrc: isrcs_bool_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
nft_sale_auction: nft_sale_auctions_bool_exp
nft_sale_buy_now: nft_sale_buy_nows_bool_exp
nft_sale_id: uuid_comparison_exp
popularity: numeric_comparison_exp
preview_url: String_comparison_exp
state: String_comparison_exp
track_id: String_comparison_exp
track_number: numeric_comparison_exp
transaction_hash: bytea_comparison_exp
url: String_comparison_exp
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "nft_sales_popularity_desc"."""
input nft_sales_popularity_desc_order_by {
album: albums_order_by
album_id: order_by
artist_tracks_aggregate: artists_tracks_aggregate_order_by
auction: order_by
buy_now: order_by
created_by: order_by
disc_number: order_by
duration_ms: order_by
isrc: order_by
isrcByIsrc: isrcs_order_by
name: order_by
nft_sale_auction: nft_sale_auctions_order_by
nft_sale_buy_now: nft_sale_buy_nows_order_by
nft_sale_id: order_by
popularity: order_by
preview_url: order_by
state: order_by
track_id: order_by
track_number: order_by
transaction_hash: order_by
url: order_by
select columns of table "nft_sales_popularity_desc"
enum nft_sales_popularity_desc_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
select columns of table "nft_sales"
enum nft_sales_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
This Materialized View is for checking top collectors
columns and relationships of "nft_sales_users_artists_tracks"
type nft_sales_users_artists_tracks {
artist_id: String
isrc: String
username: String
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "nft_sales_users_artists_tracks". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input nft_sales_users_artists_tracks_bool_exp {
_and: [nft_sales_users_artists_tracks_bool_exp!]
_not: nft_sales_users_artists_tracks_bool_exp
_or: [nft_sales_users_artists_tracks_bool_exp!]
artist_id: String_comparison_exp
isrc: String_comparison_exp
username: String_comparison_exp
Ordering options when selecting data from "nft_sales_users_artists_tracks".
input nft_sales_users_artists_tracks_order_by {
artist_id: order_by
isrc: order_by
username: order_by
select columns of table "nft_sales_users_artists_tracks"
enum nft_sales_users_artists_tracks_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
enum nft_type_enum {
Boolean expression to compare columns of type "nft_type_enum". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input nft_type_enum_comparison_exp {
_eq: nft_type_enum
_in: [nft_type_enum!]
_is_null: Boolean
_neq: nft_type_enum
_nin: [nft_type_enum!]
scalar numeric
Boolean expression to compare columns of type "numeric". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input numeric_comparison_exp {
_eq: numeric
_gt: numeric
_gte: numeric
_in: [numeric!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: numeric
_lte: numeric
_neq: numeric
_nin: [numeric!]
"""column ordering options"""
enum order_by {
"""in ascending order, nulls last"""
"""in ascending order, nulls first"""
"""in ascending order, nulls last"""
"""in descending order, nulls first"""
"""in descending order, nulls first"""
"""in descending order, nulls last"""
type query_root {
fetch data from the table: "accounting.charge"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [accounting_charge_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [accounting_charge_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: accounting_charge_bool_exp
): [accounting_charge!]!
fetch data from the table: "accounting.payment_intent"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [accounting_payment_intent_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [accounting_payment_intent_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: accounting_payment_intent_bool_exp
): [accounting_payment_intent!]!
fetch data from the table: "albums"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [albums_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [albums_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: albums_bool_exp
): [albums!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "albums" using primary key columns"""
albums_by_pk(id: String!): albums
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artist_follows_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artist_follows_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artist_follows_bool_exp
): [artist_follows!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artist_follows_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artist_follows_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artist_follows_bool_exp
): artist_follows_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "artist_follows" using primary key columns"""
artist_follows_by_pk(id: bigint!): artist_follows
fetch data from the table: "artist_royalty_claims"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artist_royalty_claims_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artist_royalty_claims_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artist_royalty_claims_bool_exp
): [artist_royalty_claims!]!
fetch data from the table: "artists"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artists_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artists_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artists_bool_exp
): [artists!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artists_albums_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artists_albums_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artists_albums_bool_exp
): [artists_albums!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "artists_albums" using primary key columns"""
artists_albums_by_pk(album_id: String!, artist_id: String!): artists_albums
"""fetch data from the table: "artists" using primary key columns"""
artists_by_pk(id: String!): artists
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artists_tracks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artists_tracks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artists_tracks_bool_exp
): [artists_tracks!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "artists_tracks" using primary key columns"""
artists_tracks_by_pk(artist_id: String!, track_id: String!): artists_tracks
fetch data from the table: "auth.account_roles"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [auth_account_roles_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [auth_account_roles_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: auth_account_roles_bool_exp
): [auth_account_roles!]!
fetch data from the table: "auth.accounts"
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [auth_accounts_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: auth_accounts_bool_exp
): [auth_accounts!]!
execute function "auth.filter_accounts" which returns "auth.accounts"
input parameters for function "auth_filter_accounts"
args: auth_filter_accounts_args!
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [auth_accounts_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: auth_accounts_bool_exp
): [auth_accounts!]!
fetch data from the table: "blocks"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [blocks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [blocks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: blocks_bool_exp
): [blocks!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "blocks" using primary key columns"""
blocks_by_pk(hash: bytea!): blocks
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [claim_free_nfts_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [claim_free_nfts_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: claim_free_nfts_bool_exp
): [claim_free_nfts!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "claim_free_nfts" using primary key columns"""
claim_free_nfts_by_pk(user_id: uuid!): claim_free_nfts
fetch data from the table: "config"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [config_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [config_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: config_bool_exp
): [config!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "config" using primary key columns"""
config_by_pk(key: String!): config
fetch data from the table: "countries"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [countries_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [countries_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: countries_bool_exp
): [countries!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "countries" using primary key columns"""
countries_by_pk(value: String!): countries
fetch data from the table: "coupons"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [coupons_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [coupons_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: coupons_bool_exp
): [coupons!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "coupons" using primary key columns"""
coupons_by_pk(id: String!): coupons
fetch data from the table: "early_access_emails"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [early_access_emails_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [early_access_emails_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: early_access_emails_bool_exp
): [early_access_emails!]!
fetch data from the table: "early_access_emails" using primary key columns
early_access_emails_by_pk(email: String!): early_access_emails
execute function "filter_nft_sale_auctions" which returns "nft_sale_auctions"
input parameters for function "filter_nft_sale_auctions"
args: filter_nft_sale_auctions_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_auctions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_auctions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_auctions_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_auctions!]!
execute function "filter_nft_sales_aftermarket" which returns "nft_sales"
input parameters for function "filter_nft_sales_aftermarket"
args: filter_nft_sales_aftermarket_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): [nft_sales!]!
execute function "filter_nft_sales_aftermarket" and query aggregates on result of table type "nft_sales"
input parameters for function "filter_nft_sales_aftermarket_aggregate"
args: filter_nft_sales_aftermarket_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): nft_sales_aggregate!
execute function "filter_nft_sales_new" which returns "nft_sales"
input parameters for function "filter_nft_sales_new"
args: filter_nft_sales_new_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): [nft_sales!]!
execute function "filter_nft_sales_new" and query aggregates on result of table type "nft_sales"
input parameters for function "filter_nft_sales_new_aggregate"
args: filter_nft_sales_new_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): nft_sales_aggregate!
execute function "get_nft_sales_popularity_desc" which returns "nft_sales_popularity_desc"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_popularity_desc_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_popularity_desc_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_popularity_desc_bool_exp
): [nft_sales_popularity_desc!]!
execute function "get_track_with_lower_popularity_by_artist_id_for_search" which returns "tracks"
input parameters for function "get_track_with_lower_popularity_by_artist_id_for_search"
args: get_track_with_lower_popularity_by_artist_id_for_search_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tracks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tracks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tracks_bool_exp
): [tracks!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [hottest_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [hottest_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: hottest_sales_bool_exp
): [hottest_sales!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "hottest_sales" using primary key columns"""
hottest_sales_by_pk(id: uuid!): hottest_sales
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [isrcs_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [isrcs_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: isrcs_bool_exp
): [isrcs!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "isrcs" using primary key columns"""
isrcs_by_pk(isrc: String!): isrcs
fetch data from the table: "leaderboard.most_profitable_by_isrc"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc_bool_exp
): [leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc!]!
fetch data from the table: "leaderboard.most_profitable_by_isrc" using primary key columns
leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc_by_pk(isrc: String!): leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc
fetch data from the table: "leaderboard.most_spent_by_user"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [leaderboard_most_spent_by_user_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [leaderboard_most_spent_by_user_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: leaderboard_most_spent_by_user_bool_exp
): [leaderboard_most_spent_by_user!]!
fetch data from the table: "leaderboard.most_spent_by_user" using primary key columns
leaderboard_most_spent_by_user_by_pk(user_id: uuid!): leaderboard_most_spent_by_user
fetch data from the table: "leaderboard.user_token_count"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [leaderboard_user_token_count_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [leaderboard_user_token_count_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: leaderboard_user_token_count_bool_exp
): [leaderboard_user_token_count!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_auction_bids_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_auction_bids_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_auction_bids_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_auction_bids!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_auction_bids_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_auction_bids_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_auction_bids_bool_exp
): nft_sale_auction_bids_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_auction_bids" using primary key columns
nft_sale_auction_bids_by_pk(id: uuid!): nft_sale_auction_bids
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_auction_coupons_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_auction_coupons_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_auction_coupons_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_auction_coupons!]!
fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_auctions"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_auctions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_auctions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_auctions_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_auctions!]!
fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_auctions" using primary key columns
nft_sale_auctions_by_pk(id: uuid!): nft_sale_auctions
fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_buy_nows"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_buy_nows_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_buy_nows_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_buy_nows_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_buy_nows!]!
fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_buy_nows" using primary key columns
nft_sale_buy_nows_by_pk(id: uuid!): nft_sale_buy_nows
fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_state"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_state_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_state_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_state_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_state!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_state" using primary key columns"""
nft_sale_state_by_pk(value: String!): nft_sale_state
fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_type"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_type_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_type_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_type_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_type!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_type" using primary key columns"""
nft_sale_type_by_pk(value: String!): nft_sale_type
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): [nft_sales!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): nft_sales_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "nft_sales" using primary key columns"""
nft_sales_by_pk(id: uuid!): nft_sales
fetch data from the table: "nft_sales_popularity_desc"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_popularity_desc_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_popularity_desc_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_popularity_desc_bool_exp
): [nft_sales_popularity_desc!]!
fetch data from the table: "nft_sales_users_artists_tracks"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_users_artists_tracks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_users_artists_tracks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_users_artists_tracks_bool_exp
): [nft_sales_users_artists_tracks!]!
execute function "search_albums" which returns "albums"
input parameters for function "search_albums"
args: search_albums_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [albums_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [albums_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: albums_bool_exp
): [albums!]!
execute function "search_artists" which returns "artists"
input parameters for function "search_artists"
args: search_artists_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artists_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artists_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artists_bool_exp
): [artists!]!
execute function "search_tracks" which returns "tracks"
input parameters for function "search_tracks"
args: search_tracks_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tracks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tracks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tracks_bool_exp
): [tracks!]!
execute function "search_users" which returns "users"
input parameters for function "search_users"
args: search_users_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: users_bool_exp
): [users!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [token_transfers_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [token_transfers_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: token_transfers_bool_exp
): [token_transfers!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "token_transfers" using primary key columns"""
token_transfers_by_pk(block_hash: bytea!, log_index: Int!, transaction_hash: bytea!): token_transfers
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [track_subscriptions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [track_subscriptions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: track_subscriptions_bool_exp
): [track_subscriptions!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [track_subscriptions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [track_subscriptions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: track_subscriptions_bool_exp
): track_subscriptions_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "track_subscriptions" using primary key columns
track_subscriptions_by_pk(id: bigint!): track_subscriptions
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tracks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tracks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tracks_bool_exp
): [tracks!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "tracks" using primary key columns"""
tracks_by_pk(id: String!): tracks
fetch data from the table: "transactions"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [transactions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [transactions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: transactions_bool_exp
): [transactions!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "transactions" using primary key columns"""
transactions_by_pk(hash: bytea!): transactions
fetch data from the table: "users"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: users_bool_exp
): [users!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "users" using primary key columns"""
users_by_pk(id: uuid!): users
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [wallets_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [wallets_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: wallets_bool_exp
): [wallets!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "wallets" using primary key columns"""
wallets_by_pk(id: uuid!): wallets
enum royalty_claims_state_enum {
input search_albums_args {
nlimit: Int
query: String
input search_artists_args {
nlimit: Int
query: String
input search_tracks_args {
nlimit: Int
query: String
input search_users_args {
nlimit: Int
query: String
type subscription_root {
fetch data from the table: "accounting.charge"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [accounting_charge_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [accounting_charge_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: accounting_charge_bool_exp
): [accounting_charge!]!
fetch data from the table: "accounting.payment_intent"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [accounting_payment_intent_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [accounting_payment_intent_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: accounting_payment_intent_bool_exp
): [accounting_payment_intent!]!
fetch data from the table: "albums"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [albums_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [albums_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: albums_bool_exp
): [albums!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "albums" using primary key columns"""
albums_by_pk(id: String!): albums
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artist_follows_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artist_follows_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artist_follows_bool_exp
): [artist_follows!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artist_follows_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artist_follows_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artist_follows_bool_exp
): artist_follows_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "artist_follows" using primary key columns"""
artist_follows_by_pk(id: bigint!): artist_follows
fetch data from the table: "artist_royalty_claims"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artist_royalty_claims_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artist_royalty_claims_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artist_royalty_claims_bool_exp
): [artist_royalty_claims!]!
fetch data from the table: "artists"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artists_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artists_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artists_bool_exp
): [artists!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artists_albums_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artists_albums_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artists_albums_bool_exp
): [artists_albums!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "artists_albums" using primary key columns"""
artists_albums_by_pk(album_id: String!, artist_id: String!): artists_albums
"""fetch data from the table: "artists" using primary key columns"""
artists_by_pk(id: String!): artists
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artists_tracks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artists_tracks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artists_tracks_bool_exp
): [artists_tracks!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "artists_tracks" using primary key columns"""
artists_tracks_by_pk(artist_id: String!, track_id: String!): artists_tracks
fetch data from the table: "auth.account_roles"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [auth_account_roles_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [auth_account_roles_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: auth_account_roles_bool_exp
): [auth_account_roles!]!
fetch data from the table: "auth.accounts"
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [auth_accounts_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: auth_accounts_bool_exp
): [auth_accounts!]!
execute function "auth.filter_accounts" which returns "auth.accounts"
input parameters for function "auth_filter_accounts"
args: auth_filter_accounts_args!
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [auth_accounts_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: auth_accounts_bool_exp
): [auth_accounts!]!
fetch data from the table: "blocks"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [blocks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [blocks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: blocks_bool_exp
): [blocks!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "blocks" using primary key columns"""
blocks_by_pk(hash: bytea!): blocks
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [claim_free_nfts_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [claim_free_nfts_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: claim_free_nfts_bool_exp
): [claim_free_nfts!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "claim_free_nfts" using primary key columns"""
claim_free_nfts_by_pk(user_id: uuid!): claim_free_nfts
fetch data from the table: "config"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [config_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [config_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: config_bool_exp
): [config!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "config" using primary key columns"""
config_by_pk(key: String!): config
fetch data from the table: "countries"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [countries_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [countries_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: countries_bool_exp
): [countries!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "countries" using primary key columns"""
countries_by_pk(value: String!): countries
fetch data from the table: "coupons"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [coupons_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [coupons_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: coupons_bool_exp
): [coupons!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "coupons" using primary key columns"""
coupons_by_pk(id: String!): coupons
fetch data from the table: "early_access_emails"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [early_access_emails_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [early_access_emails_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: early_access_emails_bool_exp
): [early_access_emails!]!
fetch data from the table: "early_access_emails" using primary key columns
early_access_emails_by_pk(email: String!): early_access_emails
execute function "filter_nft_sale_auctions" which returns "nft_sale_auctions"
input parameters for function "filter_nft_sale_auctions"
args: filter_nft_sale_auctions_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_auctions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_auctions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_auctions_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_auctions!]!
execute function "filter_nft_sales_aftermarket" which returns "nft_sales"
input parameters for function "filter_nft_sales_aftermarket"
args: filter_nft_sales_aftermarket_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): [nft_sales!]!
execute function "filter_nft_sales_aftermarket" and query aggregates on result of table type "nft_sales"
input parameters for function "filter_nft_sales_aftermarket_aggregate"
args: filter_nft_sales_aftermarket_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): nft_sales_aggregate!
execute function "filter_nft_sales_new" which returns "nft_sales"
input parameters for function "filter_nft_sales_new"
args: filter_nft_sales_new_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): [nft_sales!]!
execute function "filter_nft_sales_new" and query aggregates on result of table type "nft_sales"
input parameters for function "filter_nft_sales_new_aggregate"
args: filter_nft_sales_new_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): nft_sales_aggregate!
execute function "get_nft_sales_popularity_desc" which returns "nft_sales_popularity_desc"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_popularity_desc_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_popularity_desc_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_popularity_desc_bool_exp
): [nft_sales_popularity_desc!]!
execute function "get_track_with_lower_popularity_by_artist_id_for_search" which returns "tracks"
input parameters for function "get_track_with_lower_popularity_by_artist_id_for_search"
args: get_track_with_lower_popularity_by_artist_id_for_search_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tracks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tracks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tracks_bool_exp
): [tracks!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [hottest_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [hottest_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: hottest_sales_bool_exp
): [hottest_sales!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "hottest_sales" using primary key columns"""
hottest_sales_by_pk(id: uuid!): hottest_sales
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [isrcs_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [isrcs_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: isrcs_bool_exp
): [isrcs!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "isrcs" using primary key columns"""
isrcs_by_pk(isrc: String!): isrcs
fetch data from the table: "leaderboard.most_profitable_by_isrc"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc_bool_exp
): [leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc!]!
fetch data from the table: "leaderboard.most_profitable_by_isrc" using primary key columns
leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc_by_pk(isrc: String!): leaderboard_most_profitable_by_isrc
fetch data from the table: "leaderboard.most_spent_by_user"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [leaderboard_most_spent_by_user_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [leaderboard_most_spent_by_user_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: leaderboard_most_spent_by_user_bool_exp
): [leaderboard_most_spent_by_user!]!
fetch data from the table: "leaderboard.most_spent_by_user" using primary key columns
leaderboard_most_spent_by_user_by_pk(user_id: uuid!): leaderboard_most_spent_by_user
fetch data from the table: "leaderboard.user_token_count"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [leaderboard_user_token_count_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [leaderboard_user_token_count_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: leaderboard_user_token_count_bool_exp
): [leaderboard_user_token_count!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_auction_bids_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_auction_bids_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_auction_bids_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_auction_bids!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_auction_bids_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_auction_bids_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_auction_bids_bool_exp
): nft_sale_auction_bids_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_auction_bids" using primary key columns
nft_sale_auction_bids_by_pk(id: uuid!): nft_sale_auction_bids
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_auction_coupons_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_auction_coupons_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_auction_coupons_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_auction_coupons!]!
fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_auctions"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_auctions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_auctions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_auctions_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_auctions!]!
fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_auctions" using primary key columns
nft_sale_auctions_by_pk(id: uuid!): nft_sale_auctions
fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_buy_nows"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_buy_nows_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_buy_nows_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_buy_nows_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_buy_nows!]!
fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_buy_nows" using primary key columns
nft_sale_buy_nows_by_pk(id: uuid!): nft_sale_buy_nows
fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_state"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_state_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_state_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_state_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_state!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_state" using primary key columns"""
nft_sale_state_by_pk(value: String!): nft_sale_state
fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_type"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_type_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_type_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_type_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_type!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "nft_sale_type" using primary key columns"""
nft_sale_type_by_pk(value: String!): nft_sale_type
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): [nft_sales!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): nft_sales_aggregate!
"""fetch data from the table: "nft_sales" using primary key columns"""
nft_sales_by_pk(id: uuid!): nft_sales
fetch data from the table: "nft_sales_popularity_desc"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_popularity_desc_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_popularity_desc_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_popularity_desc_bool_exp
): [nft_sales_popularity_desc!]!
fetch data from the table: "nft_sales_users_artists_tracks"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_users_artists_tracks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_users_artists_tracks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_users_artists_tracks_bool_exp
): [nft_sales_users_artists_tracks!]!
execute function "search_albums" which returns "albums"
input parameters for function "search_albums"
args: search_albums_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [albums_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [albums_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: albums_bool_exp
): [albums!]!
execute function "search_artists" which returns "artists"
input parameters for function "search_artists"
args: search_artists_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artists_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artists_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artists_bool_exp
): [artists!]!
execute function "search_tracks" which returns "tracks"
input parameters for function "search_tracks"
args: search_tracks_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tracks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tracks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tracks_bool_exp
): [tracks!]!
execute function "search_users" which returns "users"
input parameters for function "search_users"
args: search_users_args!
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: users_bool_exp
): [users!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [token_transfers_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [token_transfers_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: token_transfers_bool_exp
): [token_transfers!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "token_transfers" using primary key columns"""
token_transfers_by_pk(block_hash: bytea!, log_index: Int!, transaction_hash: bytea!): token_transfers
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [track_subscriptions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [track_subscriptions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: track_subscriptions_bool_exp
): [track_subscriptions!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [track_subscriptions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [track_subscriptions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: track_subscriptions_bool_exp
): track_subscriptions_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "track_subscriptions" using primary key columns
track_subscriptions_by_pk(id: bigint!): track_subscriptions
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [tracks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [tracks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: tracks_bool_exp
): [tracks!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "tracks" using primary key columns"""
tracks_by_pk(id: String!): tracks
fetch data from the table: "transactions"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [transactions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [transactions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: transactions_bool_exp
): [transactions!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "transactions" using primary key columns"""
transactions_by_pk(hash: bytea!): transactions
fetch data from the table: "users"
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: users_bool_exp
): [users!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "users" using primary key columns"""
users_by_pk(id: uuid!): users
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [wallets_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [wallets_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: wallets_bool_exp
): [wallets!]!
"""fetch data from the table: "wallets" using primary key columns"""
wallets_by_pk(id: uuid!): wallets
scalar timestamp
Boolean expression to compare columns of type "timestamp". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input timestamp_comparison_exp {
_eq: timestamp
_gt: timestamp
_gte: timestamp
_in: [timestamp!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: timestamp
_lte: timestamp
_neq: timestamp
_nin: [timestamp!]
scalar timestamptz
Boolean expression to compare columns of type "timestamptz". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input timestamptz_comparison_exp {
_eq: timestamptz
_gt: timestamptz
_gte: timestamptz
_in: [timestamptz!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: timestamptz
_lte: timestamptz
_neq: timestamptz
_nin: [timestamptz!]
columns and relationships of "token_transfers"
type token_transfers {
amount: numeric
"""An object relationship"""
block: blocks!
block_hash: bytea!
block_number: Int
from_address_hash: bytea!
log_index: Int!
to_address_hash: bytea!
token_contract_address_hash: bytea!
token_id: numeric
"""An object relationship"""
transaction: transactions!
transaction_hash: bytea!
order by aggregate values of table "token_transfers"
input token_transfers_aggregate_order_by {
avg: token_transfers_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: token_transfers_max_order_by
min: token_transfers_min_order_by
stddev: token_transfers_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: token_transfers_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: token_transfers_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: token_transfers_sum_order_by
var_pop: token_transfers_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: token_transfers_var_samp_order_by
variance: token_transfers_variance_order_by
order by avg() on columns of table "token_transfers"
input token_transfers_avg_order_by {
amount: order_by
block_number: order_by
log_index: order_by
token_id: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "token_transfers". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input token_transfers_bool_exp {
_and: [token_transfers_bool_exp!]
_not: token_transfers_bool_exp
_or: [token_transfers_bool_exp!]
amount: numeric_comparison_exp
block: blocks_bool_exp
block_hash: bytea_comparison_exp
block_number: Int_comparison_exp
from_address_hash: bytea_comparison_exp
log_index: Int_comparison_exp
to_address_hash: bytea_comparison_exp
token_contract_address_hash: bytea_comparison_exp
token_id: numeric_comparison_exp
transaction: transactions_bool_exp
transaction_hash: bytea_comparison_exp
order by max() on columns of table "token_transfers"
input token_transfers_max_order_by {
amount: order_by
block_number: order_by
log_index: order_by
token_id: order_by
order by min() on columns of table "token_transfers"
input token_transfers_min_order_by {
amount: order_by
block_number: order_by
log_index: order_by
token_id: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "token_transfers"."""
input token_transfers_order_by {
amount: order_by
block: blocks_order_by
block_hash: order_by
block_number: order_by
from_address_hash: order_by
log_index: order_by
to_address_hash: order_by
token_contract_address_hash: order_by
token_id: order_by
transaction: transactions_order_by
transaction_hash: order_by
select columns of table "token_transfers"
enum token_transfers_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
order by stddev() on columns of table "token_transfers"
input token_transfers_stddev_order_by {
amount: order_by
block_number: order_by
log_index: order_by
token_id: order_by
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "token_transfers"
input token_transfers_stddev_pop_order_by {
amount: order_by
block_number: order_by
log_index: order_by
token_id: order_by
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "token_transfers"
input token_transfers_stddev_samp_order_by {
amount: order_by
block_number: order_by
log_index: order_by
token_id: order_by
order by sum() on columns of table "token_transfers"
input token_transfers_sum_order_by {
amount: order_by
block_number: order_by
log_index: order_by
token_id: order_by
order by var_pop() on columns of table "token_transfers"
input token_transfers_var_pop_order_by {
amount: order_by
block_number: order_by
log_index: order_by
token_id: order_by
order by var_samp() on columns of table "token_transfers"
input token_transfers_var_samp_order_by {
amount: order_by
block_number: order_by
log_index: order_by
token_id: order_by
order by variance() on columns of table "token_transfers"
input token_transfers_variance_order_by {
amount: order_by
block_number: order_by
log_index: order_by
token_id: order_by
add track_subscriptions table
columns and relationships of "track_subscriptions"
type track_subscriptions {
created_at: timestamptz!
id: bigint!
"""An object relationship"""
track: tracks!
track_id: String!
"""An object relationship"""
user: users!
user_id: uuid!
aggregated selection of "track_subscriptions"
type track_subscriptions_aggregate {
aggregate: track_subscriptions_aggregate_fields
nodes: [track_subscriptions!]!
aggregate fields of "track_subscriptions"
type track_subscriptions_aggregate_fields {
avg: track_subscriptions_avg_fields
count(columns: [track_subscriptions_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int!
max: track_subscriptions_max_fields
min: track_subscriptions_min_fields
stddev: track_subscriptions_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: track_subscriptions_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: track_subscriptions_stddev_samp_fields
sum: track_subscriptions_sum_fields
var_pop: track_subscriptions_var_pop_fields
var_samp: track_subscriptions_var_samp_fields
variance: track_subscriptions_variance_fields
order by aggregate values of table "track_subscriptions"
input track_subscriptions_aggregate_order_by {
avg: track_subscriptions_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: track_subscriptions_max_order_by
min: track_subscriptions_min_order_by
stddev: track_subscriptions_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: track_subscriptions_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: track_subscriptions_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: track_subscriptions_sum_order_by
var_pop: track_subscriptions_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: track_subscriptions_var_samp_order_by
variance: track_subscriptions_variance_order_by
"""aggregate avg on columns"""
type track_subscriptions_avg_fields {
id: Float
order by avg() on columns of table "track_subscriptions"
input track_subscriptions_avg_order_by {
id: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "track_subscriptions". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input track_subscriptions_bool_exp {
_and: [track_subscriptions_bool_exp!]
_not: track_subscriptions_bool_exp
_or: [track_subscriptions_bool_exp!]
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
id: bigint_comparison_exp
track: tracks_bool_exp
track_id: String_comparison_exp
user: users_bool_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
"""aggregate max on columns"""
type track_subscriptions_max_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
id: bigint
track_id: String
user_id: uuid
order by max() on columns of table "track_subscriptions"
input track_subscriptions_max_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
track_id: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""aggregate min on columns"""
type track_subscriptions_min_fields {
created_at: timestamptz
id: bigint
track_id: String
user_id: uuid
order by min() on columns of table "track_subscriptions"
input track_subscriptions_min_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
track_id: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "track_subscriptions"."""
input track_subscriptions_order_by {
created_at: order_by
id: order_by
track: tracks_order_by
track_id: order_by
user: users_order_by
user_id: order_by
select columns of table "track_subscriptions"
enum track_subscriptions_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""aggregate stddev on columns"""
type track_subscriptions_stddev_fields {
id: Float
order by stddev() on columns of table "track_subscriptions"
input track_subscriptions_stddev_order_by {
id: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_pop on columns"""
type track_subscriptions_stddev_pop_fields {
id: Float
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "track_subscriptions"
input track_subscriptions_stddev_pop_order_by {
id: order_by
"""aggregate stddev_samp on columns"""
type track_subscriptions_stddev_samp_fields {
id: Float
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "track_subscriptions"
input track_subscriptions_stddev_samp_order_by {
id: order_by
"""aggregate sum on columns"""
type track_subscriptions_sum_fields {
id: bigint
order by sum() on columns of table "track_subscriptions"
input track_subscriptions_sum_order_by {
id: order_by
"""aggregate var_pop on columns"""
type track_subscriptions_var_pop_fields {
id: Float
order by var_pop() on columns of table "track_subscriptions"
input track_subscriptions_var_pop_order_by {
id: order_by
"""aggregate var_samp on columns"""
type track_subscriptions_var_samp_fields {
id: Float
order by var_samp() on columns of table "track_subscriptions"
input track_subscriptions_var_samp_order_by {
id: order_by
"""aggregate variance on columns"""
type track_subscriptions_variance_fields {
id: Float
order by variance() on columns of table "track_subscriptions"
input track_subscriptions_variance_order_by {
id: order_by
columns and relationships of "tracks"
type tracks {
"""An object relationship"""
album: albums
album_id: String
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artists_tracks_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artists_tracks_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artists_tracks_bool_exp
): [artists_tracks!]!
created_at: timestamptz
disc_number: numeric
duration_ms: numeric
ean: String
id: String!
is_blocked: timestamptz
isrc: String
"""An object relationship"""
isrcByIsrc: isrcs
last_auto_updated: timestamptz
name: String!
popularity: numeric
preview_url: String
track_number: numeric
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [track_subscriptions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [track_subscriptions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: track_subscriptions_bool_exp
): [track_subscriptions!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [track_subscriptions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [track_subscriptions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: track_subscriptions_bool_exp
): track_subscriptions_aggregate!
type: String
upc: String
updated_at: timestamptz
url: String!
order by aggregate values of table "tracks"
input tracks_aggregate_order_by {
avg: tracks_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: tracks_max_order_by
min: tracks_min_order_by
stddev: tracks_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: tracks_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: tracks_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: tracks_sum_order_by
var_pop: tracks_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: tracks_var_samp_order_by
variance: tracks_variance_order_by
order by avg() on columns of table "tracks"
input tracks_avg_order_by {
disc_number: order_by
duration_ms: order_by
popularity: order_by
track_number: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "tracks". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input tracks_bool_exp {
_and: [tracks_bool_exp!]
_not: tracks_bool_exp
_or: [tracks_bool_exp!]
album: albums_bool_exp
album_id: String_comparison_exp
artists_tracks: artists_tracks_bool_exp
created_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
disc_number: numeric_comparison_exp
duration_ms: numeric_comparison_exp
ean: String_comparison_exp
id: String_comparison_exp
is_blocked: timestamptz_comparison_exp
isrc: String_comparison_exp
isrcByIsrc: isrcs_bool_exp
last_auto_updated: timestamptz_comparison_exp
name: String_comparison_exp
popularity: numeric_comparison_exp
preview_url: String_comparison_exp
track_number: numeric_comparison_exp
track_subscriptions: track_subscriptions_bool_exp
type: String_comparison_exp
upc: String_comparison_exp
updated_at: timestamptz_comparison_exp
url: String_comparison_exp
order by max() on columns of table "tracks"
input tracks_max_order_by {
album_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
disc_number: order_by
duration_ms: order_by
ean: order_by
id: order_by
is_blocked: order_by
isrc: order_by
last_auto_updated: order_by
name: order_by
popularity: order_by
preview_url: order_by
track_number: order_by
type: order_by
upc: order_by
updated_at: order_by
url: order_by
order by min() on columns of table "tracks"
input tracks_min_order_by {
album_id: order_by
created_at: order_by
disc_number: order_by
duration_ms: order_by
ean: order_by
id: order_by
is_blocked: order_by
isrc: order_by
last_auto_updated: order_by
name: order_by
popularity: order_by
preview_url: order_by
track_number: order_by
type: order_by
upc: order_by
updated_at: order_by
url: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "tracks"."""
input tracks_order_by {
album: albums_order_by
album_id: order_by
artists_tracks_aggregate: artists_tracks_aggregate_order_by
created_at: order_by
disc_number: order_by
duration_ms: order_by
ean: order_by
id: order_by
is_blocked: order_by
isrc: order_by
isrcByIsrc: isrcs_order_by
last_auto_updated: order_by
name: order_by
popularity: order_by
preview_url: order_by
track_number: order_by
track_subscriptions_aggregate: track_subscriptions_aggregate_order_by
type: order_by
upc: order_by
updated_at: order_by
url: order_by
select columns of table "tracks"
enum tracks_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
order by stddev() on columns of table "tracks"
input tracks_stddev_order_by {
disc_number: order_by
duration_ms: order_by
popularity: order_by
track_number: order_by
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "tracks"
input tracks_stddev_pop_order_by {
disc_number: order_by
duration_ms: order_by
popularity: order_by
track_number: order_by
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "tracks"
input tracks_stddev_samp_order_by {
disc_number: order_by
duration_ms: order_by
popularity: order_by
track_number: order_by
order by sum() on columns of table "tracks"
input tracks_sum_order_by {
disc_number: order_by
duration_ms: order_by
popularity: order_by
track_number: order_by
order by var_pop() on columns of table "tracks"
input tracks_var_pop_order_by {
disc_number: order_by
duration_ms: order_by
popularity: order_by
track_number: order_by
order by var_samp() on columns of table "tracks"
input tracks_var_samp_order_by {
disc_number: order_by
duration_ms: order_by
popularity: order_by
track_number: order_by
order by variance() on columns of table "tracks"
input tracks_variance_order_by {
disc_number: order_by
duration_ms: order_by
popularity: order_by
track_number: order_by
columns and relationships of "transactions"
type transactions {
"""An object relationship"""
block: blocks
block_hash: bytea
created_contract_address_hash: bytea
from_address_hash: bytea!
hash: bytea!
index: Int
to_address_hash: bytea
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [token_transfers_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [token_transfers_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: token_transfers_bool_exp
): [token_transfers!]!
value: numeric!
order by aggregate values of table "transactions"
input transactions_aggregate_order_by {
avg: transactions_avg_order_by
count: order_by
max: transactions_max_order_by
min: transactions_min_order_by
stddev: transactions_stddev_order_by
stddev_pop: transactions_stddev_pop_order_by
stddev_samp: transactions_stddev_samp_order_by
sum: transactions_sum_order_by
var_pop: transactions_var_pop_order_by
var_samp: transactions_var_samp_order_by
variance: transactions_variance_order_by
order by avg() on columns of table "transactions"
input transactions_avg_order_by {
index: order_by
value: order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "transactions". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input transactions_bool_exp {
_and: [transactions_bool_exp!]
_not: transactions_bool_exp
_or: [transactions_bool_exp!]
block: blocks_bool_exp
block_hash: bytea_comparison_exp
created_contract_address_hash: bytea_comparison_exp
from_address_hash: bytea_comparison_exp
hash: bytea_comparison_exp
index: Int_comparison_exp
to_address_hash: bytea_comparison_exp
token_transfers: token_transfers_bool_exp
value: numeric_comparison_exp
order by max() on columns of table "transactions"
input transactions_max_order_by {
index: order_by
value: order_by
order by min() on columns of table "transactions"
input transactions_min_order_by {
index: order_by
value: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "transactions"."""
input transactions_order_by {
block: blocks_order_by
block_hash: order_by
created_contract_address_hash: order_by
from_address_hash: order_by
hash: order_by
index: order_by
to_address_hash: order_by
token_transfers_aggregate: token_transfers_aggregate_order_by
value: order_by
select columns of table "transactions"
enum transactions_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
order by stddev() on columns of table "transactions"
input transactions_stddev_order_by {
index: order_by
value: order_by
order by stddev_pop() on columns of table "transactions"
input transactions_stddev_pop_order_by {
index: order_by
value: order_by
order by stddev_samp() on columns of table "transactions"
input transactions_stddev_samp_order_by {
index: order_by
value: order_by
order by sum() on columns of table "transactions"
input transactions_sum_order_by {
index: order_by
value: order_by
order by var_pop() on columns of table "transactions"
input transactions_var_pop_order_by {
index: order_by
value: order_by
order by var_samp() on columns of table "transactions"
input transactions_var_samp_order_by {
index: order_by
value: order_by
order by variance() on columns of table "transactions"
input transactions_variance_order_by {
index: order_by
value: order_by
columns and relationships of "users"
type users {
"""An object relationship"""
account: auth_accounts
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artist_follows_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artist_follows_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artist_follows_bool_exp
): [artist_follows!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [artist_follows_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [artist_follows_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: artist_follows_bool_exp
): artist_follows_aggregate!
avatar_url: String
banner_url: String
id: uuid!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_auction_bids_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_auction_bids_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_auction_bids_bool_exp
): [nft_sale_auction_bids!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sale_auction_bids_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sale_auction_bids_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sale_auction_bids_bool_exp
): nft_sale_auction_bids_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): [nft_sales!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [nft_sales_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [nft_sales_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: nft_sales_bool_exp
): nft_sales_aggregate!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [accounting_payment_intent_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [accounting_payment_intent_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: accounting_payment_intent_bool_exp
): [accounting_payment_intent!]!
"""An object relationship"""
referred_by_user: users
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [track_subscriptions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [track_subscriptions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: track_subscriptions_bool_exp
): [track_subscriptions!]!
"""An aggregate relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [track_subscriptions_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [track_subscriptions_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: track_subscriptions_bool_exp
): track_subscriptions_aggregate!
username: String
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [users_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [users_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: users_bool_exp
): [users!]!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [wallets_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [wallets_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: wallets_bool_exp
): [wallets!]!
order by aggregate values of table "users"
input users_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: users_max_order_by
min: users_min_order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "users". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input users_bool_exp {
_and: [users_bool_exp!]
_not: users_bool_exp
_or: [users_bool_exp!]
account: auth_accounts_bool_exp
artist_follows: artist_follows_bool_exp
avatar_url: String_comparison_exp
banner_url: String_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
listing_bids: nft_sale_auction_bids_bool_exp
nft_sales: nft_sales_bool_exp
payment_intents: accounting_payment_intent_bool_exp
referred_by_user: users_bool_exp
track_subscriptions: track_subscriptions_bool_exp
username: String_comparison_exp
users_referred: users_bool_exp
wallets: wallets_bool_exp
order by max() on columns of table "users"
input users_max_order_by {
avatar_url: order_by
banner_url: order_by
id: order_by
username: order_by
order by min() on columns of table "users"
input users_min_order_by {
avatar_url: order_by
banner_url: order_by
id: order_by
username: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "users"."""
input users_order_by {
account: auth_accounts_order_by
artist_follows_aggregate: artist_follows_aggregate_order_by
avatar_url: order_by
banner_url: order_by
id: order_by
listing_bids_aggregate: nft_sale_auction_bids_aggregate_order_by
nft_sales_aggregate: nft_sales_aggregate_order_by
payment_intents_aggregate: accounting_payment_intent_aggregate_order_by
referred_by_user: users_order_by
track_subscriptions_aggregate: track_subscriptions_aggregate_order_by
username: order_by
users_referred_aggregate: users_aggregate_order_by
wallets_aggregate: wallets_aggregate_order_by
select columns of table "users"
enum users_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
scalar uuid
Boolean expression to compare columns of type "uuid". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input uuid_comparison_exp {
_eq: uuid
_gt: uuid
_gte: uuid
_in: [uuid!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: uuid
_lte: uuid
_neq: uuid
_nin: [uuid!]
columns and relationships of "wallets"
type wallets {
address: bytea
blockchain_type: String
id: uuid!
"""An array relationship"""
"""distinct select on columns"""
distinct_on: [isrcs_select_column!]
"""limit the number of rows returned"""
limit: Int
"""skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by"""
offset: Int
"""sort the rows by one or more columns"""
order_by: [isrcs_order_by!]
"""filter the rows returned"""
where: isrcs_bool_exp
): [isrcs!]!
"""An object relationship"""
user: users
user_id: uuid
order by aggregate values of table "wallets"
input wallets_aggregate_order_by {
count: order_by
max: wallets_max_order_by
min: wallets_min_order_by
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "wallets". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input wallets_bool_exp {
_and: [wallets_bool_exp!]
_not: wallets_bool_exp
_or: [wallets_bool_exp!]
address: bytea_comparison_exp
blockchain_type: String_comparison_exp
id: uuid_comparison_exp
isrcs: isrcs_bool_exp
user: users_bool_exp
user_id: uuid_comparison_exp
order by max() on columns of table "wallets"
input wallets_max_order_by {
blockchain_type: order_by
id: order_by
user_id: order_by
order by min() on columns of table "wallets"
input wallets_min_order_by {
blockchain_type: order_by
id: order_by
user_id: order_by
"""Ordering options when selecting data from "wallets"."""
input wallets_order_by {
address: order_by
blockchain_type: order_by
id: order_by
isrcs_aggregate: isrcs_aggregate_order_by
user: users_order_by
user_id: order_by
select columns of table "wallets"
enum wallets_select_column {
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
"""column name"""
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