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Created December 8, 2015 16:56
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# Copyright 2015 Abhijeet Kumar ,Anurag Ghosh, Vatika Harlalka
# Graph Diffusion Techniques
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
import csv
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.linalg
from scipy.sparse import csgraph
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import chi2_kernel, rbf_kernel
import weighted_kappa as own_wp
from sklearn.lda import LDA
# similarity measures
# Remember --> similarity is inversely proportional to distance measure
def gaussian_kernel(X):
X --> The feature set of essays, of size N * D
exp(-|x - y|**2) for all x and y belonging to rows(X)
This is the guassian similarity measure.
s = 100
pairwise_dists = -1 * squareform(pdist(X, 'euclidean'))**2
return scipy.exp(pairwise_dists / s ** 2)
def linear_kernel(X):
X --> The feature set of essays, of size N * D
1/|x - y| for all x and y belonging to rows(X)
This is the linear similarity measure.
All output[i,j] equal to NaN and inf are set to 0.0
pairwise_dists = 1/squareform(pdist(X, 'euclidean'))
nan_idx = np.isnan(pairwise_dists)
pairwise_dists[pairwise_dists == -np.inf] = 0.0
pairwise_dists[pairwise_dists == +np.inf] = 0.0
pairwise_dists[nan_idx] = 0.0
return pairwise_dists
class graph_diffusion():
Weak Supervision Method to classify using spectral graph
analysis on a transducive setup and parameterized similarity
measure between two essays.
def __init__(self,range_min,range_max,similarity_measure,neighbourhood="exponential"):
range_min --> minimum range of marks awarded
range_max --> maximum range of marks awarded
similarity_measure --> the kernel that is to be used.
Preferably a one-one mapping.
neighbourhood --> can be either "exponential" or "average" or "stochastic"
neighbourhood means that the scaling used in diffusion
follows the specified curve and method.
"average" <- Takes the average of all the predicted values.
"exponential" <- A weighted average of the values is taken with weights
as e^-i where i is the i'th iteration of the heat matrix.
"stochastic" <- The value is chosen among the values with a
probability of e^-i where i is the i'th iteration
of the heat matrix.
self.range_min = range_min
self.range_max = range_max
self.similarity_measure = similarity_measure
self.neighbourhood = neighbourhood
def calculate_degree_matrix(self,W):
W --> The similarity measure of the points pairwise taken.
Can be interpreted as a graph.
D --> The degree matrix of the graph W.
return np.diag(sum(W.T))
#make the similarity matrix sparisified
#manifold learning
#SVD computation
def sparsify(self,W,k,sparse_type):
W---> complete adjacency matrix calclulated using some similarity measure
k---> numner of nearest neighbors to consider
sparse_type---> k-nearest neighbor(0) or mutual k nerest neighbour(1) or completely_connected(2)(no sparsification)
S---> sparisified graph using k-nearest neighbors
i.e maximum k values in each rows are kept and rest reduced to zero
as accepted this will resuklt in directed version of the graph
to circumvent this we use :
k nearest neighbour :: connect if edge is in top k neighbor of any connecting node
mutual k nearest neighbour :: connect if edge is in top k neighbor of both the connecting nodes
if sparse_type == 2:
return W
shape = np.shape(W)
S = np.zeros(shape)
T = np.fliplr(np.sort(W,1))
for i in xrange(0,shape[0]):
for j in xrange(0,k):
temp = T[i,j]
locations = np.where(W[i]==temp)
for m in xrange(0,len(locations)):
loc = locations[m]
S[i,loc[0]] = temp
if sparse_type == 0:
S[loc[0],i] = temp
if sparse_type == 0:
return S
#mutual k nearest neighbor not working :: something wrong in csgraph.laplacian() function :: says not positive semim definite "not possible"
M = (S + S.T) /2
for i in xrange(0,shape[0]):
for j in xrange(0,shape[1]):
if M[i,j] != S[i,j]:
S[i,j] = 0
if i!=j and M[i,j]!=0:
print i,j
for i in xrange(0,10):
print S[a,b]
if (S==S.T).all():
print "haan"
print S'''
return S
# graph adjacenvy matrix formulation
def formulate_graph_laplacian(self,X):
X --> The feature set of essays, of size N * D
L --> Laplacian Matrix of the graph formed by the essay set X.
We form the graph W from X by computing the similarity
between x and y for all x and y belonging to X
Then we find the degree matrix D of W, which is a diagonal
Laplacian L is defined as
L = D - W
Normalized Laplacian is defined as
l_norm = D^(-1/2)*L*D^(-1/2)
Normalized Laplacian are known to work marginally better
than in graph diffusion.
D --> The degree matrix D of W
W = self.similarity_measure(X)
W = self.sparsify(W,75,0)
D = self.calculate_degree_matrix(W)
#return D-W,D
return csgraph.laplacian(W, normed=True), D
def train(self,x_train,x_test,y_train):
x_train --> The training samples.
x_test --> The testing samples.
y_train --> The ground truth of the training samples.
E_val --> The eigenvalues of the generalized eigen equation
of the form
L*X = (lambda)D*X
where L is the graph laplacian and D is the
Degree Matrix of the graph formed by the points in
both the training set and the testing set.
E_vec --> The eigenvectors in the aformentioned eigen equation.
Y --> n*l(no of categories) matrix. A column has values 1, -1, 0
for present, not present and unknown.
Remark - The formulation is transducive,
ie. the training set and the test
set is known at the time of training.
Impl. Remark - scipy.linalg.eigh is used instead of
scipy.linalg.eig because D is diagonal matrix
self.test_size = len(x_test)
self.train_size = len(y_train)
self.dim = self.range_max - self.range_min + 1
self.Y = np.zeros((self.train_size + self.test_size, self.dim))
rng = [ val for val in xrange(0, self.dim) ]
for itx in xrange(0, len(y_train)):
self.Y[itx, rng] = -1
self.Y[itx,int(y_train[itx])-range_min] = 1 # Subtract to compensate for non zero range start (refer self.predict)
self.X = np.concatenate((x_train,x_test),0)
self.L,self.D = self.formulate_graph_laplacian(self.X)
[self.E_val,self.E_vec_U] = scipy.linalg.eigh(self.L,self.D)
def exp_neighbourhood(self,Z):
Z --> The heat matrix at different time scales stored row wise.
Weighted average of all the predicted values with weights
as e^-i where i is the i'th iteration of the heat matrix.
ans = np.zeros(self.test_size)
weighted_denom = 0
for i in xrange(0,self.itr):
weighted_denom += scipy.exp(-1*i)
ans += scipy.exp(-1*i)*Z[:,i]
return np.round(ans/weighted_denom)
def average_neighbourhood(self,Z):
Z --> The heat matrix at different time scales stored row wise.
Average of all the predicted values.
return np.round(sum(Z.T)/self.itr)
def stochastic_neighbourhood(self, Z):
Z --> The heat matrix at different time scales stored row wise.
Randomly chosen value from set of predicted values (in a column)
with probability as e^-i where i is the i'th iteration
of the heat matrix.
Should converge to "exp_voting" method given enough iterations.
weights = [scipy.exp(-1*i) for i in xrange(0,self.itr)]
weights = weights/sum(weights)
ans = np.zeros(self.test_size)
for i in xrange(0,self.test_size):
ans[i] = np.random.choice(Z[i,:], p=weights)
return ans
def predict(self):
Input: (indirect)
x_test --> The testing samples. However, as the setup is
transducive, we need x_test during training.
Voted values of prediction over the various heat matrix of
different times as defined by
t = k*(a^i) with k and a as consts, and i as iteration.
and heat matrix is defined as
H(t) = E_vec*exp(-1*E_val*t)*transpose(E_vec)
where E_vec and E_val are the eigenvalues & eigenvectors of the
generalized eigen equation of the form L*X = (lambda)D*X with
L being the graph laplacian and D being the degree matrix.
Then the diffused values are computed by
Y(t) = H(t)*Y(0)
where Y(0) is the n*l(no of categories) matrix. A column has values 1, -1, 0
for present, not present and unknown.
Find the maximum over a row of Y(t) to find the classification wrt to Y(t).
Now, use neighbourhood diffusion to find the final classification estimate
from Y(t) for all t, for the x_test, ie. y_pred.
Maximum voting is used here to predict.
Small t implies local diffusion.
Large t implies global diffusion.
self.itr = 5
Z = np.zeros((self.test_size,self.itr))
for i in xrange(0,self.itr):
t = 0.000000001*(100**i)
temp = scipy.exp(-self.E_val*t)
H1 =,np.diag(temp)),self.E_vec_U.T)
Y1 =,self.Y)
Z1 = np.zeros(self.test_size)
for j in xrange(self.train_size,len(Y1)): # Only the unlabeled (x_test) is labeled
max_ind = np.argmax(Y1[j,:])
Z1[j - self.train_size] = max_ind + self.range_min # Sum to compensate for non zero range start (refer self.train)
Z[:,i] = Z1
if self.neighbourhood == "exponential":
return self.exp_neighbourhood(Z)
elif self.neighbourhood == "average":
return self.average_neighbourhood(Z)
elif self.neighbourhood == "stochastic":
return self.stochastic_neighbourhood(Z)
raise BaseException("Unsupported Voting Measure")
class k_fold_cross_validation(object):
def __init__(self,k,stat_class,x_train,y_train,range_min,range_max,similarity_measure):
self.k_cross = float(k)
self.stat_class = stat_class
self.x_train = x_train
self.y_train = y_train
self.values = []
self.range_min = range_min
self.range_max = range_max
self.similarity_measure = similarity_measure
def execute(self):
kf = KFold(len(self.x_train), n_folds=self.k_cross)
own_kappa = []
for train_idx, test_idx in kf:
x_train, x_test = self.x_train[train_idx], self.x_train[test_idx]
y_train, y_test = self.y_train[train_idx], self.y_train[test_idx]
stat_obj = self.stat_class(range_min=range_min,range_max=range_max, \
similarity_measure=self.similarity_measure, \
neighbourhood="exponential") # reflection bitches
y_pred = np.matrix(stat_obj.predict()).T
cohen_kappa_rating = own_wp.quadratic_weighted_kappa(y_test,y_pred,\
return str(sum(self.values)/self.k_cross)
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in [1,3,4,5,6]: #to change after feature extraction done for all sets
# training data
train_data = []
with open('./Data/features_'+str(i)+'.csv','r') as in_file:
csv_content = list(csv.reader(in_file,delimiter=','))
for row in csv_content:
header = train_data[0]
train_data = train_data[1:] #clip the header
train_data = np.matrix(train_data,dtype='float64')
Y_train = train_data[:,2].copy() #actual_values
X_train = train_data[:,2:].copy() #actual_data with random bias units
m = np.size(X_train,axis=0)
X_train[:,0] = np.ones((m,1)) #bias units modified
cross_valid_k = 5
range_max = range_min = 0
if i == 1:
range_min = 2
range_max = 12
elif i == 3 or i == 4:
range_max = 3
elif i == 5 or i == 6:
range_max = 4
dim_red = LDA()
X_train = dim_red.fit_transform(X_train, Y_train)
diffusion_k_cross = k_fold_cross_validation(cross_valid_k, \
graph_diffusion, X_train,Y_train, \
print diffusion_k_cross.execute()
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