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Save hamaluik/412e2109a5f5fbcf12e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple Haxe Profiler
package ;
import haxe.ds.StringMap;
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
import haxe.macro.Printer;
import haxe.macro.Type.ClassType;
import neko.Lib;
using haxe.macro.ExprTools;
typedef MethodProfile = {
var calls:Int;
var startTime:Float;
var elapsedTime:Float;
class Profiler
* An internal tool for determining the fully-qualified-name of a class
* @param cls a macro classtype
* @return the fully-qualified-name of the class
private static function getFullClassName(cls:ClassType):String
return (cls.pack.length > 0 ? cls.pack.join(".") + "." : "") +;
private static var lastWasReturn:Bool = false;
private static var clsName:String = "";
private static var methodName:String = "";
* This is a recursive function which will tunnel into a function's expressions and replace any
* occurrances of a return expression with a custom profiling return expressions
* @param expr the expression to recursively search through
* @return the transformed expression
private static function remapReturn(expr:Expr):Expr
lastWasReturn = false;
case EReturn(retExpr):
lastWasReturn = true;
if (retExpr == null)
return macro {
Profiler.endProfile($v { clsName }, $v { methodName } );
return macro {
var ___tempProfilingReturnValue = ${retExpr};
Profiler.endProfile($v { clsName }, $v { methodName } );
return ___tempProfilingReturnValue;
case _:
return, remapReturn);
* This function, when used in a build macro, will inject profiling code at the beginning
* and ending of each function. Call using a build macro such as:
* @:build(Profiler.profile())
* class SomeClass {
* ...
* }
macro public static function profile():Array<Field>
// get the fields of the class
var fields:Array<Field> = Context.getBuildFields();
var printer:Printer = new Printer();
// and the fully qualified class name
clsName = getFullClassName(Context.getLocalClass().get());
// loop through each field to find the methods
for (field in fields)
// yay, found a method!
case FFun(func):
// get the name of the method
methodName =;
// prepend the start code to the function
func.expr = macro {
Profiler.startProfile($v { clsName }, $v { methodName } );
$ { func.expr };
// start the recursive expression transformation
lastWasReturn = false;
func.expr = remapReturn(func.expr);
if (!lastWasReturn)
func.expr = macro {
$ { func.expr };
Profiler.endProfile($v { clsName }, $v { methodName } );
// skip properties and variables
default: { };
return fields;
private static var profiles:StringMap<StringMap<MethodProfile>> = new StringMap<StringMap<MethodProfile>>();
* Reset all the profiling information. Doing this before reading / printing the information will
* cause all the data collected since the beginning (or last reset) to be lost
public static function reset()
profiles = new StringMap<StringMap<MethodProfile>>();
* Called at the start of a function to record when in time the method was called. This must always
* be called BEFORE an endProfile() call is made
* @param className the fully-qualified class name of the method's class
* @param methodName the name of the method being profiled
public static function startProfile(className:String, methodName:String)
// make sure the profiles exist
if (!profiles.exists(className))
profiles.set(className, new StringMap<MethodProfile>());
if (!profiles.get(className).exists(methodName))
profiles.get(className).set(methodName, { calls: 0, startTime: 0, elapsedTime: 0 } );
profiles.get(className).get(methodName).startTime = Sys.cpuTime();
Lib.println("> Starting " + className + "." + methodName);
* Called at the end of a function to calculate the method's execution time. This must always
* be called AFTER a startProfile() call
* @param className the fully-qualified class name of the method's class
* @param methodName the name of the method being profiled
public static function endProfile(className:String, methodName:String)
var t:Float = Sys.cpuTime();
if (!profiles.exists(className) || !profiles.get(className).exists(methodName))
throw "EndProfile was called on a function that was never started!";
profiles.get(className).get(methodName).elapsedTime += t - profiles.get(className).get(methodName).startTime;
Lib.println("< Ending " + className + "." + methodName);
* Just a utility function to print the profiling data, separated by class.
public static function printProfiles():Void
var totalTime:Float = 0;
for (className in profiles.keys())
var classTime:Float = 0;
Lib.println(className + ":");
for (methodName in profiles.get(className).keys())
Lib.println(" ." + methodName + ": " + profiles.get(className).get(methodName).elapsedTime + "s (" + profiles.get(className).get(methodName).calls + " calls)");
classTime += profiles.get(className).get(methodName).elapsedTime;
Lib.println(" ---");
Lib.println(" " + classTime + "s");
totalTime += classTime;
Lib.println("Total time: " + totalTime + "s");
package ;
import haxe.macro.Printer;
import neko.Lib;
class Main
static function main()
var worker:Worker = new Worker();
Lib.println("w/ 0: " + worker.doSomethingElse(0));
Lib.println("w/ 1: " + worker.doSomethingElse(1));
Lib.println("w/ 2: " + worker.doSomethingElse(2));
Lib.println("w/ 3: " + worker.doSomethingElse(3));
Lib.println("w/ 4: " + worker.doSomethingElse(4));
Lib.println("w/ 5: " + worker.doSomethingElse(5));
> Starting
< Ending
> Starting Worker.doSomething
< Ending Worker.doSomething
> Starting Worker.derp
< Ending Worker.derp
> Starting Worker.doSomethingElse
< Ending Worker.doSomethingElse
w/ 0: 0
> Starting Worker.doSomethingElse
< Ending Worker.doSomethingElse
w/ 1: 1
> Starting Worker.doSomethingElse
< Ending Worker.doSomethingElse
w/ 2: 2
> Starting Worker.doSomethingElse
< Ending Worker.doSomethingElse
w/ 3: 3
> Starting Worker.doSomethingElse
< Ending Worker.doSomethingElse
w/ 4: 4
> Starting Worker.doSomethingElse
< Ending Worker.doSomethingElse
w/ 5: 4
.new: 0s (1 calls)
.doSomething: 0.046875s (1 calls)
.derp: 0s (1 calls)
.doSomethingElse: 0s (6 calls)
package ;
import neko.Lib;
class Worker
public function new()
public function doSomething():Void
var q:Float = 0;
for (i in 0...1000000)
q += 3.14159;
public function doSomethingElse(x:Int):Float
if (x == 0)
return 0;
else if (x == 1)
throw "derp";
catch (exc:String) { return 1; }
case 2:
return 2;
case 3:
return 3;
return 4;
public function derp():String return "herp";
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hamaluik commented Apr 1, 2015

Thanks @pshtif, you're totally right! I didn't know about the ExprTools (specifically the map capability). I've updated the gist to reflect your changes.

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Great recommendation @pshtif!

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I tried this on a php project and I found two issues:

  1. remapReturn should also have a case for EThrow expressions to make it handle exits via exceptions
  2. remapReturn should be inside a #if macro … #end condition, to make sure haxe does not try to compile it to target (you get an Class<haxe.macro.Context> has no field makeExpr error for every $v)

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