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Created December 15, 2023 07:38
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Hello, everyone, and welcome to this course
on Modern Application Development.
So, what we are going to do now is to have a sort
of lightning overview of the topic of JavaScript.
So I want to be very clear about one thing. This
is not meant to be a tutorial on JavaScript. It
is not sufficient to really get you to the point
where you can write code in JavaScript. I will not
even be showing you how to run a JavaScript
piece of code in a browser, for example.
But JavaScript as a language is
sufficiently similar to other
programming languages that you can pick
up, the syntax itself through other means.
The main focus over here is going to be on sort of
what are its capabilities, what can you do with it
and why is it needed in the first place.
So, let us take a moment to understand what
is JavaScript, to start with. So if you go
look at the Wikipedia page for JavaScript,
for example, you will see that it is a high level
language. What does high level language mean?
For those of you who have done some amount of
programming you would know that you can have
languages at different levels.
In particular there is the so called assembly
language, which is used, which is pretty much the
direct machine instructions used by a processor.
Above that you have languages
like C, which are usually called
low to intermediate level languages. So
C is not really a low level language,
assembly is a low level language. C is still
called a high level language but it definitely
ranks a bit lower on the scale than some
other languages like Python for example.
Why is that? Because there are many
things that are very strict about C.
I mean it allows you to only, you have to
declare variables in a certain way, you have to,
you are directly sort of manipulating pointers in
the memory of the system and so on. The good part
about it is it gives you fine grain control
over what is happening inside the system.
The bad part is very often you should
not have that kind of fine grain control
because it is not good, it does not
play well with an operating system
it makes it difficult for someone else to write
with, work with your program and so on.
A higher level language would be something like
Python or MATLAB where we are talking about
much higher levels of abstraction. I
can actually think about arrays or lists
as being a first class data type in Python.
I do not even think about int versus float
and so on. They are all there inside
Python but I just talk about numbers.
I can declare a variable or rather I can use
a variable without even needing to declare it,
and the Python interpreter will
pretty much figure out what type it is
and do whatever is needed in order to make things
work. So that something called dynamic typing.
So, Python, for example, is a
high level programming language
it also has object orientation. You
have this concept of classes and so on.
JavaScript in that sense is very similar. It
has dynamic typing it has object orientation.
This object orientation in JavaScript is based
on something called prototypes rather than
the regular class based
inheritance that we talk about.
It is not necessary to know too much detail
about that to start with. If you are interested,
of course, you can read more about it
but it does not make too much difference
to how you use the language unless you
start getting into details of that.
So, the bottom line is it is a high
level programming language. JavaScript,
similar to Python, has concepts of lists or
arrays, it has dictionaries so that you can have
what are called associative arrays or dictionaries
or maps, which make it very easy to create
really complicated data structures.
So, once you have that it means that you can
very easily start constructing things like trees
or graphs or various other things just by having
different kinds of objects
referencing each other.
Now in addition to that the Wikipedia page
also says that JavaScript is a multi-paradigm
language. So what does multi-paradigm mean?
A paradigm is a way of thinking about things.
And what that means is a programming
language like C usually falls in this
class of languages that are called imperative.
And imperative means that you pretty much write
out functions to do each and every step that you
want, and you call those functions one by one,
you basically specify each of them in the order in
which it is to be done. So a C program you pretty
much read it from top to bottom and that is pretty
much the order in which it gets executed.
Now that is essentially one way by which you
can use JavaScript. You can directly define
functions, you can define procedures,
you can call them one after the other,
and yes, JavaScript will work fine that way.
On the other hand, there is also this concept of
what is called functional programs, and in
functional programs they are based on sort
of the mathematical theory of functions.
There are a whole bunch of languages that
are designed around this. One of the most famous
original ones was called Lisp. And nowadays you
might come across terms like Haskell or Ocaml,
which are also strongly functional languages.
Now it is not just that those languages
are a fact, they fundamentally change the
way you think about the problem. So rather
than just sort of writing loops to sort of
perform computations, you try and write the
mathematical equations that define a certain
computation and the compiler or the interpreter
then figures out the best way of executing it,
which means that from the programmer’s point of
view, potentially, there are like really powerful
ways of looking at the problem and leaving
a lot of the grunt work to the compiler.
And more importantly having some knowledge
of functional programming can actually change
the way you even think about a program
or how you to solve a problem. So that
functional is also one of the ways in which
you can look at JavaScript programs.
Why is that? Because you can do things like you
can essentially treat a function as a first class
object in JavaScript. You can basically
assign it into a variable, you can pass
functions around, you can create a function of
a function, higher order functions and so on,
composition of functions, so all of that
allows you to do some slightly more advanced
type of coding than you would otherwise do.
Once again, do not get into this just for the
sake of doing it. You need to sort of try and
understand what is meant by functional programming
first before you get into trying something of this
sort with JavaScript or any other language.
And one other important paradigm as far as
JavaScript is concerned is this notion of
being event-driven. Now event-driven basically
means that you respond to events. So you can have
different functions, different parts of your
code which are all present and available, but
rather than calling all those functions one after
another what we say is if something happens then,
one function will get called, or if something
else happens another function will get called.
Now this is pretty much perfect for GUIs in
general or for interacting with let us say a
webpage because what happens on a webpage, I
display the page and after that I am waiting
for user input. If the user clicks on a button,
call a specific function, if they click on a link,
call some other function, if they click on another
button, call a third function, if they select some
part of the text, maybe call another function.
All of those are events. Clicking, selecting,
all things of that sort are events that
the user is providing to the program.
And rather than sort of going on saying okay,
what did the user do, what did the user do,
what did the user do, you let the functions
be bound to certain events. And anytime the
event happens automatically the system takes
care of calling the appropriate function.
A very powerful way of thinking about reactive
systems, that is to say interactive systems in
general, and fits the model of the web perfectly.
JavaScript also happens to be relatively easy to
learn. Especially if you have familiarity
with something like Python, you should not
find JavaScript too difficult.
Now, one thing to keep in mind is
except for the name, it has very little connection
with Java. It came about because Java was
brought in as a language that could be used to
create applets that would run inside browsers.
And JavaScript basically said forget applets
we will just run directly inside the browser.
And that is the only real
connection between the two.
There are some syntax that are vaguely
similar between the two in a few places,
but you will probably find that there is more
similarity between JavaScript and Python than
JavaScript and Java, so to say. So there
is no direct relationship. So it is not
as though knowing Java will help you with
JavaScript. You need to think of it differently,
and you need to understand why it is relevant
for use in the context of the web.
So, why is JavaScript useful? The main reason
is that most web browsers today have a dedicated
engine just for running JavaScript programs.
It is designed from the ground up, the language
JavaScript was designed from the ground up for
the web. Now why do most web browsers have this
engine? Because historical reasons.
People found that JavaScript was useful
therefore a web browser without JavaScript would
not see as much popularity, so everybody started
adding JavaScript to their browsers, over time
it became a necessity, you had to have it or
else nobody would use your browser.
Now the great thing about JavaScript is,
actually speaking, it is an interesting language,
it does not have any notion of input output,
unlike, let us say, Python, where you can
directly read from a file or write to a file.
In JavaScript you do not have the
basic capabilities for doing that.
The reason being on the web you do not really
have a way of getting input or giving output
directly to a user or through files. On the other
hand, there is, I mean so there is no native IO,
no file access etc, but even that can be provided
through the use of APIs. So everything about
JavaScript ultimately comes down to APIs.
And the browsers tend to support APIs for
a very large number of different kinds of
functionality. So this is not part of the
core JavaScript language, but in general, it is
something that you can expect that a JavaScript
runtime, that is to say, JavaScript in a
browser, is most likely going to support.
So, manipulating text, strings, dates, regular
expressions which are used for various kinds of
pattern matching, which you may have heard
of, you may have used in different contexts
but sort of beyond the scope of what we have
here, this is supported again, using APIs.
It has many standard data structures,
dictionaries, lists and so on, which you
can directly use, and you, using those you can
create much more complex data structures.
A very important part of JavaScript
is the API for manipulating the DOM,
the document object model, which basically
means this is ultimately how you are
manipulating the browser, you are able to
directly modify what shows up on screen.
And that is a large part of where
the power of JavaScript comes.
At the same time, like I said it does not
have native input output capabilities,
no file access for example, but even
that can be provided through APIs,
and there are ways by which the browser can
give you controlled access to different parts
of the file system. Now the maximum power of
JavaScript, of course, comes when it is used for
DOM manipulation and that is where you will find
the majority of JavaScript code being used.
So now, what I am going to do is to actually sort
of look at a few examples that are already there
on the web because ultimately the best way to
sort of learn JavaScript is by writing code.
So, there is no point in giving you a complete
sort of overview of what is the syntax, what are
the ways in which you can write JavaScript and
so on. You should probably do that if you are
interested, and go through, there are any number
of resources online that would help you with this,
but the thing to keep in mind over
there is that which one do you go to.
One generally good set of links is
provided by the Mozilla developer network,
so or there is also MDN,
Mozilla developer network. Why Mozilla? Well,
Mozilla makes Firefox. It is one of the most
powerful browsers, most popular browsers.
Maybe not in terms of share numbers at this point
but at least most people know of Firefox.
And the reason for that is because the Mozilla,
that group has been involved with web related
technologies pretty much from the start of
the web. The very first web browser that was
sort of publicly used was Netscape navigator, and
that is where Mozilla has sort of evolved from.
So, they have a lot of useful information
on their developer website, and what I am
going to do is just look at a few examples.
So like I said I cannot go into the details
of the syntax of the language or give you too much
information about how to use it. So this is more
sort of first steps, just a flavor of the
language. Hopefully it will get you interested
enough to learn more of it on your own.
So, the, what is JavaScript page on the
Mozilla developer network? It gives
you a lot of information, it talks
about high level definition of JavaScript,
scripting or programming language, etc.
The interesting thing is the way that they
look at it, it essentially looks at, at html,
CSS and JavaScript as sort of, I mean they
talk about it as three layers of a cake, but
ultimately these are the three sort of defining
technologies of the web as we know it today.
It is not that this is something fundamental. It
is just that over the past several years it has
grown to be, to this point. And these are the main
sort of pillars of the web as it stands today.
Html and CSS, you have a reasonable
understanding of, at this point.
JavaScript, like I said, a full, sort of in-depth
discussion of JavaScript is beyond the scope of
this course but what we are going to do is
at least try and get a flavor for it.
So, let us take a look at this example. So what
we have over here is, you have one small piece of
html code, with just one paragraph, , and
it basically says some text inside that, Player
1 : Chris. And then you add some CSS styling to
it, which basically says what font family to use,
some Helvetica something, letter spacing.
Transform the letters to upper case, which
means that even though the name was given
as Chris, it will be typeset displayed as
capital letters. Align in the center, create
a two pixel solid border, make the background
some kind of I guess a purplish color.
So, all of this information, bottom line is
this is what it looks like, this Player
1 : Chris, that you can see here, this
sort of violet color display that is
there towards the bottom of the screen.
So what do we have? We had html and we had css.
Combining those two gave us this display.
And now, we add a little JavaScript in order
to implement dynamic behavior. So what does
the JavaScript look like? Let us first take a
look at the language itself. So we have one line
out here that says const. So const, it is sort
of like a constant declaration. The const int
that you could declare in a language like C.
Essentially what you are trying to say is that
para is something that you want to use like a
variable but on the other hand you do not want
it to be changed later. That is, in other
words, once you have declared para, I do
not want it to ever change anywhere else in my
code, which is why you declare it as a const.
What happened if you did not declare it as
a const? Nothing much. It will still work.
The point is somewhere else in your code
you might accidentally write para equal to
something else and then you might change things
and not be able to debug what is happening.
By declaring it as const at least the engine
knows that you do not want to change it in future,
and probably it will signal some
kind of an error, maybe not on the
web page but at least somewhere internally.
Now, so that means that para essentially is a
variable. It contains some pointer or something.
Now, how are we assigning a value to it?
We call a function. What function is it? There
is an object called document which is part of the
basic JavaScript. And document.querySelector,
this is exactly like you would do in Python,
so there is an object and query
selector is a method on that object.
So,, querySelector(‘p’),
in other words, what it is going to do
is it is going to select the p type element, a
paragraph element present inside the document.
And now look at that. So what it has done is? It
has basically now got a variable called para which
has got assigned whatever came out of this
function call. So the document.querySelector
is a function call. A method call on an object
which is basically ultimately a function call.
Now, what type does it return? Does it
return a number? Does it return a string?
What it actually returns is some kind of, you
can think of it as a pointer, or a handle.
That is a different sort of term that we use.
Ultimately the point is this itself is a object
that comes back, which means that it has its own
methods associated with it, which means that I
can call something like para. something which is
a method associated with the para object now.
So now para, in other words, hopefully after the
first line has run, has selected some paragraph
object that is present, and para.add
event listener is now going back to,
you remember we talked about paradigms, this is
the event-driven paradigm. What it is saying is,
if you perform a click event, click is one of
the, sort of predefined events inside JavaScript,
call this function updateName().
So, add event listener basically says that if
the click operation is performed on the
para, which after all came about as the
result of query selecting on the p tag, if,
in other words, you click on a paragraph,
call the function updateName().
What is this function update name? Here,
this is how you define a function. In Python you
would have used the word def, over here you use
function. In Python there would have been a colon
followed by indentation and so on. Instead of
that, this is a bit more like C or Java. It uses
curly brackets to start and end the function.
So, function updateName(), simple enough. Let,
let is a different way of again defining a
new variable. It is essentially what, let does is
it means that it is now scoped meaning that the,
this variable name exists only within this
function. And once you go out of the function
there is no longer a variable called name. You
can get into scoping later when you actually start
programming. For the time
being, it is just a variable.
Name = prompt, which means that it should
pop up something on the screen asking you
to enter a new name. And once you have
entered that name the para.textContent,
so this is not exactly a function call, this is
more like an attribute. So the para.textContent
will change to Player 1: whatever you enter
over here. And they have got that right here.
So, what has been displayed over here is a
paragraph, exactly similar to this Player 1
Chris, that was there earlier, but now
with this JavaScript code added to it.
What happens when I click on this? It pops up
this query which says an embedded page blah,
blah, blah says enter a new name.
And what do I do?
I can basically enter some, some name.
So I enter some name, click OK, and immediately
the text changes to Player 1 : SOME NAME.
So what happened? This para had selected the p
type html element, it added an event listener
to it, the event listener would call the function
update name anytime that a click happened on that
para. And update name would ask you for a
new name and update the text content.
I can do it again. I can go
here and type one more name,
and it changes accordingly. So
this, in other words, is a very
simple and clean way of adding
functionality to a web page.
So you can already see the power of JavaScript
in the context of the web coming in.
Now, let us look at another example of JavaScript
being used for some additional functionality.
Right now, we used it in order to
replace the text content of a paragraph.
You can do a little bit more. You could
actually have some kind of JavaScript
code which is there right inside your html as
part of a script which is somewhere there.
You define a function, which basically says
create paragraph. What does it do? It creates a
new element, a p element, sets the text of this,
and to document.body, so document remember, was
the object corresponding to the entire document,
document .body is part of that DOM, the document
object model, which says it is the body content of
that particular tag, of the particular document,
So now normally if I run this in the
context of this web page, the document body should
be the entire web page. But the way that this has
been written on this particular website is that
this text that you have over here is sort of an,
what they call an Iframe, an inline frame. It
is a separate webpage of its own, which is just
loaded and displayed over here, and just contains
this function and this piece of text over here.
So, what does this piece of html do? It generates
a button, which on click will call this function
createParagraph(), and the text of the button
says click me. So it basically looks like this.
So, the bottom line is, now what we are seeing
over here below this, you can try this version
of our demo below, immediately below that is
something which is actually a separate web
page altogether, because otherwise if I went and
clicked on this, it should do this append to the
entire document, which means that at the bottom
of this webpage, and it might not even show up.
On the other hand, because it is doing
it in this I-frame, whenever I go and
click here, it says you clicked a button,
you clicked a button, you clicked a button.
I can keep doing it and after sometime it
keeps on adding more and more text out here.
I can do this as many times as I like.
So, these are sort of instances of how
you can get basic JavaScript, and
add functionality to a webpage.
Now, a little bit more about JavaScript,
a bit more of the basics. So for example,
you have something which is a variable. So you
have this concept of a variable in JavaScript.
And as you can see over here, this is
yet another example, what it says is
I might want to have some kind of functionality
which happens when I press this button.
How do I do that? I basically say that I
will query the document to find out button A.
Query the document to find out heading A.
So both of these have been given some kind
of names or IDs somewhere in the text. So
you can see this ,
which is why when I query the document for hash
button A, it finds this particular button.
Similarly, , means that it
will query and find that particular heading.
And then I can say button A dot on click. And
look at this. This is a slightly interesting
way of doing things. I am straight away saying
button a dot on click equals a function.
So, you remember what we said about JavaScript
functions themselves being first class
objects. I mean, I can basically take a
function, assign it to a variable and so on.
buttonA .onclick, onclick is an attribute of
this button, which means you can think of it
as a variable inside button. And I am creating a
function without giving any name to that function,
and just assigning that whatever I get out of
the function over here, directly into onclick.
Now this, what I have done here, I have basically
created a function without giving it a name,
is something called an anonymous function, and
is something that you will find a lot of in
JavaScript. It is one way of writing code. There
was, the previous way that we showed where you
explicitly wrote out a function and then did the
assignment of the update is also perfectly fine,
but this is a sort of clever and compact way
of doing things and therefore you are likely
to encounter this in several places.
What it does is basically once again it
comes up with a prompt for the name, it does
an alert and then afterwards it basically does,
it is able to use this text content welcome plus
name and directly create this. So the variable
that you declared over here can be used.
Press this thing, and I just enter
My Name, and click on OK. And the first thing
it does is it runs the alert which says,
hello My Name, nice to see you. And when I
click OK, it now puts in the heading as well,
headingA.textContent=welcome My Name.
So, all of these are basically examples of
directly changing. The interesting thing over here
is you will notice that you, you have actually
gone and changed the html content of the page.
There is no way of really differentiating this.
The one thing that happens though is if you
look at the page source you will not find
My Name anywhere in it because that came
about only after you modified the page.
On the other hand, if you
inspect using the sort of this
F 12 button usually in Chrome, if you press that,
then you will find that you can actually dive
deeper into this. You can get into this part of
it, where it sort of says I can go into the div,
inside the page wrapper and
inside the main article.
And I have this div over here which
corresponds to this part over here,
the example with the variable comes up over here,
and as I look at the final output, I actually
see that this corresponds to an I-frame,
which, when I look inside it tells me whatever is
actually running out here, and being displayed.
So, if you really want to find out which part
of your page is being displayed according to
what part of the code, you need to be able
to use this webpage inspector. Once again,
out of scope of this course but making use of
it, if you basically go to the menu of any,
of your browser usually, out here in the corner
you would find that there are certain things like
the more tools and you will find developer
tools. That is how that thing comes up.
It is well worth playing around. It sort of
shows you how different parts of the document
are being displayed and so on. But you get
into it when you are sort of getting into
the details of how to actually design a page,
how to have more control over different parts,
what kind of JavaScript to write and so on.
Similarly, there are many other ways of you what
you can do with variables you can declare
variables, you can initialize variables,
there are some differences between var and let
so on, which I am not getting into right now.
Instead, there is again on the same page, a
set of an overview of the basics of JavaScript,
which sort of tells you, first of all, how you
can include a JavaScript into an html file,
and inside the html file, you could have
some extra information which basically says
how do you write code, how do you declare a
variable how do you assign a value to it.
And as you go through you will find that there are
a couple of things to keep in mind. Anything in
/*, or //, this is basically exactly like what you
would find in C, C plus plus, at least, or I think
Java also. And this is how you define comments.
There are operators, +, -, *, etc just like you
would find in pretty much
any programming language.
There are conditionals. You can have if some
condition do something, else do something else.
And most importantly there are functions,
which you can call, as we have already seen.
So, document.querySelector is a function, alert
is a function you can define a function in this
way similar to the def syntax in Python and
then call the function by giving arguments. And
there are events. So this whole on click,
for example, can be used in order to
update how the page responds to your inputs.
So, all of these are useful and if you look at
this JavaScript basics they basically
go about creating a page like this
as a demo, and show you how each of the steps
works. You can go and click on this change user,
and say New User, whatever it is. At that
point it says Mozilla is cool, New User.
And there is one more piece of JavaScript on
this page which you might not even notice,
which when you click on this image,
it basically changes the image.
So all that kind of functionality has now become
like so smooth and fluid. It does not reload the
page, nothing changes except the page itself
as it is displayed, which means that the user
interaction is a lot more smooth and clean.
So, there are a lot of learning resources for
JavaScript. In particular, what I said about the
Mozilla developer network, has a lot of useful
information. They also recommend, there
is a learn JavaScript dot online, which
is, the first few parts of it are free
but then some parts of it are paid.
The important thing I would suggest is rather
than going in and saying that I need to
pay and take a course, the best way to
learn any language including JavaScript
is ultimately through example. Try
programming, try something out on your own.
That is the best way to really
learn the language well.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to this course on
modern application development. So, so far we have
looked at a high level overview of JavaScript,
and we now come to the most important part,
why did we bring JavaScript into the picture?
We were talking about HTML to start with. And
the reason why JavaScript comes into the picture
is because we want to define custom elements.
So, what are custom elements? Now, XML, as we
saw earlier, allows arbitrary namespaces and
tag definitions. But HTML5 does not use the
same approach. What it does, is that, it has
specific requirements for elements, meaning that,
there are elements like title, h1 and so on. And
HTML or rather, let me rephrase that. HTML5
has specific elements, like title, h1, etc.
But if I am allowed to define an arbitrary
custom element, then should I really be
allowed to say my-button? And what is the
browser supposed to infer from that?
Just because the word button is there inside
it does it automatically infer that, yes,
this is a type of button or does it say,
this is a tag, I have no idea what it means.
Is it a heading? Is it a list item? Is
it a button? Is it a link? Is it just a
picture that's displayed on the screen?
Nothing is clear from the name.
As a human being when I read the name
my-button, I think it must be a button,
but there is no real need. There is no nothing
compulsory about that. On the other hand,
there is another part to a tag element, which
is to say, how should a tag be shown? This is
the part that JavaScript can actually solve best
for you. It basically gives you display details.
In other words, if you provide a tag, then how
should that tag get displayed on the screen?
Now, elements could also have states. I mean,
in general, HTTP is a stateless protocol,
but that does not mean that there are, you
cannot have certain elements on the screen
that have a state associated with them. The
simple example is a checkbox. So, on screen,
I might have a form where I have something to
be checked off or a radio button or a checkbox.
A checkbox or radio button has state associated
with it. Is it checked or is it not checked?
Now, if you are defining a new custom tag of
your own, maybe, it is something similar to a
checkbox or maybe it is something else. The point
is, it might have some custom state of its own.
How do I sort of keep track of that state? How
do I use that state in a useful manner? That
is also part of how you define an element.
And finally, a question that we could ask is,
should I restrict my customization to only taking
built-in elements like headings or list items and
adding functionality to them or should I be
able to build a completely new autonomous custom
element, meaning that, it has no relationship
to any elements that are already defined
or at least, it is not directly related to any of
them and is completely standalone, in some sense.
Now, the full details on how to use
this is specified at this webpage.
We have this this particular webpage is what I
had referred to earlier, this is the HTML living
standard. And within that living standard,
what we are looking at over here is section
4.13 which refers to custom elements. So,
this HTML living standard, you can see that
it actually shows, this was last updated on
thirtieth. September. I am recording this
on the first of October, which literally means
that this document was updated yesterday.
On other days, it is not that it is
updated every day, it might actually
have been changed a few days back. And if you
go look at this thing, you will find that, yes,
there are a number of updates, all the changes
are recorded and tracked, so you can go back
and find out what it looked like at a different
point in time. But the ultimate thing is that
whatever exists as of now is what you need
to take as the living standard, so to say.
Now, one issue with this document is that in
pretty much every section you will find this
disclaimer saying that this
section is non-normative.
Normative generally means, it is actually part
of a standard. And when you say non-normative,
it means, that it is potentially subject to
change. Now they have to do that because part
of the reason for being a living standard is that
you cannot really say that this is a standard,
it is not going to change from onwards, but it
also means that you always have that concern that
is this really what I should be following?
Anyway, the point is, this is the standard that
is followed today, and it is a good sort of
document. It is also a somewhat dense document,
not very easy to fully understand, but it is worth
sort of at least skimming through to start with.
It gives you a lot of useful information about how
you can create an autonomous custom element. So,
for example, I could create something called a
flag icon a tag that does not exist in HTML.
Now, what would this do? When I read it as a
human being, I think, most likely what is going
to happen is I will take the country, I will find
out what flag that should be there, get a picture
of that flag and display it somewhere. But how
does a browser really know what to do about it?
That is where you basically have to go
and declare everything in JavaScript.
You have to say that there is a class
FlagIcon, which extends HTML element.
It has certain attributes, it has callbacks, blah,
blah, blah. And the most important thing is, it
also tells you how to update the rendering, that
is to see what should be displayed on the screen.
In this particular case, it does not actually
tell you what to do so you cannot use this piece
of code. But you could sort of imagine
that, maybe I would need to go find one
central location where the flags of all countries
are there, find a picture corresponding to the
flag of whichever country I need to display
and put that image on the screen.
Once you have that piece of JavaScript, I
can just call this customElements.define.
It is a function called, it is basically
calling the custom elements API,
the application programming interface. So, the
custom elements API, which is present inside
any browser, that supports JavaScript allows
you to define saying that flag icon this new
tag will call this JavaScript function, or this
class corresponds to this class FlagIcon.
Which means that from there onwards, you
know, after you have done all of this,
you can then go there and directly
have a piece of HTML in your code,
which shows . So, this document, in other words,
gives you the basics of how that is supposed
to be done. But it is not very easy to, I mean,
it is not like a tutorial. You cannot really
read this and understand how to use it.
So, what people did is, rather than just sticking
to the custom elements API, which is present over
there within JavaScript, they said, let
us try and make this a bit more useful.
Add some more components to it, and they came up
with something called a web component definition.
So, a web component is something, which makes
use of three aspects of HTML essentially. One
is the use of custom elements, which we already
saw how you can define as part of the HTML5 and
JavaScript APIs. It is basically a JavaScript API
that allows you to create custom element tags.
But on top of that, let us add some
more thing to make it easier to use
because, if I am adding a new tag I probably
want to display something on the screen.
And it means that I should be able to control
which parts of the screen are going to change.
I do not want a style change that I make over
here to suddenly go and affect the entire page.
I would like to be able to affect
just the part that I am interested in.
That is done by using another API called the
Shadow DOM, Shadow Document Object Model.
And essentially, what it does at a high level,
high enough level, you can think about it,
it allows you to keep the styling of
the component that you are defining
separate from the rest of the page.
It is sort of an encapsulation.
And finally, there is this concept called
HTML templates. Template and slot were two
new tags that were introduced in HTML5,
that allow you to basically do something
at a high enough level, you can think of it like
Jinja templates, it is not exactly the same thing,
but in principle it is just allowing you to
replace some text with something else.
It does not have like the kind of
templating language that Jinja has,
but you can do it in other ways because after
all, you have access to JavaScript over here.
So, the template tag basically allows you to
say that, this is roughly what a template for
displaying something should look like, use that
in order to actually display certain things.
Now, probably the best way to explain this is
once again through examples, and
website actually has a couple of good examples
that I am just going to walk through here. So,
this webpage an introduction to web components
has some nice examples that you can look at,
right? And in fact, you can play around with.
So, the first example that we have here.
And what we can do, the nice thing is you can
actually open it on this website called codepen.
And code pen essentially allows you to have
something like this, which is basically a
snippet of HTML, and CSS and JavaScript and it
displays the final output for you down here.
So, let us look at our HTML, it just has one line,
which is just basically the new component that you
have defined you have got this thing called my
component and it shows you what that is.
Now, what is my component, I have this line at
the bottom down here saying,
the JavaScript side of things, I have this thing
saying customElements .define my_component, and it
will call the class my component with capital
M and capital C. And what does my component
itself do? It just basically adds the text or
rather, it says, this.innerHTML =hello world.
Now, let us try playing around with it a little
bit, I am going to add some text over here.
I am going to try some more text.
And it automatically goes in and displays whatever
is there in the text. So, what you can see is
that it has basically taken the inner HTML of
the page that you have, wherever you had this
mic component and replaced it with the
text, hello world, which means that, now
what you get corresponding to the my component
is this hello world that is present out here.
And then after that, you have basically added
on this some more text. Now, what happens if I,
so what you can see is I have some text
before that. I have my component over here,
and I have some more text. I can also go
further and make another copy of that.
So, I will just basically make two
more copies of this my component.
And as you can see, it renders again down
here, and it basically shows it three times.
So, what did this do? This was just basically a
very simple example of the most basic element,
basic part of a web component, the fact
that you can create a custom element.
It goes further and says how you can use the
Shadow DOM. Now the Shadow DOM is a little
bit more tricky to explain what it says over
here. And in fact, the example that you have,
sort of shows that there is some text out here,
with a div in the HTML part, which basically
says this will use the CSS background,
and then there is a button that says not
tomato which you can see down here
Now, what does a JavaScript itself do? If
you look at the HTML text, what it said was,
I mean, if you think about it, what it should have
displayed was this will use the CSS background.
That is all. But what the JavaScript does is,
it basically goes and modifies that slightly,
adds background tomato as the
style. It also adds the text tomato
and it basically converts this entire thing
that you had out here into a button.
So, in other words, what it has done is,
it has managed to add some extra styling,
and also convert the whatever
you had out here into a button
without affecting the rest of the page itself. In
other words, this shadow route that we created out
here using these commands, restricted itself only
to this part. So, this style that we created even
though we gave the background tomato, that button
background did not go and modify this button.
So, the not-tomato remains as it is.
The fact that I went and modified the button
background class the button background style over
here to tomato applies only to the first button
not to the second one. A little bit tricky
to understand, but it is worth understanding
how it works if you are planning to get
into this in more detail, at least.
And finally, there is this notion of HTML
templates. So, what does an HTML template do?
You know, the example that they are given
out here basically shows you that you
might have information where you let us say
you have a piece of JavaScript, which contains
a list of books and each book basically has a
title and an author. Now the question becomes,
how are you going to display it.
And what is being done over here, is there
are like templates that are created out here. And
in fact, the demonstration can be shown right now.
The way that it is showing it right now is
basically it shows the title of the page
puts a dash, and shows the author of the
page. And now, by just clicking on this one
radio button that says template two it changes
around and says, F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic
novel, The Great Gatsby, Ernest Hemingway's
classic novel, Farewell to Arms, and so on.
In other words, it has changed the template, the
template now became the title of the book, space,
classic novel or rather the author's name space
classic novel space the title of the novel.
So, just by making a change in
the template, you were able to
modify the way that this got displayed.
Ultimately, what happens, as a result is that,
you can have more and more complicated
word, such web components that are built up
and start composing an entire webpage out of
such components. So, once again, the Mozilla
Developer Network, they have this GitHub page
that contains a number of different examples.
So, this, in fact this MDN, the,
they contain a number of web components examples
which you can also see live. You can actually see
what it looks like. So, in fact, some of them are
quite instructive and useful to sort of see how
they work. So, let us just dive into one of them,
which is a very simple example. What it says
is, the JavaScript corresponding to this,
it looks a little bit long, but it is quite
small compared to most of the other JavaScript,
it is worth just understanding what it does.
It is now defining a new class, which extends the
HTML paragraph element. So, interesting, what it
is doing is it is sort of creating an extension
on top of an element that already exists,
it is not defining a new element by itself.
All this part about the constructor and
so on is just like the initialization,
the init function that you call in Python.
The important part is, it creates a shadow root
and it is trying to create the text
corresponding to that root. And what is the
text? It is going to be equal to some variable
called count. And what is this variable count?
It is going to be by running this function
count words, which is defined out here.
So, what does count words do, it
basically takes the node.innerText
split it on whitespace and basically takes the
length of that. In other words, it splits on
one or more spaces, gets all the non-space
characters grouped together and count how many
such groupings were there. A very trivial
way of counting words, but effective.
So, this function count words has been defined
in order to count the number of words in a
given piece of text, in fact, specifically in
the inner text corresponding to a given node.
Which means that, I can then call count words
on the parent of this node, which I get again
from the JavaScript over here, set that as
the text of something that I want to display
and also set it so that every 200 milliseconds,
I will update this word count.
And finally, I define a custom
element. The word count is defined as
calling this class capital word count and it
extends p. It was defined as an extension of
HTML paragraph element and here we say that it
extends p. That is to say, the p element type.
What does the index.html look like? It is
like fairly regular HTML up to this point.
It just declares the content editable
article. You can ignore that for now,
it basically means it is sort of like a text
area that you can type text into. It has some
random text generated in there. And this last line
17 that you see or hear basically says there is
a word-count paragraph. In other words, it is a p,
element of type p paragraph, but with the
extension word-count applied to it.
What does this look like when you actually go to
a page like that, it basically says word count
rating widget. And when I click somewhere
there, I find that I can actually edit it.
Now look at this number down here saying
words:2012. Let me go and start typing
something more here. And you can see
that as I type, it starts changing
this number of words that have become 216.
And I can actually go in there and now, perhaps,
add some more text. All of this works, but you
will realize that, you cannot actually select this
words:220 and delete it, it
is not part of the paragraph,
it just sits over there, because it was created by
the JavaScript, it is not something you typed in.
So, no matter where else you type, it will
automatically add this at the end.
So, is this useful? Think about it. Let us say
that you are creating an editor for somebody to
fill in a form you create one standard widget
like this, which basically takes an HTML area
where you can type text and puts a word count
at the bottom. It may not just be a word count,
it might even be something which if you go beyond
a certain value will actually raise an alert and
stop you from typing or you could have something
which basically puts a timer out there. And after
you have typed for a certain amount of time it
counts down and says, stop. All that functionality
could have been added in just by modifying that
main.js, which defines the web component.
Now, where this becomes really useful is
think about how the web component was defined,
it was just done in this main.js, which
basically had this class wordcount,
which extended paragraph element. It did not
have any relationship to this particular website,
it did not have any other dependencies on what
is being done over here, which means that,
I could have taken it, put it on my website, you
could have taken it, put it on your website.
Somebody could have installed it on GitHub or some
other place, and I could have just referenced it
from there and it would work, which means,
it becomes reusable. And that is sort of the
key behind web components. The fact that you are
creating reusable user interface components.
So, to summarize, what is the point of web
components? It basically is an API that can allow
you to extend HTML5 element or tag capabilities.
It uses something extra called the Shadow DOM,
which restricts the scope of styling
and allows you to create self-contained
encapsulated units and it uses templates that
allows you to write no reusable code.
You combine all these three together and you
have this definition of something called web
components. And the primary goal of this is reuse
of widgets. Widget is just a generic term for
something that you might want to use in different
parts of your screen of your user interface.
So, one of the biggest problems, of course, with
this entire approach is this, unfortunately,
the web component part is not standardized.
And if you think about it, you can understand,
why because, the API is standardized,
how to create a new custom element,
but how should I use a shadow DOM, how should I
use templates and so on is largely a matter of
subjective interpretation. So, there is a very
good chance that people might object and say,
look, that is not the way I think about it.
That is not how I want to do it.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to this course
on modern application development. So, with
all of this web components and so on in place,
it finally leads us to the topic of frameworks
frontend frameworks as they are called.
So, the first thing that we would ask is what
is the purpose of a framework? We are looking
at some kind of a context where some kind of
basic functionality is already available. So, the
Python programming language can already, it has
as part of its standard library, it has
like network interfaces, it can create
a function that will listen on a
port. It can manipulate strings.
So, it can append strings together, it can create
new strings, it can even do some kind of basic
templating and filling in text and so on.
Similarly, JavaScript has the functionality for
extending elements. So, custom element is already
defined and it has the DOM manipulation APIs.
So, that sounds great. It means, that in
principle, I can already create any kind of
web-based application using Python or I can create
any kind of web component using JavaScript.
The problem is, there will be a lot of code
reputation and this word boilerplate is something
that you would have probably come across in
multiple places. Boilerplate basically means
it is a standard repeating thing. It is the same
thing that you are going to do multiple places.
So, for example, you might find
that anytime you are writing a new
Python program, the first thing you need
to do is import a bunch of things.
And to some extent, you might find that it is
so repetitive that look why do not I just have
sort of boilerplate starter code, which allows
me to get started without having to type in
all those inputs one by one. I know that I am
always going to be importing the same things.
So, that is boilerplate code repetition,
we would like to avoid it if possible.
It also means, that there will be
a lot of reinventing of the wheel,
because people have different coding styles,
they have different coding techniques,
and ultimately, that results in many different
ways of creating components, using components,
mixing them together, and so on.
So, the solution, that it is not unique to
JavaScript or Python or anything else of that
sort, it is a standard technique for you try and
identify standard techniques for solving common
problems, and this ultimately, is related to the
concept of design patterns that I have been
talking about repeatedly through the course.
Model view controller was, in some
sense, a form of design pattern.
Ultimately, all that it comes about is there is
experience that people have come up, come up with
over years of trying to do things in a certain
way, they try and distill that and take out the
essence of it, and put it in a form that can then
be reused by others. And when that is done nicely,
it is really powerful and a lot of people tend to
use such things. That is what a framework is. And
flask, for example, is a framework for
creating Python web applications. React
is one of the frameworks that is available
for creating JavaScript components.
Not exactly JavaScript web components. There
is a difference between react components and
JavaScript web components. Once again, it is
partly different styles of doing things, but
they are all trying to solve similar problems,
react focuses only on the user interface,
whereas, web components does a bit more slightly,
including the state of the system and so on. There
are some differences, there are some similarities
as well. Once again, you can see that,
it ultimately comes down to is it popular?
Is it easy to use? People will use it.
Now, in the context of JavaScript a lot of the
frameworks that have come up are built around
this concept of single page applications. And
many JavaScript frontend frameworks are focused
on enabling this in different ways. Part
of the reason for the popularity of single
page applications is because the single page
application effectively becomes an app by itself,
which does not need like multiple different web
pages that you need to navigate through.
All the sort of communication happens in the
back with JavaScript, a lot of the computation
may also happen with JavaScript, which means,
that the user experience becomes a lot more
smooth than if you need to keep on clicking
on pages and waiting for a web page to load.
And that was the focus of many of the JavaScript
front ends, at least at least to start with.
So, one example that I am just going to use in
order to demonstrate a little bit about how you
might use a framework is react. It is one of the
most popular ones that are available today. But
like I said this is I am sure there will be like
very strong opinions in other direction saying
that look not react, you should use angular or
you should use view or you should use something
else or all of these are a bad idea.
So, I do not want to get into the whether
it is a good idea or a bad idea I am
just saying this is one possibility.
It is a library, which has its primary
purpose as building user interfaces.
It is declarative. Remember
SGML and declarative syntax,
once again, you try and specify what you want,
rather than how to draw it on the screen. The how
to draw also has to be specified, but the react,
once you have defined a bunch of react components,
it allows you to basically say what
you want to create with them.
And the components themselves contain internal
details of how to go about getting that result.
They are different from web components, but
somewhat similar ideas, different techniques for
achieving sort of similar results. Web components
tend to be more imperative, they actually
attach the functionality that needs to be done
directly as functions inside the component,
whereas, react is more declarative,
it focuses on composing a user interface by
putting different components together.
Not a trivial thing to understand, but
fairly straightforward when you get into,
I mean, there are differences and both can
be handled in different ways. Let us take a
couple of examples of react, which is directly
available from their main webpage itself.
So, this is the main react webpage. And you can
see that it contains all the information about it.
It also has a very nice demonstration of
how react works. And in fact, all of these
are basically some kind of react components that
are being used in order to display all of these
demo applications. And you can actually go in
here and make changes directly in the code.
And you can literally see that, as you type
instantaneously, it is updating on the site.
It is not even like the code pen examples
where the HTML, CSS JavaScript, and then it
will go and update, the react components are
pretty much instantaneous. You type and the
reaction is immediate. That is because of the
fact that they are using react on both sides,
whereas, the code pen page was a more generic
sort of solution. It allows you to type in
certain things, and then update later.
So, what we have over here is that you have
a component, you modify it, and it immediately
goes and changes something out here. And what has
happened is, basically, by creating this class,
hello message, which extends react.component,
has told you what needs to be displayed that it
should be a div like this. And within that div,
I could go and add more information.
I could just go in there and
type some more text, and I could, for example, say
put a line break. And all of that immediately gets
rendered on the other side, because it is all
being done in JavaScript on your browser, there
is no going back to the server out here. Now, we
also have something which is a stateful component.
So, for example, this timer out here it started
out by initializing the value of seconds to 0.
Ever since then, every second
this number is ticking away.
And all that this component does is it just
basically displays the state dot seconds.
And of course, like before, I can add more text
through here and it would update the screen.
And you can see that all, but the interesting
thing is, as soon as I made a change over here,
effectively, the component was reinitialized,
which is why the seconds went back to 0,
and started counting again, from there.
So, that is one thing to keep in mind.
I mean, this is not normally the way that
you are expected to use it. You do not change
the component and expect it to update. Whenever
you make a change in the component, yes,
it has to reevaluate from scratch.
It is even more powerful. I mean, I can actually
create something like a to do list right here.
I can just basically say item 1, item 2, something
else and so on and it is just basically adding all
of that out here. Now, is it actually creating a
to do list? No, it is not saving it to a database,
it is not connecting somewhere else.
It is not sort of allowing you to delete or
update or anything else with the to do list, but
you can see that as far as the user interface is
concerned, it is very clean, it is very fast and
it has a nice way of basically just encapsulating
the functionality that you need. And there are
other. So, for example, you could even directly
have markdown as one of the components
over here, you could have this text.
And, as you can see, it renders the output
by actually calling a markdown processor. So,
what is the bottom line? I mean, why is all this
useful? Because ultimately, what react is allowing
you to do is to create these kinds of components.
I have a to do app, which extends react component,
it has certain properties, it has state, and
so on all of which are coded properly into the
JavaScript out here. But once you have that,
it just is able to create this entire list and
allow you to use that for the user interface. It
does not tell you anything about the backend.
It can be combined with other
kinds of backends. In fact,
you could potentially even combine a react front
end possibly with a PHP back end if necessary.
Although, there are also ways of doing it such
that even the backend is handled by other things,
which are similar in JavaScript itself. So, all
of that are different in that all of those things
are different ways of handling the separation
between the front end and back end. React as per
their definition, at least they try and stick
as much as possible just to the front end.
So, react is one of the more popular frontend
frameworks that's available today. Is it the only
one? By no means there are plenty. Numerically
it is probably the most popular at present.
Angular with its origins from
Google is also very well supported.
It has a lot of capabilities similar, in
terms of creating reusable components.
EmberJS is something which both provides
components as well as a service framework.
So, it also allows you to define
services and routes and so on.
Vue is another way, so EmberJS, is probably a bit
more than just a frontend framework, it also does
a little bit of the some of the backend part. Vue
view, for example, is something similar to react,
it is very often it comes up as an alternative
to react, which is supposed to be simpler in
some ways, and so on. It also has sort of
a lot of commonalities with Angular.
Many of these things, what you will find is that,
the initial versions have certain functionality,
they tend to get more and more complicated.
And then there is a sort of simplification
that happens and people come up with new designs
that are simplified or faster versions of what was
there before. And that is part of the natural
learning process, if you think about it.
Once again, the Mozilla Developer Network does
have a lot of information about these things,
including tutorials on how to build certain
kinds of apps using this using several different
frameworks, so you can even compare the different
frameworks by trying all of them out.
So, to summarize, everything that we have so far,
HTML5 ultimately has sort of settled as a kind of
living standard. There will be no major changes
in the standard, but is going to be continuously
adapted as time goes on. So, minor changes in the
document that maintains the living standard are
always going to be there.
Now, the adaptation layer that allows you to
sort of put in new functionality or extend the
functionality of HTML5 comes from JavaScript.
And JavaScript basically means that HTML
plus CSS, for styling, plus JavaScript,
you can pretty much create any kind of app that
you want. Basic, raw HTML plus CSS plus JavaScript
can be difficult to code in by itself, which
is where frameworks come in to fill in the
gaps. They provide ways of taking out a lot of
the boilerplate, making certain things easier,
while at the same time providing their own
opinions on how certain things should be done.
Now, ultimately, what this means is that
this is probably the way to go in terms of
the frontend development, if you want dynamic
applications, things that are highly responsive
to users. And because a lot of the work is
done by JavaScript at the users end itself,
before even requiring a network communication. The
network very often ends up being the slowest part
of the entire chain, which means, that if
you can do a lot of work using JavaScript
at the users end then it simplifies it.
Now, this does not mean, that you should try and
overuse JavaScript and you do not make it
very fancy web pages with a lot of animations.
As far as that is concerned, you still need
to go back to the basics of UI design and
aesthetics and all of those principles that we
have already discussed multiple times in the past.
So, HTML plus CSS plus JavaScript is probably
the basis of frontend design. It is the basis
of frontend design today and very likely to
remain so for quite a while in the future.
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