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Created January 25, 2019 19:29
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//example data
db.venues.insert( {
name: "Central Park",
location: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -73.97, 40.77 ] },
category: "Parks"
} );
db.venues.insert( {
name: "Sara D. Roosevelt Park",
location: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -73.9928, 40.7193 ] },
category: "Parks"
} );
db.venues.insert( {
name: "Polo Grounds",
location: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -73.9375, 40.8303 ] },
category: "Stadiums"
} );
//using a 2dsphere index
db.venues.createIndex( { location: "2dsphere" } )
// method as promise to find an array of venues
// near a `point {long, lat}`
// within certain `radius` in the specified `unit`
// with 'km' as the default unit
findNearVenuesWithinRadius(point, radius, unit = 'km') {
const earthRadius = {
km: 6378.1, // Kilometers
mi: 3963.2, // Miles
const query = {
location: {
$geoWithin: {
$centerSphere: [ [ point.long, ], radius / earthRadius[unit] ] ]
// the `toArray` method returns a Promise when Callback is not provided
return db.venues.find(query).toArray();
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