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Last active October 7, 2024 08:28

Hub v3 API Docs

The public-facing v3 API for ArcGIS Hub adheres to the JSON:API standard. The specification is worth reading on its own but we will provide some examples here.



GET api/v3/datasets

This is the main endpoint for searching, filtering, and sorting collections of datasets.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful, even if the query returns 0 results
500 server error during the request
param description example
q full-text query ('fuzzy' queries) /api/v3/datasets?q=redlands parcels - will return results that best match a query for 'redlands parcels'
fields[{resource}] used for client-specified payloads, i.e. sparse fieldsets /api/v3/datasets?fields[datasets]=name,url,tags,owner - returns a list of datasets with only their name, url, tags, and owner attributes
filter[{attribute}] filter used to narrow the scope of dataset results. NOT used for 'fuzzy' scoring. More details on filters and their advanced usage in the filter function section /api/v3/datasets?filter[tags]=any(esri,boundaries) - returns a list of datasets that have EITHER 'esri' or 'boundaries' in their tags
agg[{property}] used for specifying field aggregation settings, including fields, size, mode. The aggregation works on given attribute fields at agg[fields] and returns dataset count for each field value (up to the number specified at agg[size], by default 10). The agg[mode] specifies the type of stats returned by the aggregation. /api/v3/datasets?agg[fields]=source&agg[size]=10 - returns the top 10 dataset sources and the associated dataset count for each source
sort used for sorting results. a '-' in front of the attribute name means descending order /api/v3/datasets?sort=-name - return a list of datasets in descending alphabetical order on the name attribute. Default sort is sorted by relevance first then by the modified attribute
includeFailures used to instruct the API whether to include datasets that failed composition (default.composeStatus.pass=false) in the response alongside datasets the successfully composed /api/v3/datasets?includeFailures=true will not restrict the elasticsearch query to only default.composeStatus.pass=true
onlyFailures used to instruct the API whether to only return datasets that failed composition (default.composeStatus.pass=false) in the response /api/v3/datasets?onlyFailures=true will only return datasets that have default.composeStatus.pass=false

See errors for a more-thorough document on error types and parameters.

GET api/v3/datasets/feed

Returns an XML response of datasets associated with the initiative/site defined by the hostname of the request.

GET api/v3/datasets/:id

Returns a result if a dataset with that id exists. If the resource does not exist it returns a 404.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and datasets associated with hostname were found
404 document of type 'Hub Site Application' with siteUrl equal to the hostname was not found in the index
500 server error during the request
HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and the dataset corresponding to the id was found
404 resource was not found
500 server error during the request

Same parameters as the /api/v3/datasets endpoint

param description example
fields[{resource}] used for client-specified payloads, i.e. sparse fieldsets /api/v3/datasets?fields[datasets]=name,url,tags,owner - returns a list of datasets with only their name, url, tags, and owner attributes
includeFailures used to instruct the API whether to include datasets that failed composition (default.composeStatus.pass=false) in the response alongside datasets the successfully composed /api/v3/datasets?includeFailures=true will not restrict the elasticsearch query to only default.composeStatus.pass=true
onlyFailures used to instruct the API whether to only return datasets that failed composition (default.composeStatus.pass=false) in the response /api/v3/datasets?onlyFailures=true will only return datasets that have default.composeStatus.pass=false

GET api/v3/explain/datasets

This endpoint returns the ElasticSearch Query that would be run given the query parameters specified

param description example
q full-text query ('fuzzy' queries) /api/v3/datasets?q=redlands parcels - will return results that best match a query for 'redlands parcels'
fields[{resource}] used for client-specified payloads, i.e. sparse fieldsets /api/v3/datasets?fields[datasets]=name,url,tags,owner - returns a list of datasets with only their name, url, tags, and owner attributes
filter[{attribute}] filter used to narrow the scope of dataset results. NOT used for 'fuzzy' scoring. More details on filters and their advanced usage in the filter function section /api/v3/datasets?filter[tags]=any(esri,boundaries) - returns a list of datasets that have EITHER 'esri' or 'boundaries' in their tags
sort used for sorting results. a '-' in front of the attribute name means descending order /api/v3/datasets?sort=-name - return a list of datasets in descending alphabetical order on the name attribute. Default sort is sorted by relevance first then by the modified attribute

GET api/v3/datasets/:id/:namespace

This endpoint returns the set of keys under a specific dataset namespace. E.g. item, layers, enrichments, validations.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and the values corresponding to the id and namespace were found
404 resource was not found
500 server error during the request

GET /api/v3/datasets/:id/files

This endpoint returns dataset, file and caching information. Dataset info includes:

Item attribute Data type Description Example
type string type of dataset/item Feature Service
serviceUrl string URL for accessing the source data
srid number spatial reference of dataset's source service 2927
sourceLastModified string publish timestamp of source service 2019-08-28T17:03:23.323Z

Each of the following file formats are given an entry in the response: fgdb, ndjson, csv, shp, kml, geojson. Note that not all datasets will support fgdb. Each format will have subset of the following attributes, dependent on its caching status and stage:

Item attribute Data type Description Example
format string format of requested file csv
cached boolean a cached file exists true
upToDate boolean the cached file's contents are in sync with the source data true
cacheTime number caching time for last job in the file's pipeline 1000
lastModified string creation timestamp for cached file 2020-01-22T00:58:31.000Z
contentLastModified string publish timestamp of cached file's contents/data 2019-08-28T17:03:23.323Z
srid number spatial reference of the cached file 2927
downloadUrl string URL for downloading the cached file
jobPipeline string[] Ordered list of job names required to generate this file. A "paging" job that follows a "fgbd" is only executed in the event that the "fgdb" job fails" [ "fgdb", "paging", "conversion"]
cachingStatus string current status of caching process; present if caching in progress or failed failed or inProgress
cachingStage string current stage of caching process; present if caching in progress fgdb
processingTime string time elapsed on current caching stage; present if caching in progress or failed 10.52 minutes
jobs object[] array of any failed or in progress jobs that are part of the pipeline for this file
error object if cachingStatus is failed, the error causing the failure
error.message string error message of last cache job failure remote server error
error.stack string error stack of last cache job failure
error.timestamp string error stack of last cache job failure 2020-08-28T17:03:23.323Z
param description example
where Geoservices where clause where=color=red
geometry Geoservices geometry filter geometry={"xmin":-88.244,"ymin":39.726,"xmax":-86.411,"ymax":40.095,"type":"extent","spatialReference":{"wkid":4326}}
projection listed files should be projected in service's native projection; kml and geojson are always WGS84/4326 projection=true
HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful
404 resource was not found or recently deleted
500 server error during the request

POST /api/v3/datasets/:id/files

This endpoint schedules new caching jobs for the dataset. Files are only recached if existing files are out of date. Returns a status URL for checking the progress of dataset caching.

param description example
where Geoservices where clause where=color=red
geometry Geoservices geometry filter geometry={"xmin":-88.244,"ymin":39.726,"xmax":-86.411,"ymax":40.095,"type":"extent","spatialReference":{"wkid":4326}}
HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful
404 resource was not found or recently deleted
500 server error during the request

DELETE /api/v3/datasets/:id/files

This endpoint triggers deletes of a dataset's cached download files. The request requires a token from a user with a organiztion that matches the organization of the dataset. A successful request returns a 200 code with an empty response body.

Request Headers

The following are optional request headers this endpoint accepts in order to search AGO restricted items

field description example
authorization ArcGIS Online token. Required either in the header or as a query parameter.
param description example
token ArcGIS Online token. Required either in the header or as a query parameter.
HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and the related datasets were found
403 request is forbidden by this user
404 resource was not found
500 server error during the request

GET /api/v3/datasets/:id/files/:srid/:format

This endpoint returns metadata about a specfic download, defined by it's dataset ID, spatial reference ID (srid), and file format. The response schema is formatted in compliance with JSON API spec. Attributes are noted below.

Item attribute Data type Description Example
format string format of requested file csv
srid number spatial reference of requested file 2927
cached boolean a cached file exists true
upToDate boolean the cached file's contents are in sync with the source data true
cacheTime number caching time for last job in the file's pipeline 1000
lastModified string creation timestamp for cached file 2020-01-22T00:58:31.000Z
contentLastModified string publish timestamp of cached file's contents/data 2019-08-28T17:03:23.323Z
sourceLastModified string publish timestamp of source service 2019-08-28T17:03:23.323Z
downloadUrl string URL for downloading the cached file
jobPipeline string[] Ordered list of job names required to generate this file. A "paging" job that follows a "fgbd" is only executed in the event that the "fgdb" job fails" [ "fgdb", "paging", "conversion"]
cachingStatus string current status of caching process. failed or inProgress
cachingStage string current stage of caching process. fgdb
processingTime string time elapsed on current caching stage 10.52 minutes
error object if cachingStatus is failed, the error causing the failure
error.message string error message of last cache job failure remote server error
error.stack string error stack of last cache job failure
error.timestamp string error stack of last cache job failure 2020-08-28T17:03:23.323Z
jobs object[] array of any failed or in progress jobs that are part of the pipeline for this file
type string type of dataset/item Feature Service
serviceUrl string URL for accessing the source data
param description example
datasetId item and optional layer ID (CSV items won't have a layer ID) abcedef0123456789abcdef0123456789_0
srid spatial reference ID of requested download 2927
format file format of requested download csv
where Geoservices where clause where=color=red
geometry Geoservices geometry filter geometry={"xmin":-88.244,"ymin":39.726,"xmax":-86.411,"ymax":40.095,"type":"extent","spatialReference":{"wkid":4326}}
HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and the related datasets were found
404 resource was not found
500 server error during the request

GET api/v3/datasets/:id/related

This endpoint returns a set of datasets related to the id that is passed in.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and the related datasets were found
404 resource was not found
500 server error during the request
param description example
fields[{resource}] used for client-specified payloads, i.e. sparse fieldsets /api/v3/datasets?fields[datasets]=name,url,tags,owner - returns a list of datasets with only their name, url, tags, and owner attributes
filter[{attribute}] filter used to narrow the scope of dataset results. NOT used for 'fuzzy' scoring. More details on filters and their advanced usage in the filter function section /api/v3/datasets?filter[tags]=any(esri,boundaries) - returns a list of datasets that have EITHER 'esri' or 'boundaries' in their tags
sort used for sorting results. a '-' in front of the attribute name means descending order /api/v3/datasets?sort=-name - return a list of datasets in descending alphabetical order on the name attribute. Default sort is sorted by relevance first then by the modified attribute

GET api/v3/datasets/:id/connected-content

This endpoint returns all the datasets that are connected to the id that is passed in. Connected content is considered any open data layers that are either used in a Web Maps / Web Scences or used in Web Maps / Web Scenes in Web Mapping Applications. A url parameter is available to optionally filter for ids.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and the connected datasets were found
404 resource was not found
500 server error during the request
param description example
fields[{resource}] used for client-specified payloads, i.e. sparse fieldsets /api/v3/datasets/connected-content?fields[datasets]=name,url,tags,owner - returns a list of datasets with only their name, url, tags, and owner attributes
url used to optionally filter by url /api/v3/datasets/abc123/connected-content?url=

Filter Functions

The filter functions allow clients to greater control over how filter parameters are processed by the API. The filter functions that are available for a particular attribute depend on the attribute's data type.


  • ?filter[tags]=any(esri,boundaries) - returns datasets with EITHER 'esri' or 'boundaries' in their tags
  • ?filter[tags]=all(esri,boundaries) - returns datasets with BOTH 'esri' or 'boundaries' in their tags
  • ?filter[tags]=prefixAll(census,population) - returns datasets with tags that start with 'census' AND 'population'. A dataset that has a tag 'census 2010' and 'population studies' would match. A dataset with just 'population change' would not.
  • ?filter[source]=prefixAny(NOAA,NWS) - returns datasets with sources that start with 'NOAA' OR 'NWS'
  • ?filter[collection]=any(Event) - returns datasets that are index as part of the collection type 'Event'. See here for a list of all collection types.


  • ?filter[recordCount]=gt(100) - returns datasets with recordCount greater than 100
  • ?filter[recordCount]=gte(100) - returns datasets with recordCount greater than or equal to 100
  • ?filter[recordCount]=lt(4000) - returns datasets with recordCount less than to 4000
  • ?filter[recordCount]=lte(4000) - returns datasets with recordCount less than or equal to 4000
  • ?filter[recordCount]=range(100,500) - returns datasets with recordCount between 100 and 500 (inclusive on both ends)


  • ?filter[created]=before(2017/01/01) - returns datasets where their items were created before 2017-01-01
  • ?filter[composedAt]=after(2017/09/21) - returns datasets that were composed after 2017-09-21
  • ?filter[modified]=between(2017/01/01,2017/02/01) - returns datasets where their items were modified between 2017-01-01 and 2017-02-01 (inclusive on both ends)

Geo Shapes

  • ?filter[bbox]=intersects(-77.342,38.855,-76.709,38.949) - returns datasets that have bounding boxes that intersect with the query
  • ?filter[bbox]=contains(-77.342,38.855,-76.709,38.949) - returns datasets that have bounding boxes that contain the query
  • ?filter[bbox]=disjoint(-77.342,38.855,-76.709,38.949) - returns datasets that have bounding boxes that have no overlap with the query
  • ?filter[bbox]=within(-77.342,38.855,-76.709,38.949) - returns datasets that have bounding boxes are within the query



  • ?agg[mode]=uniqueCount - returns the total number of unique values for each field

Dataset Schema


Attribute Data Type Description Filterable Sortable Readonly Path Aggregation
name String name of dataset n y n n
commentsEnabled Boolean if true, commenting is enabled on the Item y n n item.commentsEnabled n
hubType String general data type y y y default.type y
source String the name of the Organization responsible for the dataset y y y default.source.source y
description String description of dataset n n n default.description n
url String url for data source on Item n n n default.description n
serverURL String url of data source Server (if applicable) n n n default.url n
created Date timestamp of when Item was created y y y item.created n
modified Date timestamp of when Item was last modified y y y item.modified n
composedAt Date timestamp of when Dataset was last composed (i.e. the first step of harvesting) y y y default.composedAt n
composeStatus Object status report for compose harvesting step n n y default.composeStatus n
extent Object extent on Item y n n default.extent n
thumbnail String url for Item thumbnail n n n item.thumbnail n
licenseInfo String license for Item n n n item.licenseInfo n
enrichPerformanceRating String heuristic for server performance (good or bad) y y y enrichments.enrichPerformanceRating y
type String type of Dataset y y y default.type y
tags String(Array) user created tags for Item y n n item.tags y
owner String username of user that created the Item y y y item.owner y
enrichRelated String terms related to dataset y n y enrichRelated.enrichRelated y
layers Object(Array) layers for Item (if applicable) n n y layers n
currentVersion Float server version y y y server.currentVersion y
useStandardizedQueries Boolean useStandardizedQueries from server n n y server.useStandardizedQueries n
supportedExtensions String supportedExtensions from server n n y server.supportedExtensions n
maxRecordCount Integer maximum records that can be returned from the server for this dataset y y y server.maxRecordCount n
serviceSpatialReference Object server spatial reference n n y server.extent.spatialReference n
supportedsAdvancedQueries Boolean if true, advanced query capabilities are enabled on the server y n y server.supportedsAdvancedQueries n
enrichments Object enrichment object for dataset n n y enrichments n
metadata Object metadata object for dataset n n y metadata n
server Object server object for dataset n n y server n
venue String (events only) name of event venue n y y event.venue n
address String (events only) address of event venue n y y event.address n
organizer String (events only) name of person or organization that set up the event n y y event.organizer n
initiativeTitle String (events only) related initative n y y event.initiativeTitle n
startDate Date (events only) start date/time of event y n y event.startDate n
endDate Date (events only) enddate/time of event y n y event.endDate n
status Boolean (events only) public, private, draft, planned y n y event.status n
boundary Object boundary around the data points n n y enrichments.boundary n
vectorTiles Object date when vector tiles were updated and link to the vector tiles n n y enrichments.vectorTiles n

Attribute Details

  "boundary": {
      "center": [
      "size": 277,
      "geometry": {
          "type": "polygon",
          "rings": [
          "spatialReference": {
              "wkid": 4326

Response Formats

Collection Format for /api/v3/datasets endpoint (0 to many resources in an API response)
  "data": [
      "id": "{dataset_id}",
      "type": "dataset",
      "attributes": {
        "name": "{dataset_name}",
        "url": "{dataset_url}",
        "errors: [],
        // ...
      "links": {
        "self": "{dataset_id}",
        "itemPage": "{item_id}",
        "esriRest": "{item_id}?f=json"
      // ...
  "meta": {
    "apiRoot": "",
    "resourceRoot": "",
    "request": "[datasets]=name,type,owner,tags&filter[tags]=any(parcels)",
    "queryParameters": {},
    "stats": {
      "total": 0,
      "pageCount": 0,
      "aggs": {
        "tags": [
            "key": "opendata",
            "doc_count": 0
Object Format (at most 1 resource)
    "data": {
      "id": "{dataset_id}",
      "type": "dataset",
      "attributes": {
        "name": "{dataset_name}",
        "url": "{dataset_url}",
        "errors: [],
        // ...
      "links": {
        "self": "{dataset_id}",
        "itemPage": "{item_id}",
        "esriRest": "{item_id}?f=json"

default aggregation

  "meta": {
    "stats": {
      "aggs": {
        "{{field_name}}": [
            "key": "{{filed_value}}",
            "doc_count": "{{dataset_count}}"

unique count aggregation (agg[mode]=uniqueCount)

  "meta": {
    "stats": {
      "aggs": {
        "{{field_name}}": "{{unique_value_count}}"

GET api/v3/datasets/:id/redirect

Redirects to a url with more information about the dataset of the passed in id parameter. The URL pattern depends on the type of dataset requested. Dataset IDs that cannot be found or do not have attributes for URL construction redirect to the Hub 404 page.

HTTP Code Scenario
302 request is redirected
500 server error during the request

GET api/v3/semantics

Returns edges that represent relations like RelatedTo and Synonym for a given set of terms (nodes).

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and the edges are found for the given nodes and relation query
400 the request is invalid like incorrect relation, invalid language, and nodes or relations are blank
500 server error during the request
param description example
nodes (required) nodes are terms that are comma separated /api/v3/semantics?nodes=bike,trail,hike&relations=RelatedTo,Synonym - returns RelatedTo, Synonym edge relations for the input nodes
relations (required) relations are edge relations like RelatedTo and Synonym (Currently, only RelatedTo and Synonym relations are allowed) /api/v3/semantics?nodes=bike,trail,hike&relations=RelatedTo,Synonym - returns RelatedTo, Synonym edge relations for the input nodes
language (optional) language abbreviation of the nodes (terms). For a list of supported languages, please refer to api/middleware/helpers/languages.json. By default the language will be considered as English /api/v3/semantics?nodes=fleuve&relations=RelatedTo,Synonym&language=fr - returns RelatedTo, Synonym edge relations for the input node which is in French

Filter Functions

The filter functions give clients a greater control over how results are filtered by the API

  • ?filter[similarityThreshold]=0.65 - returns edges of the RelatedTo type that are at least 65% similar. This filter is applicable only for RelatedTo relation.

Response Format

Collection Format (0 to many resources in an API response)

   "data": [
       "id": "c/en/accident-RelatedTo-c/en/crash",
       "type": "RelatedTo",
       "attributes": {
         "start": "accident",
         "end": "crash",
         "similarity": 0.67,
         "startLanguage": "English",
         "endLanguage": "English"
       "meta": {
         "source": "verbosity"
   "meta": {
     "total": 986,
     "inputMap": {
       "Accidents": "accident",

Semantics Schema


Attribute Data Type Description
start String start node of the edge
end String end node of the edge
similarity Number cosine similarity between the start and end nodes (field present only if the edge type is RelatedTo)
startLanguage String language of the start node
endLanguage String language of the end node

Meta Attributes

Attribute Data Type Description
id String ConceptNet's core edge representing start node -- edge type -- end node as URIs
type String edge relation
source String the source of this edge in ConceptNet
inputMap String a mapping that indicates how the input nodes were preprocessed
total Number total number of resources

GET api/v3/search

This is the new endpoint (aka unified-search) for searching, filtering, and sorting collections of datasets and restricted items.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful, even if the query returns 0 results
500 server error during the request
Request Headers

The following are optional request headers this endpoint accepts in order to search AGO restricted items

field description example
authorization ArcGIS Online token
portal ArcGIS Online portal environment to search https://${env} where env is dev, qa, or prod
param description example
q full-text query ('fuzzy' queries) /api/v3/search?q=redlands parcels - will return results that best match a query for 'redlands parcels'
fields[{resource}] used for client-specified payloads, i.e. sparse fieldsets /api/v3/search?fields[datasets]=name,url,tags,owner - returns a list of datasets/items with only their name, url, tags, and owner attributes
filter[{attribute}] filter used to narrow the scope of dataset results. NOT used for 'fuzzy' scoring. More details on filters and their advanced usage in the filter function section /api/v3/search?filter[tags]=any(esri,boundaries) - returns a list of datasets/items that have EITHER 'esri' or 'boundaries' in their tags
agg[{property}] used for specifying field aggregation settings, including fields, size, mode. The aggregation works on given attribute fields at agg[fields] and returns dataset count for each field value (up to the number specified at agg[size], by default 10). The agg[mode] specifies the type of stats returned by the aggregation. /api/v3/search?agg[fields]=source&agg[size]=10 - returns the top 10 dataset sources and the associated dataset count for each source
sort used for sorting results. a '-' in front of the attribute name means descending order /api/v3/search?sort=-name - return a list of datasets in descending alphabetical order on the name attribute. Default sort is sorted by relevance first then by the modified attribute
page[key] used to fetch the next set of results where the key is provided by the previous response's field. It is auto-generated by the api /api/v3/search?page[key]=1ef

See errors for a more-thorough document on error types and parameters.

Collection Format for /api/v3/search endpoint (0 to many resources in an API response)
Field Notes
data Array of data containing public and private datasets/items from Hub and/or AGO
meta Metadata about the response
meta.queryParameters The query parameters sent for this request. i.e. request.query object
meta.stats.count Number of results in this response
meta.stats.totalCount Total number of results for this request
meta.stats.aggs Aggregations for the requested fields where each agg is of format key and docCount where key is the value in the aggregated field and docCount is the number of documents that match that key A link to the next set of results for the same request
meta.warning An array of warnings describing whether something went wrong in the search


  "data": [
      "id": "{dataset_id}",
      "type": "dataset",
      "attributes": {
        "name": "{dataset_name}",
        "url": "{dataset_url}",
        "access": "public",
        // ...
      // ...
  "meta": {    
    "queryParameters": {},
    "stats": {
      "count": 20,
      "totalCount": 123
      "aggs": {
        "tags": [
            "key": "opendata",
            "doc_count": 0
      "next": "https://...?q=...&page[key]=1xx==...",
      "warning": [
          "title": "ArcGISAuthError",
          "status": 498,
          "message": "498: Invalid token."

POST /api/v3/jobs/group/:id/harvest

This authenticated endpoint is used to publish a harvest-group job for a group ID.

HTTP Code Scenario Response
200 harvest-group job is published and request is successful { jobId }
400 POST body does not contain isOpenData property { message: <error message> }
403 authentication failed
404 id is not in GUID format
500 harvest-group job could not be published { message: <error message> }
Request Headers

The following are optional request headers this endpoint accepts in order to search AGO restricted items

field description example
authorization ArcGIS Online token
portal ArcGIS Online portal environment to search https://${env} where env is dev, qa, or prod


GET api/v3/events/:orgId

Returns server info for an organization's Events feature service.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and feature server information is returned or feature service returned an error wrapped in a success object
500 server error during the request
Route parameters
param description example
orgId ID of the organization for which events are being requested ABCDEFG
Query parameters
param description example
token Authorization token issued to the requeesting user token=ABCDEFG

GET /api/v3/events/:orgId/:view/layers

Returns information about all the layers that are defined for an organization's event service.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and feature server information is returned or feature service returned an error wrapped in a success object
500 server error during the request
Route parameters| param | description | example |

| ----- | ----------- | ------- | | orgId | ID of the organization for which events are being requested | ABCDEFG | | view | Name of the permissioned view you are requesting. | Hub Events |

GET /api/v3/events/:orgId/:view/:layerId

Returns information about a layer for an organization's Events feature service.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and feature server information is returned or feature service returned an error wrapped in a success object
500 server error during the request
Route parameters
param description example
orgId ID of the organization for which events are being requested ABCDEFG
view Name of the permissioned view you are requesting. Hub Events
layerId ID of the feature server layer for which events are being requested. Note that this parameter is overwritten by the layer ID that is returned in the feature service URL for an organizations events, unless it's value is layers. Otherwise it is present strictly for routing purposes. 0
Query parameters
param description example
token Authorization token issued to the requesting user token=ABCDEFG

GET /api/v3/events/:orgId/:view/:layerId/query

Query all or a subset of events using query parameters defined by the ArcGIS REST API.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and feature server information is returned or feature service returned an error wrapped in a success object
500 server error during the request
Route parameters| param | description | example |

| ----- | ----------- | ------- | | orgId | ID of the organization for which events are being requested | ABCDEFG | | view | Name of the permissioned view you are requesting. | Hub Events | | layerId | ID of the feature server layer for which events are being requested. Note that this parameter is overwritten by the layer ID that is returned in the feature service URL for an organizations events. Otherwise it is present strictly for routing purposes. | 0 |

GET /api/v3/events/:orgId/:view/:layerId/:id

Get information about an organization's event.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and feature server information is returned or feature service returned an error wrapped in a success object
500 server error during the request
Route parameters
param description example
orgId ID of the organization for which events are being requested ABCDEFG
view Name of the permissioned view you are requesting. Hub Events
layerId ID of the feature server layer for which events are being requested. Note that this parameter is overwritten by the layer ID that is returned in the feature service URL for an organizations events. Otherwise it is present strictly for routing purposes. 0
id ID of the event. Can also be set to query and all event features are returned. 1
Query parameters
param description example
token Authorization token issued to the requeesting user token=ABCDEFG
others See GeoServices API

POST /api/v3/events/:orgId/:view/:layerId/:id/applyEdits

Edit the organization's event feature service layer. This route essentially passes through to the feature service. Additional information about parameters and responses can be found here.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and feature server information is returned or feature service returned an error wrapped in a success object
500 server error during the request
Route parameters
param description example
orgId ID of the organization for which events are being requested ABCDEFG
view Name of the permissioned view you are requesting. Hub Events
layerId ID of the feature server layer for which events are being requested. Note that this parameter is overwritten by the layer ID that is returned in the feature service URL for an organizations events. Otherwise it is present strictly for routing purposes. 0
Body parameters
param description example
adds Can be sent as form-data or raw POST body json. See ArcGIS services reference for additional information.
updates Can be sent as form-data or raw POST body json. See ArcGIS services reference for additional information.
deletes Can be sent as form-data or raw POST body json. See ArcGIS services reference for additional information.
token Authorization token issued to the requeesting user token=ABCDEFG

POST /api/v3/events/:orgId/:view/:layerId/:id/addFeatures

Add features to the organization's event feature service layer. This route essentially passes through to the feature service and then the event data is added to the search index. Additional information about parameters and responses can be found here.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and feature server information is returned or feature service returned an error wrapped in a success object
500 server error during the request
Route parameters
param description example
orgId ID of the organization for which events are being requested ABCDEFG
view Name of the permissioned view you are requesting. Hub Events
layerId ID of the feature server layer for which events are being requested. Note that this parameter is overwritten by the layer ID that is returned in the feature service URL for an organizations events. Otherwise it is present strictly for routing purposes. 0
Body parameters
param description example
features Can be sent as form-data or raw POST body json. See ArcGIS services reference for additional information. In addition to attributes and geometry, each feature should also have the following properties to facilitate addition to the search index: orgTitle, initiativeTitle, and eventUrl
token Authorization token issued to the requeesting user token=ABCDEFG

POST /api/v3/events/:orgId/:view/:layerId/:id/updateFeatures

Update existing features in the organization's event feature service layer. This route essentially passes through to the feature service and then the event data is used to update the search index. Additional information about parameters and responses can be found here.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and feature server information is returned or feature service returned an error wrapped in a success object
500 server error during the request
Route parameters
param description example
orgId ID of the organization for which events are being requested ABCDEFG
view Name of the permissioned view you are requesting. Hub Events
layerId ID of the feature server layer for which events are being requested. Note that this parameter is overwritten by the layer ID that is returned in the feature service URL for an organizations events. Otherwise it is present strictly for routing purposes. 0
Body parameters
param description example
features Can be sent as form-data or raw POST body json. See ArcGIS services reference for additional information. In addition to attributes and geometry, each feature should also have the following properties to facilitate update of the search index: orgTitle, initiativeTitle, and eventUrl
token Authorization token issued to the requeesting user token=ABCDEFG

POST /api/v3/events/:orgId/:view/:layerId/:id/deleteFeatures

Delete existing features in the organization's event feature service layer. This route essentially passes through to the feature service and the posted objectIds are used to remove events from the search index. Additional information about parameters and responses can be found here.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and feature server information is returned or feature service returned an error wrapped in a success object
500 server error during the request
Route parameters
param description example
orgId ID of the organization for which events are being requested ABCDEFG
view Name of the permissioned view you are requesting. Hub Events
layerId ID of the feature server layer for which events are being requested. Note that this parameter is overwritten by the layer ID that is returned in the feature service URL for an organizations events. Otherwise it is present strictly for routing purposes. 0
Body parameters
param description example
objectIds Can be sent as form-data or raw POST body json. See ArcGIS services reference for additional information. In addition to attributes and geometry, each feature should also have the following properties to facilitate update of the search index: orgTitle, initiativeTitle, and eventUrl
token Authorization token issued to the requeesting user token=ABCDEFG

GET /api/v3/events/:orgId/:view/:layerId/:id/attachments

Get attachments for an organization's event.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and feature server information is returned or feature service returned an error wrapped in a success object
500 server error during the request
Route parameters
param description example
orgId ID of the organization for which events are being requested ABCDEFG
view Name of the permissioned view you are requesting. Hub Events
layerId ID of the feature server layer for which events are being requested. Note that this parameter is overwritten by the layer ID that is returned in the feature service URL for an organizations events. Otherwise it is present strictly for routing purposes. 0
id ID of the event. 1
Query parameters
param description example
token Authorization token issued to the requeesting user token=ABCDEFG

GET /api/v3/events/:orgId/:view/:layerId/:id/attachments/:attachmentId

Get specific attachments for an organization's event.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and feature server information is returned or feature service returned an error wrapped in a success object
500 server error during the request
Route parameters
param description example
orgId ID of the organization for which events are being requested ABCDEFG
view Name of the permissioned view you are requesting. Hub Events
layerId ID of the feature server layer for which events are being requested. Note that this parameter is overwritten by the layer ID that is returned in the feature service URL for an organizations events. Otherwise it is present strictly for routing purposes. 0
id ID of the event. 1
attachmentId ID of the event's attachment. 1
Query parameters
param description example
token Authorization token issued to the requeesting user token=ABCDEFG

POST /api/v3/events/:orgId/:view/:layerId/:id/addAttachment

Add an attachment to an organization's event.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and feature server information is returned or feature service returned an error wrapped in a success object
500 server error during the request
Route parameters
param description example
orgId ID of the organization for which events are being requested ABCDEFG
view Name of the permissioned view you are requesting. Hub Events
layerId ID of the feature server layer for which events are being requested. Note that this parameter is overwritten by the layer ID that is returned in the feature service URL for an organizations events. Otherwise it is present strictly for routing purposes. 0
id ID of the event. 1
Body parameters
param description example
attachment Can be sent as form-data. See ArcGIS services reference for additional information.
token Authorization token issued to the requeesting user token=ABCDEFG

POST /api/v3/events/:orgId/:view/:layerId/:id/updateAttachment

Update an organization's event attachment.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and feature server information is returned or feature service returned an error wrapped in a success object
500 server error during the request
Route parameters
param description example
orgId ID of the organization for which events are being requested ABCDEFG
view Name of the permissioned view you are requesting. Hub Events
layerId ID of the feature server layer for which events are being requested. Note that this parameter is overwritten by the layer ID that is returned in the feature service URL for an organizations events. Otherwise it is present strictly for routing purposes. 0
id ID of the event. 1
Body parameters
param description example
attachmentId ID of the event's attachment. 1
attachment Can be sent as form-data. See ArcGIS services reference for additional information.
token Authorization token issued to the requeesting user token=ABCDEFG

POST /api/v3/events/:orgId/:view/:layerId/:id/deleteAttachment

Delete an organization's event attachment.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful and feature server information is returned or feature service returned an error wrapped in a success object
500 server error during the request
Route parameters
param description example
orgId ID of the organization for which events are being requested ABCDEFG
view Name of the permissioned view you are requesting. Hub Events
layerId ID of the feature server layer for which events are being requested. Note that this parameter is overwritten by the layer ID that is returned in the feature service URL for an organizations events. Otherwise it is present strictly for routing purposes. 0
id ID of the event. 1
Body parameters
param description example
attachmentId ID of the event's attachment. 1
token Authorization token issued to the requeesting user token=ABCDEFG

ACME Challenge


  • PUT /.well-known/acme-challenge/:tokenName
  • GET /.well-known/acme-challenge/:tokenName

PUT /.well-known/acme-challenge/:tokenName

This endpoint inserts the token text with the given token name and the domain. If the token name already exists, it updates its token text with the given one. Authentication (AGO token) is required for this endpoint and it is for hub team members only.

param description example
tokenName token name to update /.well-known/acme-challenge/employee-login
Request Body
  "tokenText": "your token text"
HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful
4xx authentication error
500 server error during the request
Response Format

It returns the token text as raw text.


GET /.well-known/acme-challenge/:tokenName

This endpoint retrieves the token text using the given token name and the domain.

param description example
tokenName token name to query /.well-known/acme-challenge/employee-login
HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful
404 token name not found
500 server error during the request
Response Format

It returns the token text as raw text.



GET /api/v3/domains/validate

Validates a specified hostname for use with ArcGIS Hub by testing it for a CNAME record that resolves to

HTTP Code Scenario
200 domain successfully tested but may or may not be valid
400 domain is malformed
500 server error during domain validation
param description example
hostname hostname to validate for use with ArcGIS Hub /api/v3/hostname? - returns success=true and tested url if resolves to Hub, success=false, tested url, and error info if it does not
Response Format
  "success": true,
  "input": ""
  "success": false,
  "input": "",
  "reason": "notHubCname"
  "success": false,
  "input": "foobar",
  "error": {
    "code": 400,
    "detail": "ENOTFOUND",
    "message": "domainNotFound"
  "success": false,
  "input": "foobar",
  "error": {
    "code": 500,
    "detail": "FOO",
    "message": "domainValidationError"


POST /api/internal/telemetry/tests

Accepts JSON representing a test suite and its individual tests. Results are written to the elasticsearch index tests-$date.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 test suite received and indexed
500 error during processing test suite
Input Format
  start: 2732166123,
  end: 2732166882,
  suite: 'admin',
  emberVersion: '3.5.2',
  nodeVersion: '8.4.2',
  chromeVersion: 74,
  results: [
       type, <acceptance | unit | integration>
       status <pass|fail|skipped>,
       error <null or stacktrace>
Response Format
  "success": true,
  "id": "1ef141",
  "receivedCount": 3

Vector Tiles

GET api/v3/arcgis/rest/info

This endpoint returns a JSON object that provides mocked ArcGIS server information so AGO clients can use vector tiles without error.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful json object is returned
404 resource was not found
500 server error during the request

GET api/v3/arcgis/rest/services/:id/VectorTileServer

This endpoint returns a JSON object that provides the location of styling for the vector tiles and also provides the location of where the tiles themselves are stored.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful json object is returned
404 resource was not found
500 server error during the request

GET api/v3/arcgis/rest/services/:id/VectorTileServer/resources/styles/root.json

This endpoint returns a JSON object that provides the styling for the vector tiles. The returned object also contains the url to the /VectorTileServer endpoint which in turn points to the exact location of the vector tiles.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful json object with styling is returned
404 resource was not found
500 server error during the request

GET api/v3/arcgis/rest/services/:id/VectorTileServer/resources/sprites/sprite.json

This endpoint is currently required by ArcGIS clients, which have errors without it. Our vector tiles don't use sprites so we return an empty object.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful json object is returned
404 resource was not found
500 server error during the request

GET api/v3/arcgis/rest/services/:id/VectorTileServer/resources/fonts/:fontname/:fontrange.pbf

This endpoint is currently required by ArcGIS clients, which have errors without it. Our vector tiles don't use fonts so we return an empty body.

HTTP Code Scenario
200 request is successful
404 resource was not found
500 server error during the request


  • /api/jobs: administrative API for inspecting and interacting with jobs (units of work that harvest, inspect, and enrich data from ArcGIS Online or Portal)
  • /api/es/: administrative API for interacting with the underlying ElasticSearch cluster (read-only)
  • /api/v3: public-facing API for ArcGIS Hub
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hoogw commented Feb 22, 2021

perfect !!! exactly what I needed. appreciated

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