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Created July 14, 2019 08:27
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Refit + Prism Forms + Fusillade
public interface IApiService<TInterfaceService>
// Use to fetch data into a cache when a page loads. Expect that
// these requests will only get so far then give up and start failing
TInterfaceService Speculative { get; }
// Use for network requests that are fetching data that the user is
// waiting on *right now*
TInterfaceService UserInitiated { get; }
// Use for network requests that are running in the background
TInterfaceService Background { get; }
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syahman commented Jul 21, 2020

assalamualaikum. hi.

TInterfaceService <- can u explain this ?

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hamid-shaikh commented Jul 21, 2020

Walaikum Assalam

Please go through all the steps to get more details.

TInterfaceService - Will be your "service interface", which you have define while doing registration. Please check Step 4
The idea is to get appropriate "Service object" at runtime using IOC. For example if you have below two services.

  1. IAuthenticationService
  2. ISomeDataService

So, Registering to IOC container will be like below.

protected override void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
    containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<IApiService<IAuthenticationService>, ApiService<IAuthenticationService>>();
    containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<IApiService<IAuthenticationService>, ApiService<ISomeDataService>>();
    containerRegistry.RegisterForNavigation<LoginPage, LoginPageViewModel>();

Inject required service at ViewModel constructor.

public partial class LoginPageViewModel
    public LoginPageViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, 
                              IApiService<IAuthenticationService> authenticationService)
        NavigationService = authenticationService;
        AuthenticationService = authenticationService;//Here you will get AuthenticationService object injected


public partial class HomePageViewModel
    public HomePageViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, 
                              IApiService<ISomeDataService> someDataService)
        NavigationService = authenticationService;
        SomeDataServiceService = someDataService;//Here you will get SomeDataService object injected

Also, There are high possibility that your application integrate more than one "Service" providers and this can help you easily identify service provider type.

For example:- Let's say your application is consuming two "Service Provider" for Authentication.
so you can create two Interface like below.


Now, at runtime while creating HttpClient object inside ApiService.cs file you can simply check Interface type and return appropriate HttpClient object.

TInterfaceService CreateHttpClient()
       bool isServiceProvider1 = typeof(TInterfaceService).GetInterface(nameof(IServiceProvider1)) != null;
       HttpClient client;
           client = new HttpClient(messageHandler)
                 BaseAddress = new Uri(AppConstants.BaseAddressServiceProvider1),
                 Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(AppConstants.Timeout)
            client = new HttpClient(messageHandler)
                  BaseAddress = new Uri(AppConstants.BaseAddressServiceProvider2),
                  Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(AppConstants.Timeout)

        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
        //client.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
        return RestService.For<TInterfaceService>(client, new RefitSettings
            ContentSerializer = new JsonContentSerializer(jsonSerializerSettings)

Please let me know if u still have any query.

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syahman commented Jul 22, 2020

dear hamid-shaikh, very thankful for your explanation, now i understand how D.I works in Prism. Being searching this method for almost a week.

i would like to add another nuget to my project instead of Refit + Prism Forms + Fusillade, there will be fody.propertychanged,aritchie Acr.UserDialogs,Polly and Plugin.connectivity. hope this will integrate well with prism. maybe need workaround if i need to inject static interface. so far my prism project able to get API data. what's the difference between RegisterSingleton and RegisterInstance ?

/* Services, D.I */
            containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<IApiService<IAuthenticationService>, ApiService<IAuthenticationService>>();
            containerRegistry.RegisterInstance(typeof(IUserDialogs), UserDialogs.Instance);

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hamid-shaikh commented Jul 22, 2020

To understand difference better kindly visit Prism documentation (Very good documentation)

Prism Forms Documentation

One suggestion - Use Xamarin.Essential for Connectivity instead of Plugin.Connectivity

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