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Last active May 27, 2018 05:26
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continuous game of life (direct port)
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""SmoothLife -- Conway's GoL in continuous space
Re-written in Python using the speedups of Numpy
Better integration methods
Fancy UI
Refactor. OO design always fails because of nested variable access
Explanations and code (in other language) here:
import math
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
# # Necessary for writing video
# from import FFmpegWriter
# from matplotlib import cm
class Rules:
# Birth range
B1 = 0.278
B2 = 0.365
# Survival range
D1 = 0.267
D2 = 0.445
# Sigmoid widths
N = 0.028
M = 0.147
# B1 = 0.257
# B2 = 0.336
# D1 = 0.365
# D2 = 0.549
# N = 0.028
# M = 0.147
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.__dict__.update(kwargs) # Set variables from constructor
def sigma(x, a, alpha):
"""Logistic function on x
Transition around a with steepness alpha
return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-4.0 / alpha * (x - a)))
def sigma2(self, x, a, b):
"""Logistic function on x between a and b"""
return self.sigma(x, a, self.N) * (1.0 - self.sigma(x, b, self.N))
def lerp(a, b, t):
"""Linear intererpolate t:[0,1] from a to b"""
return (1.0 - t) * a + t * b
def s(self, n, m):
"""State transition function"""
alive = self.sigma(m, 0.5, self.M)
return self.sigma2(n, self.lerp(self.B1, self.D1, alive), self.lerp(self.B2, self.D2, alive))
def logistic2d(size, radius, roll=True, logres=None):
"""Create a circle with blurred edges
Set roll=False to have the circle centered in the middle of the
matrix. Default is to center at the extremes (best for convolution).
The transition width of the blur scales with the size of the grid.
I'm not actually sure of the math behind it, but it's what was presented
in the code from:
y, x = size
# Get coordinate values of each point
yy, xx = np.mgrid[:y, :x]
# Distance between each point and the center
radiuses = np.sqrt((xx - x/2)**2 + (yy - y/2)**2)
# Scale factor for the transition width
if logres is None:
logres = math.log(min(*size), 2)
with np.errstate(over="ignore"):
# With big radiuses, the exp overflows,
# but 1 / (1 + inf) == 0, so it's fine
logistic = 1 / (1 + np.exp(logres * (radiuses - radius)))
if roll:
logistic = np.roll(logistic, y//2, axis=0)
logistic = np.roll(logistic, x//2, axis=1)
return logistic
class Multipliers:
"""Kernel convulution for neighbor integral"""
def __init__(self, size, inner_radius=INNER_RADIUS, outer_radius=OUTER_RADIUS):
inner = logistic2d(size, inner_radius)
outer = logistic2d(size, outer_radius)
annulus = outer - inner
# Scale each kernel so the sum is 1
inner /= np.sum(inner)
annulus /= np.sum(annulus)
# Precompute the FFT's
self.M = np.fft.fft2(inner)
self.N = np.fft.fft2(annulus)
class SmoothLife:
def __init__(self, height, width):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.multipliers = Multipliers((height, width))
self.rules = Rules()
# self.esses = [None] * 3
# self.esses_count = 0
def clear(self):
"""Zero out the field"""
self.field = np.zeros((self.height, self.width))
# self.esses_count = 0
def step(self):
"""Do timestep and return field"""
# To sum up neighbors, do kernel convolutions
# by multiplying in the frequency domain
# and converting back to spacial domain
field_ = np.fft.fft2(self.field)
M_buffer_ = field_ * self.multipliers.M
N_buffer_ = field_ * self.multipliers.N
M_buffer = np.real(np.fft.ifft2(M_buffer_))
N_buffer = np.real(np.fft.ifft2(N_buffer_))
# Apply transition rules
s = self.rules.s(N_buffer, M_buffer)
nextfield = s
# Trying some things with smooth time stepping....
# Not yet working well....
# s0 = s - M_buffer
# s1, s2, s3 = self.esses
# if self.esses_count == 0:
# delta = s0
# elif self.esses_count == 1:
# delta = (3 * s0 - s1) / 2
# elif self.esses_count == 2:
# delta = (23 * s0 - 16 * s1 + 5 * s2) / 12
# else: # self.esses_count == 3:
# delta = (55 * s0 - 59 * s1 + 37 * s2 - 9 * s3) / 24
# self.esses = [s0] + self.esses[:-1]
# if self.esses_count < 3:
# self.esses_count += 1
# dt = 0.1
# nextfield = self.field + dt * delta
# mode = 0 # timestep mode (0 for discrete)
# dt = 0.9 # timestep
# # Apply timestep
# nextfield = self._step(mode, self.field, s, M_buffer, dt)
self.field = np.clip(nextfield, 0, 1)
return self.field
def _step(self, mode, f, s, m, dt):
"""State transition options
if mode == 0: # Discrete time step
return s
# Or use a solution to the differential equation
elif mode == 1:
return f + dt*(2*s - 1)
elif mode == 2:
return f + dt*(s - f)
elif mode == 3:
return m + dt*(2*s - 1)
elif mode == 4:
return m + dt*(s - m)
def add_speckles(self, count=None, intensity=1):
"""Populate field with random living squares
If count unspecified, do a moderately dense fill
I suggest using a smaller count when using continuous time
updating instead of discrete because continuous tends to converge.
if count is None:
# count = 200 worked well for a 128x128 grid
# scale according to area
count = 200 * (self.width * self.height) / (128 * 128)
count = int(count)
for i in range(count):
radius = int(self.multipliers.INNER_RADIUS)
r = np.random.randint(0, self.height - radius)
c = np.random.randint(0, self.width - radius)
self.field[r:r+radius, c:c+radius] = intensity
# self.esses_count = 0
def show_animation():
w = 1 << 9
h = 1 << 9
# w = 1920
# h = 1080
sl = SmoothLife(h, w)
fig = plt.figure()
# Nice color maps: viridis, plasma, gray, binary, seismic, gnuplot
im = plt.imshow(sl.field, animated=True,
cmap=plt.get_cmap("viridis"), aspect="equal")
def animate(*args):
return (im, )
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, interval=120, blit=True)
def save_animation():
w = 1 << 8
h = 1 << 8
# w = 1920
# h = 1080
sl = SmoothLife(h, w)
# Matplotlib shoves a horrible border on animation saves.
# We'll do it manually. Ugh
from import FFmpegWriter
from matplotlib import cm
fps = 10
frames = 100
w = FFmpegWriter("smoothlife.mp4", inputdict={"-r": str(fps)})
for i in range(frames):
frame = cm.viridis(sl.field)
frame *= 255
frame = frame.astype("uint8")
# Also, webm output isn't working for me,
# so I have to manually convert. Ugh
# ffmpeg -i smoothlife.mp4 -c:v libvpx -b:v 2M smoothlife.webm
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