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Last active January 4, 2019 17:16
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TL; DR: I got annoyed with the way unknown_word_tokens were dealt with in keras
pad_token = 0
unknown_word_token = 1
# tune this
min_occurances = 3
max_len = 60
class Tokenizer(object):
def __init__(self):
self.max_index = 1
self.word2index = {}
self.word2count = {}
self.index2word = {pad_token: "PAD", unknown_word_token: "UNKN"}
def word_index(self):
return self.word2index
def max_words_found(self):
return self.max_index
def total_words(self):
return len(self.word2index)
def fit_on_texts(self, texts, min_occ):
# first go though everything and add to dict
for sentence in tqdm(texts):
words = sentence.split(' ')
for word in words:
if word in self.word2index and word in self.word2count:
self.word2count[word] += 1
self.max_index += 1
self.word2index[word] = self.max_index
self.index2word[self.max_index] = word
self.word2count[word] = 1
# remove the words with a count that's too low
for w, c in self.word2count.items():
if c < min_occ:
del self.index2word[self.word2index[w]]
del self.word2index[w]
def texts_to_sequences(self, texts, pad_length):
out_sentences = []
for sentence in tqdm(texts):
words = sentence.split(' ')
out = []
for word in reversed(words):
if word in self.word2index:
while len(out) < pad_length:
return np.array(out_sentences)
def sequences_to_texts(self, sequences):
out_texts = []
for seq in tqdm(sequences):
out = []
for num in seq:
# if you wanted safety then you should have used haskell
out_texts.append(' '.join(out))
return out_texts
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