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Last active January 2, 2018 22:51
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extension RandomAccessCollection {
func first(where predicate: (Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Iterator.Element? {
for element in self {
if try predicate(element) {
return element
return nil
extension Array {
mutating func reverse(indices: Range<Index>) {
if isEmpty || indices.isEmpty { return }
var low = indices.lowerBound
var high = index(before: indices.upperBound)
while low < high {
swap(&self[low], &self[high])
formIndex(after: &low)
formIndex(before: &high)
extension Array where Element : Comparable {
mutating func permute() -> Bool {
// Nothing to do for empty or single-element arrays:
if count <= 1 {
return false
// L2: Find last j such that self[j] <= self[j+1]. Terminate if no such j
// exists.
guard let j = indices.reversed().dropFirst()
.first(where: { self[$0] <= self[$0 + 1] })
else { return false }
// L3: Find last l such that self[j] <= self[l], then exchange elements j and l:
let l = indices.reversed()
.first(where: { self[j] <= self[$0] })!
swap(&self[j], &self[l])
// L4: Reverse elements j + 1 ... count - 1:
reverse(indices: Range(uncheckedBounds: (lower: j + 1, upper: count)))
return true
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Using flatmap will speed up this one up to ~30%

    mutating func permute2() -> Bool {

        // Nothing to do for empty or single-element arrays:
        guard count > 1 else { return false }

        guard let (j,l) = indices.reversed().dropFirst()
            .first(where: { self[$0] <= self[$0 + 1] })
            .flatMap({ j in
                // L3: Find last l such that self[j] <= self[l], then exchange elements j and l:
                (indices.reversed().first(where: { self[j] <= self[$0] })).map { (j, $0)}
            else { return false }

        self.swapAt(j, l)

        // L4: Reverse elements j + 1 ... count - 1:
        reverse(indices: Range(uncheckedBounds: (lower: j + 1, upper: count)))

        return true

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