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Last active December 17, 2015 18:09
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import heapq
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
# Constants for the various cell states
EMPTY = 0 # Cell is empty
OBSTACLE = 1 # Cell contains an obstacle
HEAD = 2 # Cell contains the snakes head
UP = (-1, 0) # Cell contains snake body exiting upwards
DOWN = (+1, 0) # Cell contains snake body exiting downwards
LEFT = (0, -1) # Cell contains snake body exiting left
RIGHT = (0, +1) # Cell contains snake body exiting right
class Snake(np.ndarray):
"""Class that holds a snake game state, represented as grid."""
def __new__(cls, width, height, obstacles, start=(0, 0)):
obj = np.ndarray.__new__(cls, (height, width), object, None, 0, None, 'C')
for pos in obstacles:
obj[pos] = OBSTACLE
obj[start] = HEAD
obj.head = obj.start = start
return obj
def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
if obj is not None:
self.head = getattr(obj, 'head', None)
self.start = getattr(obj, 'start', None)
def __nonzero__(self):
# heapq doesn't expect truthiness to produce an iterable, which breaks
# comparison unless we introduce the following hack
return any(self)
def __unicode__(self):
rep = {EMPTY: u'·', OBSTACLE: u'█', UP: u'↑', DOWN: u'↓', LEFT: u'←', RIGHT: u'→', HEAD: u'•'}
return u'\n'.join(u' '.join(rep[cell] for cell in row) for row in self)
def can_move(self, direction):
"""Get whether or not the snake can move in the specified direction."""
new_head = self.head[0] + direction[0], self.head[1] + direction[1]
return new_head[0] >= 0 and new_head[1] >= 0 and self[new_head] == EMPTY
except IndexError:
return False
def move(self, direction):
"""Move the snake in the specified direction."""
assert self.can_move(direction)
new_head = self.head[0] + direction[0], self.head[1] + direction[1]
self[self.head] = direction
self.head = new_head
self[new_head] = HEAD
return self
def path(self):
"""Reconstitute the snake path as a list of co-ordinates."""
pos = self.start
result = []
while self[pos] != HEAD:
pos = pos[0] + self[pos][0], pos[1] + self[pos][1]
return result
def n_obstacles(self):
"""Get the number of obstacles in the board state."""
return sum(cell is OBSTACLE for row in self for cell in row)
def n_cells(self):
"""Get the total number of cells in the board."""
return self.shape[0] * self.shape[1]
def is_free(self, idx):
"""Get whether or not the cell at the given index is free (empty or head)."""
return (0 <= idx[0] < self.shape[0]
and 0 <= idx[1] < self.shape[1]
and self[idx] in {EMPTY, HEAD})
def read_initial_state(fp=sys.stdin):
"""Read a board state from the given file-pointer"""
width, height = tuple(map(int, fp.readline().split()))
n_obstacles = int(fp.readline())
obstacles = [tuple(map(int, fp.readline().split())) for _ in xrange(n_obstacles)]
# Convert the row-order
obstacles = [(row, col) for col, row in obstacles]
return Snake(width, height, obstacles)
def inaccessibility_heuristic(snake):
"""Board state fitness heuristic based on how accessible empty cells are; i.e
how many directions they can move to."""
inaccessibility = 0
for col in xrange(snake.shape[1]):
for row in xrange(snake.shape[0]):
if snake[row, col] is EMPTY:
n_free_neighs = (snake.is_free((row - 1, col))
+ snake.is_free((row + 1, col))
+ snake.is_free((row, col + 1))
+ snake.is_free((row, col - 1)))
inaccessibility += 1.0 / (1.0 + n_free_neighs ** 2)
return inaccessibility
def find_longest_path(initial_state, cost=inaccessibility_heuristic):
Find the longest possible snake from the given initial configuration.
Board states are evaluated in order of a static analysis heuristic; specified by cost.
min_cost, best = float('inf'), None
# Initialise the queue to contain just the initial state
remaining = [(cost(initial_state), initial_state)]
while min_cost > 0:
# Read the next (best) state from the queue
current_cost, current = heapq.heappop(remaining)
# If it's better than out current best then save
if current_cost <= min_cost:
min_cost, best = current_cost, current
# Add all child states (found by moving in all possible directions) to the queue.
for direction in UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT:
if current.can_move(direction):
child = deepcopy(current).move(direction)
heapq.heappush(remaining, (cost(child), child))
return best
if __name__ == '__main__':
start = read_initial_state(fp=sys.stdin)
result = find_longest_path(start)
print '%d / %d' % (len(result.path()), start.n_cells() - start.n_obstacles())
for row, col in result.path():
print col, row
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