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Hossam Hammady hammady

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# See
# fixed to work with Rails 3.2.8
# Load Rails environment in 'test' mode
RAILS_ENV = "test"
require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)
# Re-establish db connection for 'performance' mode
silence_warnings { RAILS_ENV = "performance" }
hammady / solr.service
Created January 9, 2017 08:18
systemd service file for Apache SOLR
# put this file in /etc/systemd/system/ as root
# below paths assume solr installed in /opt/solr, SOLR_PID_DIR is /data
# and that all configuration exists in /etc/default/ which is the case if previously installed as an init.d service
# change port in pid file if differs
# note that it is configured to auto restart solr if it fails (Restart=on-faliure) and that's the motivation indeed :)
# to switch from systemv (init.d) to systemd, do the following after creating this file:
# sudo systemctl daemon-reload
# sudo service solr stop # if already running
# sudo systemctl enable solr
# systemctl start solr
hammady / duplicity_logrotate.conf
Last active October 1, 2023 02:25
A bash script to backup Raspberry Pi home to OneDrive using duplicity
# Place this in /etc/logrotate.d/duplicity
/var/log/duplicity.log {
maxsize 100K
rotate 10
create 0640 pi root
hammady / boston.json
Last active March 22, 2019 07:55 — forked from pprett/boston.json
{"error": 42716.2954, "samples": 506, "value": [22.532806324110698], "label": "RM <= 6.94", "type": "split", "children": [{"error": 17317.3210, "samples": 430, "value": [19.93372093023257], "label": "LSTAT <= 14.40", "type": "split", "children": [{"error": 6632.2175, "samples": 255, "value": [23.349803921568636], "label": "DIS <= 1.38", "type": "split", "children": [{"error": 390.7280, "samples": 5, "value": [45.58], "label": "CRIM <= 10.59", "type": "split", "children": [{"error": 0.0000, "samples": 4, "value": [50.0], "label": "Leaf - 4", "type": "leaf"}, {"error": 0.0000, "samples": 1, "value": [27.9], "label": "Leaf - 5", "type": "leaf"}]}, {"error": 3721.1632, "samples": 250, "value": [22.90520000000001], "label": "RM <= 6.54", "type": "split", "children": [{"error": 1636.0675, "samples": 195, "value": [21.629743589743576], "label": "LSTAT <= 7.57", "type": "split", "children": [{"error": 129.6307, "samples": 43, "value": [23.969767441860473], "label": "TAX <= 222.50", "type": "split", "children": [{"err
hammady / wordpress_wpforo_slack_plugin.php
Last active August 12, 2017 13:03
WordPress + wpForo + Slack
# add the following towards the end of wpforo/wpforo.php using plugin editor (before the final })
add_filter( 'slack_get_events', function( $events ) {
$events['wpforo_after_add_topic'] = array(
'action' => 'wpforo_after_add_topic',
'description' => __( 'When a forum post is published', 'slack' ),
'default' => false,
'message' => function( $args ) {
$excerpt = wp_trim_words( strip_shortcodes( $args['body'] ), 55, '&hellip;' );
hammady /
Created August 24, 2016 08:34
Clean your S3 logs
echo "Prerequisites:"
echo "sudo apt-get install awscli"
echo "aws configure"
echo "Usage:"
echo "aws s3 ls s3://BUCKET/PREFIX/ | cut -c32- | ./"
hammady /
Created April 17, 2013 06:28
BASH script to convert image urls in .CSS files to .ERB style asset paths. Example usage: ./ src libfoo input-file.css converts: .showgrid { background: url(src/grid.png); } to: .showgrid { background: url(<%=asset_path("libfoo/grid.png")%>); }
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <substitute-path> <with-path> <css-file>"
exit 1
# A script to download the latest episodes from
# author: modsaid <>
# mechanize support: Hossam Hammady <>
# gem install mechanize
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
hammady / csv2webcards.erb
Created April 19, 2015 12:30
Simple ERB template to convert CSV rows to HTML cards
If your input file is in Excel format, use xlsx2csv python tool available at
Usage is simple, you need ruby installed (including erb)
rename the input file to input.csv, then just run:
erb csv2webcards.erb > output.html
Now open output.html in any browser to see the HTML cards
Author: Hossam Hammady (