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  • Save hammadzz/48829e9046fc3ec5310641a055d02231 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hammadzz/48829e9046fc3ec5310641a055d02231 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
What you need to get started:
1. Github account setup with TradeRev team
2. Altassian account JIRA
3. AWS Keys (Access and Secret Key)
Install pip to install AWS CLI:
easy_install pip
Install AWSCLI:
pip install awscli --ignore-installed six
Configure AWS Keys using AWS CLI:
aws configure
Install XCode Command Line Tools (paste all this and run):
xcode-select --install
#ignore this part below, it is to click the agree button, you can do it manually
sleep 1
osascript <<EOD
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Install Command Line Developer Tools"
keystroke return
click button "Agree" of window "License Agreement"
end tell
end tell
#ignore ends here
Install Brew:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install MySQL 5.6:
brew install mysql@5.6
Install SDKMan:
curl -s "" | bash
Install Java:
sdk install java 7u79
Install Grails:
sdk install grails 2.4.2
Install IntelliJ IDEA:
From url:
#Our Repos are as follows:
#1. TradeRev aka Gateway & INS (Grails)
#2. TR-STACK (NodeJS Microservices)
#3. TR-WEB (Angular Frontend)
Clone Repos Into Appropriate Folders (must be added to TradeRev Organization):
git clone https://${YOUR_BITBUCKET_USERNAME}
git clone https://${YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME}
git clone https://${YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME}
Create IntelliJ Project:
1. Create New Project
2. Select the Grails option on the lower side of the left navigation pane
3. Set "Grails SDK Home" field as /Users/[*YOUR USERNAME*]/.sdkman/candidates/grails/2.4.2
4. Ensure "Create App" radio button is selected
5. Set "Project location" as root of TradeRev repo (cloned above traderev.git)
If you get massive amount of Java errors on launch check your environment variable is set for Java
printenv | grep JAVA_HOME
nano ~/.bash_profile
#add this line
export JAVA_HOME=/Users/[*YOUR USERNAME*]/.sdkman/candidates/java/7u79
#if you can't hit the main url on OS X turn on file sharing (don't know why the heck this happened)
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