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Created March 16, 2024 17:14
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Example erc20 token transfer on an ipc subnet

USDC ERC20 Token Bridge

Stage: Current Created by: Michael Seiler


📒Requirements and Notes

The following are a collections of requirements and notes useful to set the context of the design. You

Outline for USDC Token Bridge

💡 Claim: GMP will not be production-ready, and we cannot recommend its usage, until all these problems are solved.
  • Contracts
    • ERC20 token named USDCTest on Calibration Network
    • Token Controller contract on Calibration Network
    • Token Replica contract on subnet
  • Workflow
    • Deposit tokens from rootnet to subnet
      • calling the rootBridge.bridgeToken() to lock up USDC tokens and initiate an IPC cross net message to the subnet token bridge
      • subnet token bridge receives IPC message and mints USDC proxy tokens
    • Withdraw tokens from subnet to rootnet
      • call subnetBridge.withdrawToken() to burn proxy USDC tokens on the subnet and initiate an IPC cross net message to the root network bridge

USDC propagation flow

A high-level overview of the process is shown in the following diagrams



Setup and instructions for running on calibnet

  1. Follow IPC guide for setting up a subnet pinned to the filecoin calibnet network

  2. copy the config file from ipc/contracts/script/examples/cross-token/.env.template to .en a config file for connecting to calibnet and your subnet. Create a new wallet with for executing the USDC test that is not one of the validators. You will need to fund this wallet using the calibnet facuet. Set PRIVATE_KEY in .env for this new wallet.

  3. Deploy or use a pre-deployed gateway on calibnet

    1. review output of make deploy-ipc NETWORK=calibrationnet in order to get the address of your IPC gateway on the calbnet and add this to your .env file. You should see an output like:
    "Gateway": "0x5cF14D2Af9BBd5456Ea532639f1DB355B9BaCBf8",

    b. add to your .env file:

    export CALIBNET_GATEWAY=0x5cF14D2Af9BBd5456Ea532639f1DB355B9BaCBf8

    c. This gateway should match the gateway in your ~/.ipc/config.toml file

    gateway_addr = "0x5cF14D2Af9BBd5456Ea532639f1DB355B9BaCBf8"
    registry_addr = "0x7308C4A503a12521215718cbCa98F951E9aAB9B5"
  4. Use a pre-existing subnet or deploy a new one. You will want to ensure that the config file ~/.ipc/confg.toml has a valid gateway and ipc registry. Your subnet id will look something like:

    ipc-cli subnet create \
    --parent /r314159 \
    --min-validator-stake 10 \
    --min-validators 1 \
    --bottomup-check-period 30 \
    --from 0x684a69080fd214af19215f5f7dfbc9704027e3d6 \
    --permission-mode collateral --supply-source-kind native
    created subnet actor with id: /r314159/t410f2jhadzp7jvo7cuo3r52yoc6fd3q4czxfu5fgbxi
  5. Visit this tool and convert the t410f2jhadzp7jvo7cuo3r52yoc6fd3q4czxfu5fgbxi filecoin address to an ethereum format like 0xd24e01e5ff4d5df151db8f75870bc51ee1c166e5

  6. Update your .env file to set SUBNET_ROUTE_IN_ETH_FORMAT to be the ethereum format of the subnet address from the previous step

    export SUBNET_ROUTE_IN_ETH_FORMAT=0x1e0fa8dd65a59399e47cbe6f31766586b41204c3
  7. Set up the validators as specified by the calibration start up guide and ensure we have funded your wallet using a calibnet faucet

  8. Fund your wallet’s address on the subnet

    $ ipc-cli cross-msg fund \
    --subnet /r314159/t410f2jhadzp7jvo7cuo3r52yoc6fd3q4czxfu5fgbxi \
     --from  0xa0e416c85e0117cdbaa8d29137c97a2f4a3c9b8e \
  9. Deploy the USDCTest contract

    make deploy-usdctest

    If you see the error

    Transaction dropped from the mempool: 0x563e6ca21d46417020accd05cce992e30f4cb7e69e6b76cc249fea53037bdaa8

    You can search for the transaction on filfox and find the correct contract address from the other tab under EthAddress:

  10. Mint 1000 USDCTest tokens to your wallet

    make mint-usdc
  11. Check your wallet balance to ensure that the mint was successful

    make check-balance

    If an output of the following is seen, wait a few minutes for the contraction to finalize

  12. Deploy token replica contract on the subnet. This command should execute fairly quickly because of the subnet’s speed. Use the contract address from the printout indicated below.

    make deploy-replica
  13. Deploy token controller contract on Calibnet and update our .env file with the new address.

    make deploy-controller
  14. We must update the replica with the controllers address, and the replica with the controller’s address to complete our setup. Please don’t forget this part!

    make initialize-replica
    make initialize-controller

Bridging USDC To the Subnet

  1. Approve the Token Controller contract to handle our funds:

    make approve-usdc
  2. With approval, to deposit 1,000 USDCTest tokens we do the following:

    make deposit-usdc
  3. Confirm our balance on calbnet has gone to zero

    make check-balance

    We hope to see an output of


    If an output of the following is seen, wait a few minutes for the contraction to finalize

  4. Validate that our replica token balance is the correct value by running the command

    make check-replica-balance

    looking for a value of:


Withdrawing USDC from the Subnet

In order to withdrawal Replica USDCTest from the subnet we must ensure we have a check point relayer with the command:

ipc-cli checkpoint relayer \
--subnet /r314159/t410fdyh2rxlfuwjztzd4xzxtc5tfq22bebgdvlx2ofy

Then running this command will initiate the withdrawal:

make withdraw-usdc

We can validate our funds are correctly transfered with make check-replica-balance and make check-balance.

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