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Created May 31, 2018 21:04
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package no.scalabin.http4s.directives
package routes
import cats.Monad
import linx._
import Route.{MethodPartial, ResponseDirective}
import org.http4s.{Method, Response, Status}
import scala.language.higherKinds
final class Route[F[+_]] private(val path: Linx[_, _], val methods: Set[Method])(pf: PartialFunction[String, ResponseDirective[F]]) extends PartialFunction[String, ResponseDirective[F]] {
override def isDefinedAt(x: String): Boolean = pf.isDefinedAt(x)
override def apply(v1: String): ResponseDirective[F] = pf.apply(v1)
final case class Methods[F[+_]](map: Map[Method, ResponseDirective[F]]) extends MethodPartial[F] {
override def isDefinedAt(x: Method): Boolean = map.isDefinedAt(x)
override def apply(v1: Method): ResponseDirective[F] = map(v1)
final case class Methods2[F[+_], X](map: Map[Method, X => ResponseDirective[F]]) extends PartialFunction[Method, X => ResponseDirective[F]] {
override def isDefinedAt(x: Method): Boolean = map.isDefinedAt(x)
override def apply(v1: Method): X => ResponseDirective[F] = map(v1)
object Methods {
def apply[F[+_]](parts: (Method, ResponseDirective[F])*): Methods[F] =
object Methods2 {
def apply[F[+_], X](parts: (Method, X => ResponseDirective[F])*): Methods2[F, X] =
object Route {
type ResponseDirective[F[+_]] = Directive[F, Response[F], Response[F]]
type MethodPartial[F[+_]] = PartialFunction[Method, ResponseDirective[F]]
def static[F[+_]: Monad](path: StaticLinx, pf: Methods[F]): Route[F] = {
new Route[F](path,{
case path() => {
for {
req <- Directive.request
res <- if (pf.isDefinedAt(req.method)) pf(req.method) else Directive.error(Response[F](Status.MethodNotAllowed))
} yield {
def variable[F[+_]: Monad, A](path: Linx[A, Option[A]])(f: A => MethodPartial[F]): Route[F] = {
new Route[F](path, Set.empty)({
case path(args) => {
val pf = f(args)
for {
req <- Directive.request
res <- if (pf.isDefinedAt(req.method)) pf(req.method) else Directive.error(Response[F](Status.MethodNotAllowed))
} yield {
def variable2[F[+_]: Monad, A](path: Linx[A, Option[A]])(pf: Methods2[F, A]): Route[F] = {
new Route[F](path,{
case path(args) => {
for {
req <- Directive.request
res <- if (pf.isDefinedAt(req.method)) pf(req.method)(args) else Directive.error(Response[F](Status.MethodNotAllowed))
} yield {
package no.scalabin.http4s.directives
package routes
import cats.Monad
import cats.effect.{Effect, IO}
import fs2.{Stream, StreamApp}
import linx.StaticLinx
import Route.ResponseDirective
import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeBuilder
import org.http4s.{HttpService, Method}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.language.higherKinds
case class HealthCheck[F[+ _] : Monad](path: StaticLinx)(val rf: ResponseDirective[F]) {
val route: Route[F] = Route.static(path, Methods(Method.GET -> rf))
case class Serve[F[+ _] : Effect](healthCheck: HealthCheck[F], port: Int) {
def stream(routes: Route[F]*)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Stream[F, StreamApp.ExitCode] = {
val completeRoutes = healthCheck.route :: routes.toList
val PathMapping = Plan[F]().PathMapping
val routesPF = completeRoutes.reduce[PartialFunction[String, ResponseDirective[F]]]((a, b) => a orElse b)
val service = HttpService[F](PathMapping(routesPF))
println("%-6s".format("**** Serving the following routes *****"))
completeRoutes.foreach(r => println("%-15s %s".format(r.methods.mkString(","), r.path)))
.bindHttp(port, "localhost")
.mountService(service, "/")
object TestApp extends StreamApp[IO] {
override def stream(args: List[String], requestShutdown: IO[Unit]): Stream[IO, StreamApp.ExitCode] =
Serve(HealthCheck(linx.Root / "health")(Directive.successF(Ok("Hello Y'all"))), 1337).stream(
Route.variable(linx.Root / "so" / "hello" / 'name)(name => {
case Method.GET => Directive.successF(Ok(s"Hello $name"))
Route.variable2(linx.Root / 'greeting / 'name) {
Method.GET -> { case (greeting, name) => Directive.successF(Ok(s"$greeting, $name")) },
Method.POST -> { case (greeting, name) => Directive.successF(Ok(s"$greeting, $name from POST")) }
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