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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save hamoid/8897448 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// JavaScript code by Sean Angley ported to Processing.
// Original:
//click to energize the grid
float a = 0;
float b = 0;
int dens = 8; //density - ! numbers higher than 20 may slow down your browser !
float d; // must be initiazed after size();
float e = 180; //energy
GridItem[] grid = new GridItem[0];
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
d = width/dens - width/dens/10; //diameter
for (int i = dens; i > 0; i-=1) {
for (int j = dens; j > 0; j-=1) {
GridItem pos = new GridItem(
i *(width/dens) - width/dens/2,
j *(height/dens) - width/dens/2,
grid = (GridItem[]) append(grid, pos);
void mouseClicked() {
if (e < 1000) {
e = 1000;
void drawGrid() {
for (int i = 0; i<grid.length; i++) {
float h = map(e, 15, 1000, 140, 255);
float br = map(e, 15, 1000, 100, 800);
float x = noise(a +grid[i].no, a +1 +grid[i].no);
float y = noise(b +grid[i].no, b +grid[i].no);
float nx = map(x*e, 0, e, -e, e);
float ny = map(y*e, 0, e, -e, e);
float nd = map(x*e, 0, e, -0.8*d, 2.8*d);
stroke(h, 162, br);
ellipse(grid[i].xPos+nx, grid[i].yPos+ny, d+nd, d+nd);
stroke(h, 162, br, 25);
ellipse(grid[i].xPos+nx, grid[i].yPos+ny, d/100+nd*1.5, d/100+nd*1.5);
void draw() {
float brightness = map(e, 1, 1000, -20, 280);
fill(5, 26, brightness, 60);
rect(0, 0, width, height);
if (e > 15) {
class GridItem {
float xPos, yPos, no;
GridItem(float x, float y, float n) {
xPos = x;
yPos = y;
no = n;
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