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Created November 15, 2015 08:45
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PRNG using a "random multiply-with-carry" algorithm.
* Testing the PRNG "Multiply with Carry" by George Marsaglia:
* g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -pedantic-errors randMulCarry.cpp -o randMulCarry
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
// PRNG Abstract Base class
* Pseudo-Random number abstract base class.
class random {
* Constructor
* Initializes all variables.
random() = default;
* Copy Constructor
* Initializes the variables in *this and copies the data from the
* input parameter into *this.
* @param random
* A constant reference to a random object type.
random(const random&) = default;
* Move Constructor
* Moves all data from the input parameter into *this. No copies are
* performed.
* @param random
* An r-value reference to a random object type that's about to go out of
* scope.
random(random&&) = default;
* Pure virtual destructor to be implemented by derived classes.
virtual ~random() = 0;
* Copy Operator
* Copies data from the input parameter into *this.
* @param random
* A constant reference to a random object type.
* @return
* A reference to *this.
random& operator=(const random&) = default;
* Move Operator
* Moves all data from the input parameter into *this. No copies are
* performed.
* @param random
* An r-value reference to a random object type that's about to go out
* of scope.
* @return
* A reference to *this.
random& operator=(random&&) = default;
* Seed
* Seeds the build-in PRNG function and optionally allows the
* generation function to reset, making generated values more
* deterministic.
* @param s
* A 32-bit unsigned integral type that will be used to initialize the
* pseudo-random number generator.
* @param beDeterministic
* A boolean that will allow for this PRNG to generate the same set of
* pseudo-random numbers using the same seed value.
virtual void seed(const uint32_t, bool beDeterministic = true) = 0;
* Get
* Generates a pseudo-random number.
* @return
* A pseudo-randomly generated number, determined by derived random
* class objects.
virtual uint32_t get() = 0;
* Virtual destructor
random::~random() {}
// PRNG: Complementary Multiply With Carry
* Complementary-Multiply-With-Carry PRNG.
* This implementation is based on George Marsaglia's CMWC algorithm found in
* the Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods (Vol 2, Issue 1, Article
* #2, pg. 9):
template <unsigned lag_size_t = 4096>
class randomCMWC_t final : public random {
static_assert(lag_size_t > 3, "A lag-size (cache size) greater than 3 is required.");
* Initial values for various variables.
enum : uint32_t {
MEM_SIZE = lag_size_t,
SEED_VAL = 123,
* Array holding the random values
uint32_t* q;
* Computation cache for the next generated random value.
uint32_t c;
* Index variable to hold the position in the array 'q' where the next
* randomly generated variable will be placed.
uint32_t i;
* Constructor
* Generates the random-value array and initializes variables to
* specifically chosed magic numbers.
* Copy Constructor
* Initializes the variables in *this and copies the data from the
* input parameter into *this.
* @param randomCMWC_t
* A constant reference to a randomCMWC_t variable.
randomCMWC_t(const randomCMWC_t&);
* Move Constructor
* Moves all data from the input parameter into *this. No copies are
* performed.
* @param randomCMWC_t
* An r-value reference to a randomCMWC_t that's about to go out of
* scope.
* Destructor
* Frees all memory used by the dynamically allocated random number
* array.
virtual ~randomCMWC_t();
* Copy Operator
* Copies data from the input parameter into *this.
* @param randomCMWC_t
* A constant reference to a randomCMWC_t variable.
* @return
* A reference to *this.
randomCMWC_t& operator=(const randomCMWC_t&);
* Move Operator
* Moves all data from the input parameter into *this. No copies are
* performed.
* @param randomCMWC_t
* An r-value reference to a randomCMWC_t that's about to go out of
* scope.
* @return
* A reference to *this.
randomCMWC_t& operator=(randomCMWC_t&&);
* Seed
* Seeds the build-in PRNG function and optionally resets the index
* to make this PRNG's generated values more deterministic.
* @param s
* A 32-bit unsigned integral type that will be used to initialize the
* pseudo-random number generator.
* @param beDeterministic
* A boolean that will allow for this PRNG to generate the same set of
* pseudo-random numbers using the same seed value.
virtual void seed(const uint32_t s, bool beDeterministic = true) override;
* Get
* Generates a pseudo-random number.
* @return
* A pseudo-randomly generated number using the complementary multiply
* with-carry method described by George Marsaglia.
virtual uint32_t get() override;
* Constructor
template <unsigned lag_size_t>
randomCMWC_t<lag_size_t>::randomCMWC_t() :
q{new uint32_t[MEM_SIZE]},
* Copy Constructor
template <unsigned lag_size_t>
randomCMWC_t<lag_size_t>::randomCMWC_t(const randomCMWC_t& mwc) :
q{new uint32_t[MEM_SIZE]},
std::copy(mwc.q, mwc.q+MEM_SIZE, q);
* Move Constructor
template <unsigned lag_size_t>
randomCMWC_t<lag_size_t>::randomCMWC_t(randomCMWC_t&& mwc) :
mwc.q = nullptr;
* Destructor
template <unsigned lag_size_t>
randomCMWC_t<lag_size_t>::~randomCMWC_t() {
delete [] q;
q = nullptr;
* Copy Operator
template <unsigned lag_size_t>
randomCMWC_t<lag_size_t>& randomCMWC_t<lag_size_t>::operator=(const randomCMWC_t& mwc) {
std::copy(mwc.q, mwc.q+MEM_SIZE, q);
c = mwc.c;
i = mwc.i;
return *this;
* Move Operator
template <unsigned lag_size_t>
randomCMWC_t<lag_size_t>& randomCMWC_t<lag_size_t>::operator=(randomCMWC_t&& mwc) {
delete [] q;
q = mwc.q;
mwc.q = nullptr;
c = mwc.c;
i = mwc.i;
return *this;
* Seed the prng
template <unsigned lag_size_t>
void randomCMWC_t<lag_size_t>::seed(const uint32_t s, bool beDeterministic) {
q[0] = ~s;
q[1] = q[0] ^ s;
q[2] = q[1] & ~s;
q[0] = s;
q[1] = 809430660ULL * q[0]+c;
c = q[1] >> 15;
q[2] = q[1];
for (uint32_t iter = 3; iter < MEM_SIZE; ++iter) {
q[iter] = q[iter-3] ^ q[iter-2] ^ ~s ^ iter;
if (beDeterministic) {
* Get a pseudo-random number.
template <unsigned lag_size_t>
uint32_t randomCMWC_t<lag_size_t>::get() {
i = (i+1) & INDEX_SIZE;
const uint64_t t = (18782ULL * q[i]) + c;
c = t >> 32;
uint32_t x = t + c;
if (x < c) {
return q[i] = RAND_MASK - x;
// randomCMWC PRNG typedefs
typedef randomCMWC_t<4096> randomCMWC;
// Main()
int main() {
const uint32_t seedVal = time(nullptr);
//const uint32_t seedVal = 42;
random* testRand = new randomCMWC();
std::cout << "Calling a PRNG with the seed " << seedVal << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
std::cout << testRand->get() << std::endl;
delete testRand;
return 0;
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