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Created September 21, 2010 21:44
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Save hamstah/590640 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"name": "StupidBot",
"author": null,
"language": "python",
"location": [""]
"name": "StillStupidBot",
"author": null,
"language": "python",
"location": [""]
"name": "BullyBot",
"author": null,
"language": "java",
"location": ["example_bots", "BullyBot.jar"]
"name": "DualBot",
"author": null,
"language": "java",
"location": ["example_bots", "DualBot.jar"]
"name": "ProspectorBot",
"author": null,
"language": "java",
"location": ["example_bots", "ProspectorBot.jar"]
"name": "RageBot",
"author": null,
"language": "java",
"location": ["example_bots", "RageBot.jar"]
"name": "RandomBot",
"author": null,
"language": "java",
"location": ["example_bots", "RandomBot.jar"]
#/usr/bin/env python -v
import subprocess
import errno
import glob
import sys
import os
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
def get_bots(cwd, bots_file='bots.json'):
while True:
fp = open(os.path.join(cwd, bots_file))
except IOError, e:
if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN:
print >> sys.stderr, e
return None
bots = json.load(fp)
except ValueError, e:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Error Loading %s' % bots_file
print >> sys.stderr, e
return None
return bots
def get_maps(cwd, maps_dir=maps_path, file_glob='map*.txt'):
maps_glob = '%s%s%s' % (os.path.join(cwd, maps_dir), os.sep, file_glob)
return glob.glob(maps_glob)
def get_command(cwd, bot_info):
if bot_info['language'].lower() == 'python':
return 'python %s' % os.path.join(cwd, *bot_info['location'])
elif bot_info['language'].lower() == 'java':
return 'java -jar %s' % os.path.join(cwd, *bot_info['location'])
elif bot_info['language'].lower() == 'php':
# Thanks to Naktibalda for PHP
return 'php %s' % os.path.join(cwd, *bot_info['location'])
def run_tests(cwd, timeout, turns, logfile, quiet=True):
bots = get_bots(cwd)
if bots is None:
return None
opponents = bots + get_bots(cwd, bots_file='examples.json')
maps = get_maps(cwd)
maps_count = len(maps)
for bot in bots:
bot['command'] = get_command(cwd, bot)
for opponent in opponents:
opponent['command'] = get_command(cwd, opponent)
cmd = [
'java', '-jar', os.path.join(cwd, tools_path, 'PlayGame.jar'),
timeout, turns, logfile,
'BOT 1',
'BOT 2',
results = {}
for i, bot in enumerate(bots):
cmd[7] = bot['command']
for opponent in opponents:
if not results.has_key((bot['name'], opponent['name'])) and \
not results.has_key((opponent['name'], bot['name'])) and \
bot['name'] != opponent['name']:
result = {}
if not quiet:
print bot['name'], 'vs', opponent['name']
for i, map in enumerate(maps):
if not quiet:
print ' ', '(%s/%s)' % (i+1, maps_count), map[len(cwd) + 1:]
cmd[3] = map
cmd[8] = opponent['command']
p = subprocess.Popen([str(x) for x in cmd],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if stderr.find('Player 1 Wins!') != -1:
_winner = bot['name']
elif stderr.find('Player 2 Wins!') != -1:
_winner = opponent['name']
_winner = None
_turns = -1
for line in stderr.split('\n')[::-1]:
line = line.split(' ')
if line[0] == 'Turn':
_turns = int(line[1])
result[map[len(cwd) + 1:]] = {
'replay': stdout,
'winner': _winner,
'turns': _turns,
# showing results after each map
print ' ', _winner,' @ ',_turns
results[(bot['name'], opponent['name'])] = result
#results[(opponent['name'], bot['name'])] = result
return results
def mean(nums):
if len(nums):
return float( sum(nums) / len(nums))
return 0.0
if __name__ == "__main__":
cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
results = run_tests(cwd, 1000, 200, '/dev/null', quiet=False)
print 'Test Results'
print '---------------------------------------------'
for key, value in results.iteritems():
# added draw count
won, total, draw, turns = 0, 0, 0,[]
for map, results in value.iteritems():
if results['winner'] == key[0]:
won = won +1
elif results['winner'] == None:
draw = draw+1
total = total + 1
print key[0], 'vs', key[1], '\n\tW:\t%3d (%5.2d%%)\n\tD:\t%3d (%5.1d%%)\n\tT:\t%3d\n\t' % (won,(100.0*won/total), draw,(100.0*draw/total),total), 'Avg Turns:', mean(turns)
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