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Last active May 23, 2023 02:43
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Gradient Colored Text Animation API
import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class Gradient {
List<String> gradient;
int amount;
public Gradient(int amount, boolean appendReverse, Color... colors) {
int colorAmount = amount/colors.length;
int n1,n2,i = 0;
List<String> fromTo = new ArrayList<>();
while (i+1 < colors.length) {
n1 = i;
n2 = i+1;
int red1 = colors[n1].getRed();
int red2 = colors[n2].getRed();
int green1 = colors[n1].getGreen();
int green2 = colors[n2].getGreen();
int blue1 = colors[n1].getBlue();
int blue2 = colors[n2].getBlue();
final double[] redG = linear(red1, red2, colorAmount);
final double[] greenG = linear(green1, green2, colorAmount);
final double[] blueG = linear(blue1, blue2, colorAmount);
for (int times = 0; times < colorAmount; times++) {
fromTo.add(ChatColor.of(new Color(
(int) Math.round(redG[times]),
(int) Math.round(greenG[times]),
(int) Math.round(blueG[times])))
+ "");
List<String> resultList = new ArrayList<>(fromTo);
if (appendReverse) {
this.amount = amount;
this.gradient = resultList;
private double[] linear(double from, double to, int max) {
final double[] res = new double[max];
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
res[i] = from + i * ((to - from) / (max - 1));
return res;
public List<String> getGradient() {
return gradient;
public int getAmount() {
return amount;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class TextAnimation {
public String getGradientString(String string, int startDelay, Color... colors) {
return getGradientString(string, startDelay, null, null, colors);
public String getGradientString(String string, int startDelay, List<Integer> ignoredSlots, Color... colors) {
return getGradientString(string, startDelay, null, ignoredSlots, colors);
public String getGradientString(String string, int startDelay, List<String> ignoredChars, List<Integer> ignoredSlots, Color... colors) {
return getGradientString(string, startDelay, ignoredChars, ignoredSlots, ChatColor.WHITE + "", colors); }
public String getGradientString(String string, int startDelay, java.util.List<String> ignoredChars, List<Integer> ignoredSlots, String background, Color... colors) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
if (ignoredChars == null) ignoredChars = new ArrayList<>();
if (ignoredSlots == null) ignoredSlots = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> gradientList = new Gradient(string.length()/2, true, colors).getGradient();
int i = gradientList.size();
while (i < string.length()) {
int k = 0;
String[] chars = string.split("");
//Loop all characters of the string
while (k < string.length()) {
//wait start delay to paint character
if (startDelay > k) {result.append(background).append(ChatColor.BOLD + "").append(chars[k]);}
//check index out of bounds exception
else if (k < chars.length) {
//if valid, paint character
if (k < gradientList.size() && !ignoredChars.contains(chars[k]) && !ignoredSlots.contains(k)) {
result.append(gradientList.get(Math.min(k - startDelay, gradientList.size() - 1))).append(ChatColor.BOLD + "").append(chars[k]);
//reset colors
else result.append(background).append(ChatColor.BOLD + "").append(chars[k]);
return result.toString();
public List<String> getFramesOfGradientString(String string, Color... colors) {
return getFramesOfGradientString(string, ChatColor.WHITE.toString(), colors);
public List<String> getFramesOfGradientString(String string, String background, Color... colors) {
List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<>();
int i = -((string.length()+((colors.length-2)*16))/2);
while (i < string.length()) {
stringList.add(getGradientString(string, i, null, null, background, colors));
return stringList;
public List<String> getWaveAnimation(String string, List<String> gradient1) {
return getWaveAnimation(string, gradient1, ChatColor.WHITE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD);
public List<String> getWaveAnimation(String string, List<String> gradient1, String background) {
List<String> frames = new ArrayList<>();
int waveLength = Math.max(string.length() * 2, 7);
int i = -(waveLength - (gradient1.get(0) + ChatColor.BOLD).length());
int k = 0;
String color1, color2;
while (i < string.length()) {
color1 = gradient1.get(Math.min(k, gradient1.size() - 1)) + ChatColor.BOLD;
color2 = ChatColor.WHITE + "" + ChatColor.BOLD;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(string);
builder.insert(Math.max(i, 0), color1);
boolean condition = (i + waveLength < builder.length());
if (i > 0) {
builder.insert(0, color2);
if (condition && i + waveLength + color2.length() < builder.length())
builder.insert(i + waveLength + color2.length(), color2);
} else if (condition) builder.insert(i + waveLength, color2);
return frames;
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arteuspw commented Jan 3, 2022

is this fully gradient

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is this fully gradient

i can't understand what you mean

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arteuspw commented Mar 11, 2022

is this fully gradient

i can't understand what you mean

i mean is it like sonoyuncu client or your previous server blok dunyasi (lol) also please add me dxlvrr#1337

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hamza-cskn commented Jun 7, 2022



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