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Created April 24, 2022 21:25
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hook like createSlice from redux-toolkit and immer
import { useReducer, useMemo, useDebugValue } from 'react'
import produce, { Draft } from 'immer'
export type PayloadAction<P> = {
type: string
payload: P
export type PayloadActionDispatch<P = void> = void extends P
? () => void
: (payload: P) => void
export type ReducerWithoutPayload<S> = (state: S) => S
export type PayloadActionReducer<S, P = void> = (
state: Draft<S>,
action: PayloadAction<P>,
) => void | S | Draft<S>
export type ReducerMap<State> = {
[actionType: string]: PayloadActionReducer<State, any>
export type DispatcherMap<Reducers extends ReducerMap<any>> = {
[T in keyof Reducers]: Reducers[T] extends ReducerWithoutPayload<any>
? PayloadActionDispatch<void>
: Reducers[T] extends PayloadActionReducer<any, infer P>
? PayloadActionDispatch<P>
: never
export interface UseLocalSliceOptions<
Reducers extends ReducerMap<State>
> {
initialState: State
reducers: Reducers
slice?: string
export function useLocalSlice<State, Reducers extends ReducerMap<State>>({
slice = 'unnamed',
}: UseLocalSliceOptions<State, Reducers>): [State, DispatcherMap<Reducers>] {
const reducer = (baseState: State, action: PayloadAction<any>) =>
produce(baseState, (draftState) =>
reducers[action.type](draftState, action),
) as State
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState)
const actionTypes = Object.keys(reducers)
const dispatchAction = useMemo(() => {
let map: {
[actionType: string]: PayloadActionDispatch<{}>
} = {}
for (const type of actionTypes) {
map[type] = (payload: any) => dispatch({ type, payload })
return map as DispatcherMap<Reducers>
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [dispatch, JSON.stringify(actionTypes)])
return [state, dispatchAction]
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