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Last active August 23, 2018 23:23
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Swift4.0でDictionaryが大幅にパワーアップした ref:
let touples = [("Apple", 1), ("Orange", 2), ("Grape", 3)]
// ["Grape": 3, "Orange": 2, "Apple": 1]
let dictionary = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: touples)
let names = ["Apple", "Orange", "Grape"]
let count = [1, 2, 3]
let ziped = zip(names, count)
// ["Grape": 3, "Orange": 2, "Apple": 1]
let dictionary = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: ziped)
let names = ["Apple", "Orange", "Apple", "Grape"]
var dictionary = [String: Int]()
names.forEach { dictionary[$0, default: 0] += 1 }
// ["Grape": 1, "Orange": 1, "Apple": 2]
let names = ["Apple", "Grape", "Apricot", "Guava"]
var initialGroup = [Character: [String]]()
names.sorted().forEach { name in
let character = name.characters.first ?? "#"
var names = initialGroup[character] ?? []
initialGroup[character] = names
// ["G": ["Grape", "Guava"], "A": ["Apple", "Apricot"]]
let names = ["Apple", "Grape", "Apricot", "Guava"]
// ["G": ["Grape", "Guava"], "A": ["Apple", "Apricot"]]
let initialGroup = Dictionary(grouping: names) { $0.first ?? "#" }
// [5: ["Apple", "Grape", "Guava"], 7: ["Apricot"]]
let countGroup = Dictionary(grouping: names) { $0.count }
var dictionary = [String: Int]()
print(dictionary.capacity) // 0
print(dictionary.capacity) // 6
print(dictionary.capacity) // 12
let names = ["Apple", "Apple", "Grape"]
let count = [1, 2, 3]
let ziped = zip(names, count)
// Execution was interrupted, reason: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION
let dictionary = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: ziped)
let names = ["Apple", "Apple", "Grape"]
let count = [1, 2, 3]
let ziped = zip(names, count)
// ["Grape": 3, "Apple": 3]
let merged = Dictionary(ziped, uniquingKeysWith: +)
let dictionary = ["Grape": 3, "Orange": 2, "Apple": 1]
// ["Grape": 6, "Orange": 2, "Apple": 4]
let merged = dictionary.merging(ziped, uniquingKeysWith: +)
let dictionary = ["Grape": 3, "Orange": 2, "Apple": 1]
// Swift3: [(key: "Grape", value: 3), (key: "Orange", value: 2)]
// Swift4: ["Grape": 3, "Orange": 2]
let filterd = dictionary.filter { $0.value > 1 }
let dictionary = ["Grape": 3, "Orange": 2, "Apple": 1]
var mapped = [String: Int]()
dictionary.forEach { touple in
mapped[touple.key] = touple.value * 2
// ["Grape": 6, "Orange": 4, "Apple": 2]
let dictionary = ["Grape": 3, "Orange": 2, "Apple": 1]
// ["Grape": 6, "Orange": 4, "Apple": 2]
let mapped = dictionary.mapValues { $0 * 2 }
let dictionary = ["Grape": 3, "Orange": 2, "Apple": 1]
// 4
let potato = dictionary["Potato", default: 4]
let names = ["Apple", "Orange", "Apple", "Grape"]
var dictionary = [String: Int]()
names.forEach { name in
// Binary operator '+=' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Int?' and 'Int'
// dictionary[name] += 1
let value = dictionary[name] ?? 0
dictionary[name] = value + 1
// ["Grape": 1, "Orange": 1, "Apple": 2]
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