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Last active November 12, 2015 14:06
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  • Save handrake/4b58f0dde128374d0db9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save handrake/4b58f0dde128374d0db9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
object gWheel extends App {
// val filename = "1"
val filename = "B-small-practice"
val writer = new + ".out")
def gcd(a: Int,b: Int): Int = {
if(b ==0) a else gcd(b, a%b)
def solve(p:Seq[Int], e:Seq[Int], t:Seq[Int], p1:Int, q1:Int): String = {
val es: Set[(Int, Int)] = (for {
i <- 0 until e.length
j <- 0 until e.length
if i != j
} yield (e(i) / gcd(e(i),e(j)), e(j) / gcd(e(i),e(j)))).toSet
for ( i <- 0 until p.length ) {
for ( j <- 0 until t.length ) {
val g = gcd(p(i)*q1,t(j)*p1)
// val r = es match {
// case (x: Int, y:Int) => "YES"
// case _ => null
// }
// println(s"p = ${p(i)} t = ${t(j)} g1 = $g1 g2 = $g2 $p1 $q1 x = ${p(i)*q1/g1} y = ${t(j)*p1/g2}")
// println(es.mkString(" "))
val isExist = es.exists( r => { p(i) * q1 / g == r._1 && t(j) * p1 / g == r._2} )
if ( isExist ) return "YES"
def process(lineIn: Iterator[String])(lineOut: String => Unit) =
for ( i <- 1 to {
def readInts() = {' ').map(_.toInt) }
val line =
val Array(np, ne, nt) = readInts()
val p = readInts()
val e = readInts()
val t = readInts()
println(s"Case #$i:")
for ( j <- 1 to {
val Array(p1, q1) = readInts()
println(solve(p, e, t, p1, q1))
try {
process(io.Source.fromFile(filename + ".in").getLines) { s =>
writer.println(s); writer.flush()
} finally {
writer.flush(); writer.close()
/* 집에서 두 번째 시도 */
object gWheel extends App {
// val filename = "1"
val filename = "B-large-practice"
val writer = new + ".out")
def gcd(a: Long,b: Long): Long = {
if(b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)
def buildSet(e:Seq[Long]): Set[(Long, Long)] = {
val es: Set[(Long, Long)] = (for {
i <- 0 until e.length
j <- i+1 until e.length
} yield (e(i) / gcd(e(i),e(j)), e(j) / gcd(e(i),e(j)))).toSet
return es
def solve(p:Seq[Long], es:Set[(Long, Long)], t:Seq[Long], p1:Long, q1:Long): String = {
for ( i <- 0 until p.length ) {
for ( j <- 0 until t.length ) {
val g = gcd(p(i)*q1,t(j)*p1)
val a = p(i)*q1/g;
val b = t(j)*p1/g;
if (es.contains((a,b))||es.contains((b,a))) {
return "Yes"
def process(lineIn: Iterator[String])(lineOut: String => Unit) =
for ( i <- 1 to {
def readInts() = {' ').map(_.toLong) }
val line =
val Array(np, ne, nt) = readInts()
val p = readInts()
val e = readInts()
val t = readInts()
lineOut(s"Case #$i:")
val es = buildSet(e)
for ( j <- 1 to {
val Array(p1, q1) = readInts()
lineOut(solve(p, es, t, p1, q1))
try {
process(io.Source.fromFile(filename + ".in").getLines) { s =>
writer.println(s); writer.flush()
} finally {
writer.flush(); writer.close()
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