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Last active March 8, 2024 19:04
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Technolgy Radar Input
name ring quadrant isNew description
SQL adopt languages & frameworks FALSE The only language I learned in university that I still use today.
Kotlin adopt languages & frameworks FALSE Good experience using Kotlin in production
Java adopt languages & frameworks FALSE Good experience using Java in production
Spring adopt languages & frameworks FALSE
Ruby adopt languages & frameworks FALSE Used it for scripting and to build quite complex web sites
Angular adopt languages & frameworks FALSE
Javascript / Typescript adopt languages & frameworks FALSE
Project Reactor trail languages & frameworks FALSE Used it for a high throughput scenario.
React adopt languages & frameworks FALSE
Spring Modulith trial languages & frameworks TRUE I used it for a short time and it looks very helpful to modularize a spring application.
Vue trial languages & frameworks TRUE Used in a small project for an admin interface
Python assess languages & frameworks FALSE Some experiments with for general scripting, IOT, data manipulation and Machine learning
PHP hold languages & frameworks FALSE Used it but it leads to unstructered code
Perl hold languages & frameworks FALSE Used it a lot for dynamic web pages and scripting, but rather use Ruby or Phyton now.
C/C++ hold languages & frameworks FALSE Used it for embedded computing and desktop apps.
Git adopt tools FALSE Basic tool I use
Sentry adopt tools FALSE To capture javascript errors that happen on the users browsers, this gas helped improving the quality in one of my projects
CyPress adopt tools FALSE UI Testing Tool which I found better than Selenium-based tools.
mermaid trial tools TRUE Generate graphics e.g. for readme files
Jupyter trial tools TRUE
Github Copliot assess tools TRUE Useful for simple tasks, but need some care
Git Flow hold tools FALSE A synchronisation method that from my experience lead to long lived feature branches and extra work to coordinate the different branches
Selenium hold tools FALSE While UI test tools are important, I have often seen Selenium based test suites hard to maintain, newer tools like CyPress are better.
SCRUM adopt techniques FALSE
Kanban adopt techniques FALSE
Story Maps adopt techniques FALSE Story maps helped me and my teams to see the big picture, whre we are and what we should tackle next.
Event Storming assess
Design thinking trial techniques FALSE Used in two projects to
ADR assess techniques TRUE Architecture decision records, something I want to try in future projects
Event Storming assess techniques FALSE
AWS adopt platforms FALSE Used different offerings in production
Azure adopt platforms FALSE Used different offerings in production
Kubernetes trial platforms FALSE
Neo4J trial platforms TRUE Graph database we evaluated for a MVP
PostgreSQL adopt platforms FALSE Regularly used in projects, also other SQL databases
MongoDB adopt platforms FALSE
Kafka adopt platforms FALSE
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