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Created July 20, 2012 01:29
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import os
import sys
import argparse
from math import sqrt
from collections import Counter
from itertools import tee, ifilterfalse, ifilter
import pysam
sorted_prefix = lambda path: path + ".sorted"
sorted_path = lambda path: sorted_prefix(path) + ".bam"
def make_index(in_bam, max_mem = 500000000):
bai_path = lambda path: sorted_path(path) + ".bai"
if not os.path.exists(sorted_path(in_bam)):
pysam.sort("-m",str(max_mem),in_bam, sorted_prefix(in_bam))
print "sorted"
if not os.path.exists(bai_path(in_bam)):
print "indexed"
return bai_path(in_bam)
def find_summit(bed_file, sam_file, window_size, output_file):
def count_by_strand(ialign):
pred = lambda x:x.is_reverse
watson_5_end = lambda x:x.pos
crick_5_end = lambda x:x.aend
ialign1, ialign2 = tee(ialign)
return (Counter(map(watson_5_end,
ifilterfalse(pred, ialign1))),
ifilter(pred, ialign2))))
left_sum = lambda strand, pos, width = window_size: sum([strand[x] for x in strand if x <= pos and x >= pos - width])
right_sum = lambda strand, pos, width = window_size: sum([strand[x] for x in strand if x >= pos and x <= pos + width])
left_forward = lambda strand, pos: strand.get(pos,0) - strand.get(pos-window_size, 0)
right_forward = lambda strand, pos: strand.get(pos + window_size, 0) - strand.get(pos, 0)
samfile = pysam.Samfile(sam_file, "rb" )
cnt = 0
with open(bed_file) as bfile, open(output_file,"w") as ofile:
for i in bfile:
i = i.split("\t")
chrom = i[0]
peak_start = int(i[1])
peak_end = int(i[2])
watson, crick = count_by_strand(samfile.fetch(chrom, peak_start-window_size, peak_end+window_size))
watson_left = left_sum(watson, peak_start)
crick_left = left_sum(crick, peak_start)
watson_right = right_sum(watson, peak_start)
crick_right = right_sum(crick, peak_start)
wtd_list = []
for j in range(peak_start, peak_end+1):
wtd_list.append(2 * sqrt(watson_left * crick_right) - watson_right - crick_left)
watson_left += left_forward(watson, j)
watson_right += right_forward(watson, j)
crick_left += left_forward(crick, j)
crick_right += right_forward(crick,j)
wtd_max_val = max(wtd_list)
wtd_max_pos = wtd_list.index(wtd_max_val) + peak_start
cnt += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='SPP method')
parser.add_argument('-a','--bam', help='BAM alignment file', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-b','--bed', help='BED peak file', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-o','--output', help='output BED summit file', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-w','--window-size', help='window size on both side of the summit (default: 200bp)', type=int, default=200)
parser.add_argument('--sort', help='whether to use samtools to sort the bam file', action="store_true", default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.sort:
find_summit(args.bed, sorted_path(args.bam), args.window_size, args.output)
if os.path.exists(args.bam+".bai"):
find_summit(args.bed, args.bam, args.window_size, args.output)
print "bai file doesn't exist, please make sure you have already make the index"
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