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Show Gist options
  • Save hankei6km/0a17435b322afafb86012687ded6efd1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hankei6km/0a17435b322afafb86012687ded6efd1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GitHub CLI の gist edit へパイプを接続し、gist を編集する

GitHub CLI の gist edit へパイプを接続し、gist を編集する

Bash(Process Substitution)

$ echo "edit a gist from output piped from another command" | EDITOR="cp "<(cat -) gh gist edit {<gist ID> | <gist URL>} [flags]


:w !bash -c 'EDITOR="cp "<(cat -) gh gist edit {<gist ID> | <gist URL>} [flags]'

License: CC0 1.0

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