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Created November 13, 2018 16:19
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ansible playbook with mysql
- name: Create container
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: yes
- name: Create Drupal container
register: new_container
privileged: yes
state: started
image: "ubuntu:trusty"
name: "ansible-container"
command: sleep infinity
recreate: yes
- name: Add host ansible-container
hostname: ansible-container
ansible_connection: docker
- name: Install geerlingguy.mysql
command: ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.mysql
- name: Install mysql
hosts: ansible-container
connection: docker
gather_facts: no
- name: Install python2 for Ansible
raw: bash -c "test -e /usr/bin/python || (apt -qqy update && apt install -qqy python-minimal)"
register: output
changed_when: output.stdout != ""
- name: Gathering Facts
- geerlingguy.mysql
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