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Last active November 8, 2017 19:54
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  • Save hankyates/c045ab27e626fa80a19bef9cbeff8576 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hankyates/c045ab27e626fa80a19bef9cbeff8576 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Just screwing around
function exclaim(message = '') {
return message + '!';
function append(src = '', tgt = ''){
return src + tgt;
function namedExclaim(message = '') {
return append(message, '!');
var lambdaExclaim = m => append(m, '!');
var partialExclaim = R.partialRight(append, '!');
function messageMaker(singleMsg= {}) {
var {name, message, date} = singleMsg;
var nameTag = append(name, ': ');
var dateTag = parens(date);
return append(
append(nameTag, message),
append(' ', dateTag)
function wrap(left, body, right) {
return append(append(left, body), right);
var parens = (b) => wrap('(', b, ')');
var messages = [
name: 'Hank',
message: 'Hey everyone',
date: moment('2014-09-08T08:02:17-05:00').format("ddd, hA")
name: 'Shawn',
message: 'How are you?',
date: moment('2014-09-08T10:02:17-05:00').format("ddd, hA")
name: 'Hank',
message: 'Im great.',
date: moment('2014-09-08T16:02:17-05:00').format("ddd, hA")
var min = (p, c) => p > c ? c : p;
var max = (p, c) => p > c ? p : c;
[1, 2, -15, 12].reduce(max)
// Trying to create a logging function that can be used to `tap` function compositions.
let createLog = logFn => pipe(
let log = createLog(console.log)
let parseNames = pipe(
const NAMES = 'bill, jane, fred'
// -> ['bill', 'jane', 'fred']
// logs: 'bill, jane, fred'
// logs: ['bill', ' jane', ' fred']
// logs: ['bill', 'jane', 'fred']
-- Just wanted to post this snippet of how to initialize an Elm app with an http request
-- Main.elm
init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
Task.perform returns a `Cmd Msg` so basically you call the Http.get
from your other module. Then wire your messages up here.
(Model True Gists.init Nothing, Task.perform Fail GistsSuccess Gists.getGist)
type Msg
= Loading Bool
-- The success Msg needs to match what you are expecting the decoder to return.
| GistsSuccess (List Gists.Model)
| Fail Http.Error
-- Gists.elm
getGist : Task.Task Http.Error (List Model)
getGist =
url =
Http.get decodeGists url
decodeGists : Decoder (List Model)
decodeGists =
This took a while to figure out. The `files` key was on an object where the
key was the file name. I just wanted to return a List instead of an Object/Dict.
`keyValuePairs` returns a List then the lambda's below just discard the filename
string and return the model. Notice there are two maps here. The first is a mean for use with maping through Decoder structures. We want to return
a real List so we use to create our `(List Model)`
"files" := fileDecoder |> map (\t -> (\(filename, model) -> model) t)
fileDecoder : Decoder (List (String, Model))
fileDecoder =
|> keyValuePairs
gistDecoder : Decoder Model
gistDecoder =
object2 Model
("filename" := string)
("content" := string)
| href |
| protocol |* | auth | host | path | hash |
| | | +-------------+------+----------+------------------+ |
| | | | hostname | port | pathname | search | |
| | | | | | +-+----------------+ |
| | | | | | | | query | |
" http: // /path/name ? search=1&continues#hash "
| | | | | | | | | |
(all spaces in the "" line should be ignored -- they're purely for formatting)
*: given by "slashes" key
// I wanted to try and implement a declarative
// interface that could replace javascripts
// switch case statement. I screwed around
// for a and came up with this.
var when = variable => {
// The inherent problem is that in order to
// chain function calls together. We need to
// store some state. Which means somewhere
// there is going to be a side effect. `result`
// is the side effect.
var result;
var updateWith = f => {
result = f
return chain
var chain = {
is: (is, value) => (variable === is) ? updateWith(value) : chain,
// I wanted there to always be a default case. So I decided
// otherwise should be the terminator that returns the value
// or the default.
otherwise: (value) => result ? result : value
return chain
.is('wat', {wat: 'wat'})
// -> {wat: 'wat'}
when('not wat')
.is('wat', {wat: 'wat'})
// -> {}
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