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Created May 21, 2012 20:55
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Save hanleybrand/2764629 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ZURB Joyride - reset 'count' when tour is finished
/* problem: when ZURB's Joyride tour ends, if the user causes it to run again, the
'count' seems to be messed up
solution: the plugin creates divs with ids in the pattern: 'joyRidePopup' + index
and then iterates through them - running the iteration again recreates the divs &
re-runs and gets confused. So you use postRideCallback (one of the options, see - step 5 for more info)
to remove those divs when the ride ends
this GIST shows how to bind joyride to a 'HELP' button that will trigger the tour when clicked.
var helpMe = function helpInstance(){
$('div[id^="joyRidePopup"]').remove(); /* in case button is clicked
while tour is running */
// add any other option listed at the playground
'postRideCallback': function(){
} // a method to call once the tour closes
}; //end helpInstance()
$("#help").on('click', helpMe);
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xeroky commented Jan 7, 2013


When you enter the website, the tour is successful, but when I run it with the button does not work.

What am I doing wrong?

$(window).load(function() {

    tipAnimation: "fade",
    tipAnimationFadeSpeed: 300,
    cookieName: 'myname',
    cookieDomain: ''


$(document).ready(function() {


    $('div[id^="joyRidePopup"]').remove(); /* in case button is clicked
                                              while tour is running  */
           // add any other option listed at the playground
    'tipAnimation': "fade",
    'tipAnimationFadeSpeed': 300,
    'cookieName': 'myname',
    'cookieDomain': '',
            'postRideCallback': function(){
             }       // a method to call once the tour closes


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