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Last active June 29, 2019 04:16
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ES6 katas for Object literals -
// 9: object-literals - basics
describe('The object literal allows for new shorthands', () => {
const x = 1;
const y = 2;
describe('with variables', () => {
it('the short version for `{x: x}` is {x}', () => {
const short = {y};
assert.deepEqual(short, {y: y});
it('works with multiple variables too', () => {
const short = {x, y};
assert.deepEqual(short, {x: x, y: y});
describe('with methods', () => {
const func = () => func;
it('using the name only uses it as key', () => {
const short = {func};
assert.deepEqual(short, {func: func});
it('a different key must be given explicitly, just like before ES6', () => {
const short = {otherKey: func};
assert.deepEqual(short, {otherKey: func});
it('inline functions, can written as `obj={func(){}}` instead of `obj={func:function(){}}`', () => {
const short = {
inlineFunc() { return 'I am inline' }
assert.deepEqual(short.inlineFunc(), 'I am inline');
// 16: object-literal - computed properties
describe('Object literal properties may be computed values', () => {
it('a computed property `x` needs to be surrounded by `[]`', () => {
const propertyName = 'x';
const obj = {[propertyName]: 1};
assert.equal(obj.x, 1);
it('can also get a function assigned', () => {
const key = 'func';
const obj = {[key]() { return 'seven' } };
assert.equal(obj.func(), 'seven');
it('the key may also be the result of a function call', () => {
const getName = () => 'propertyName';
const obj = {[getName()]() {return 'seven'}};
assert.equal(obj.propertyName(), 'seven');
it('the key can also be constructed by an expression', () => {
const what = 'tyName';
const obj = {['proper' + what]: null};
assert.equal('propertyName' in obj, true);
it('accessor keys can be computed names too', () => {
const obj = {
get ['key']() {return 1}
assert.equal(obj.key, 1);
// 66: object-literal - getter
describe('An object literal can also contain getters', () => {
it('just prefix the property with `get` (and make it a function)', function() {
const obj = {
get x() { return 'ax'; }
assert.equal(obj.x, 'ax');
it('must have NO parameters', function() {
const obj = {
get x() { return 'ax'; }
assert.equal(obj.x, 'ax');
it('can be a computed property (an expression enclosed in `[]`)', function() {
const keyName = 'x';
const obj = {
get [keyName]() { return 'ax'; }
assert.equal(obj.x, 'ax');
it('can be removed using delete', function() {
const obj = {
get x() { return 'ax'; }
delete obj.x
assert.equal(obj.x, void 0);
// The following dont seem to work in the current transpiler version
// but should be correct, as stated here
// It might be corrected later, new knowledge welcome.
//it('must not overlap with a pure property', function() {
// const obj = {
// x: 1,
// get x() { return 'ax'; }
// };
// assert.equal(obj.x, 'ax');
//it('multiple `get` for the same property are not allowed', function() {
// const obj = {
// x: 1,
// get x() { return 'ax'; },
// get x() { return 'ax1'; }
// };
// assert.equal(obj.x, 'ax');
// 67: object-literal - setter
describe('An object literal can also contain setters', () => {
describe('defining: a setter', function() {
it('by prefixing the property with `set` (and make it a function)', function() {
let theX = null;
const obj = {
set x(newX) { theX = newX; }
obj.x = 'the new X';
assert.equal(theX, 'the new X');
it('must have exactly one parameter', function() {
let setterCalledWith = void 0;
const obj = {
set x(newValue) { // <<<<=== it's not a setter yet!
if (arguments.length === 1) {
setterCalledWith = arguments[0];
assert.equal(obj.x = 'new value', setterCalledWith);
it('can be a computed property (an expression enclosed in `[]`)', function() {
const publicPropertyName = 'x';
const privatePropertyName = '_' + publicPropertyName;
const obj = {
set [publicPropertyName](newValue) {
this[privatePropertyName] = newValue
// write the complete setter to make the assert below pass :)
obj.x = 'axe';
assert.equal(obj._x, 'axe');
describe('working with/on the setter', function() {
it('you can use `delete` to remove the property (including it`s setter)', function() {
let setterCalled = false;
const obj = {
set x(param) { setterCalled = true; }
// delete the property x here, to make the test pass
delete obj.x
obj.x = true;
assert.equal(setterCalled, false);
// The following dont seem to work in the current transpiler version
// but should be correct, as stated here
// It might be corrected later, new knowledge welcome.
// it('must not overlap with a pure property', function() {
// const obj = {
// x: 1,
// set x(val) { return 'ax'; }
// };
// assert.equal(obj.x, 'ax');
// });
// it('multiple `set` for the same property are not allowed', function() {
// const obj = {
// x: 1,
// set x(v) { return 'ax'; },
// set x(v) { return 'ax1'; }
// };
// assert.equal(obj.x, 'ax');
// });
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