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Last active January 3, 2018 14:04
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ES6 katas for Symbols -
// 34: symbol
// A symbol is a unique and immutable data type and may be used as an identifier for object properties
describe('Symbol', function() {
it('`Symbol` lives in the global scope', function(){
const expected = Symbol;
assert.equal(Symbol, expected);
it('every `Symbol()` is unique', function(){
const sym1 = Symbol();
const sym2 = Symbol();
assert.notEqual(sym1, sym2);
it('every `Symbol()` is unique, also with the same parameter', function(){
var sym1 = Symbol('foo');
var sym2 = Symbol('foo');
assert.notEqual(sym1, sym2);
it('`typeof Symbol()` returns "symbol"', function(){
const theType = typeof Symbol();
assert.equal(theType, 'symbol');
it('`new Symbol()` throws an exception, to prevent creation of Symbol wrapper objects', function(){
function fn() {
new Symbol();
// 35: Symbol.for - retrieves or creates a runtime-wide symbol
describe('`Symbol.for` for registering Symbols globally', function() {
it('creates a new symbol (check via `typeof`)', function() {
const symbolType = typeof Symbol.for('symbol name');
assert.equal(symbolType, 'symbol');
it('stores the symbol in a runtime-wide registry and retrieves it from it', function() {
const sym = Symbol.for('new symbol');
const sym1 = Symbol.for('new symbol');
assert.equal(sym, sym1);
it('is different to `Symbol()` which creates a symbol every time and does not store it', function() {
var globalSymbol = Symbol.for('new symbol');
var localSymbol = Symbol('new symbol');
assert.notEqual(globalSymbol, localSymbol);
describe('`.toString()` on a Symbol', function() {
const localSymbol = Symbol('new symbol');
const symbolFromRegistry = Symbol.for('new symbol');
it('also contains the key given to `Symbol.for()`', function() {
const description = localSymbol.toString();
assert.equal(description, 'Symbol(new symbol)');
describe('NOTE: the description of two different symbols', function() {
it('might be the same', function() {
const localDescription = localSymbol.toString();
const fromRegistryDescription = symbolFromRegistry.toString();
assert.equal(localDescription, fromRegistryDescription);
it('but the symbols are not the same!', function() {
assert.notEqual(localSymbol, symbolFromRegistry);
// 36: Symbol.keyFor - retrieves a shared symbol key from the global symbol registry
describe('`Symbol.keyFor()` gets the symbol key for a given symbol', function() {
const sym = Symbol.for('foo');
it('pass the symbol to `keyFor()` and you get its key', function() {
const key = Symbol.keyFor(sym);
assert.equal(key, 'foo');
it('local symbols are not in the runtime-wide registry', function() {
// hint: `Symbol()` creates a local symbol!
const localSymbol = Symbol('foo');
const key = Symbol.keyFor(localSymbol);
assert.equal(key, void 0);
it('predefined symbols are not in the runtime-wide registry either', function() {
const key = Symbol.keyFor(Symbol.iterator);
assert.equal(key, void 0);
it('for non-Symbols throws an error', function() {
function fn() {
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