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Last active January 3, 2018 03:03
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ES6 katas for Iterators -
// The iterator protocol defines a standard way to produce a sequence of values (either finite or infinite).
// 37: iterator/iterable - array.
describe('array is a built-in iterable object', function() {
const arr = ['a', 'B', 'see'];
describe('the iterator', function() {
it('an array has an iterator, which is a function', function() {
const iterator = arr[Symbol.iterator];
const theType = typeof iterator;
const expected = 'function';
assert.equal(theType, expected);
it('can be looped with `for-of`, which expects an iterable', function() {
let count = 0;
for (let value of arr) {
assert.equal(count, arr.length);
describe('the iterator protocol', function() {
it('calling `next()` on an iterator returns an object according to the iterator protocol', function() {
const iterator = arr[Symbol.iterator]();
const firstItem =;
assert.deepEqual(firstItem, {done: false, value: 'a'});
it('the after-last element has done=true', function() {
const arr = [];
const iterator = arr[Symbol.iterator]();
const afterLast =;
assert.deepEqual(afterLast, {done: true, value: void 0});
// 38: iterator/iterable - string.
describe('string is a built-in iterable object', function() {
const s = 'abc';
describe('string is iterable', function() {
it('the string`s object key `Symbol.iterator` is a function', function() {
const isA = typeof s[Symbol.iterator];
assert.equal(isA, 'function');
it('use `Array.from()` to make an array out of any iterable', function(){
const arr = Array.from(s);
assert.deepEqual(arr, ['a', 'b', 'c']);
describe('a string`s iterator', function() {
let iterator;
beforeEach(function() {
iterator = s[Symbol.iterator]();
it('has a special string representation', function(){
const description = iterator.toString();
assert.equal(description, '[object String Iterator]');
it('`` returns an object according to the iterator protocol', function(){
const value =;
assert.deepEqual(value, {done: false, value: 'a'});
it('the after-last call to `` says done=true, no more elements', function(){;;;
assert.equal(, true);
// 39: iterator - custom. Iterable is a protocol, when implemented allows objects
describe('A simple iterable without items inside, implementing the right protocol', () => {
function iteratorFunction() {
return {
next: () => {
return { done: true }
describe('the `iteratorFunction` needs to comply to the iterator protocol', function() {
it('must return an object', function() {
assert.equal(typeof iteratorFunction(), 'object');
it('the object must have a function assigned to a key `next`', function() {
assert.equal(typeof iteratorFunction().next, 'function');
it('calling `next()` must return an object with `{done: true}`', function() {
assert.deepEqual(iteratorFunction().next(), {done: true});
let iterable;
beforeEach(function() {
iterable = {
[Symbol.iterator]: iteratorFunction
describe('the iterable', function() {
it('must be an object', function() {
assert.equal(typeof iterable, 'object');
it('must have the iterator function assigned to the key `Symbol.iterator`', function() {
assert.equal(iterable[Symbol.iterator], iteratorFunction);
describe('using the iterable', function() {
it('it contains no values', function() {
let values = '';
for (let value of iterable) {
values += value;
assert.equal(values, '');
it('has no `.length` property', function() {
const hasLengthProperty = typeof(iterable.length) !== 'undefined';
assert.equal(hasLengthProperty, false);
describe('can be converted to an array', function() {
it('using `Array.from()`', function() {
const arr = Array.from(iterable);
assert.equal(Array.isArray(arr), true);
it('where `.length` is still 0', function() {
const arr = Array.from(iterable);
const length = arr.length;
assert.equal(length, 0);
// 40: iterator - one example usage. Build an iterable and use it with some built-in ES6 constructs.
// Consumable users:
// - `consumableUser` contains a consumable user,
// - `anyLeft` tells if there is any user left that can be consumed.
class ConsumableUsers {
constructor() {
this.users = ['Alice', 'Bob'];
this.isEmpty = false;
get nextUser() {
if (this.users.length > 0) {
return `user: ${this.users.shift()}`;
this.isEmpty = true;
return void 0;
get anyLeft() {
return !this.isEmpty;
describe('Iterator usages', () => {
let usersIterable;
const consumableUsers = new ConsumableUsers();
function iteratorFunction() {
return {
next: function() {
return {value: consumableUsers.nextUser, done: !consumableUsers.anyLeft}
usersIterable = {
[Symbol.iterator]: iteratorFunction
describe('create an iterator/iterable', function() {
it('the `usersIterable` should be iterable', function() {
const isIterable = Symbol.iterator in usersIterable;
assert.equal(isIterable, true);
it('the iterator of `usersIterable` should return an object', function() {
const iterator = usersIterable[Symbol.iterator]();
assert.equal(typeof iterator, 'object');
it('the iterator of `usersIterable` should have a next function', function() {
const iterator = usersIterable[Symbol.iterator]();
assert.equal(typeof, 'function');
describe('fill the iterable with content using `ConsumableUsers`', function() {
describe('using the iterator', function() {
let iterator;
iterator = usersIterable[Symbol.iterator]();
it('should return `Alice` as first user', function() {
const firstItem =;
assert.deepEqual(firstItem, {value: "user: Alice", done: false});
it('should return `Bob` as second user', function() {; // drop the first item
const secondItem =;
assert.deepEqual(secondItem, {value: "user: Bob", done: false});
it('should return `done:true`, which means there are no more items', function() {;;
const beyondLast =;
assert.deepEqual(beyondLast, {value: void 0, done: true});
describe('using built-in constructs', function() {
it('use `Array.from()` to convert an iterable to an array', function() {
const users = Array.from(usersIterable);
assert.deepEqual(users, ['user: Alice', 'user: Bob']);
it('use for-of to loop over an iterable', function() {
const users = [];
for (let user of usersIterable) users.push(user);
assert.deepEqual(users, ['user: Alice', 'user: Bob']);
it('use the spread-operator to convert/add iterable to an array', function() {
const users = ['noname', ...usersIterable];
assert.deepEqual(users, ['noname', 'user: Alice', 'user: Bob']);
it('destructure an iterable like an array', function() {
const [firstUser, secondUser] = usersIterable;
assert.equal(firstUser, 'user: Alice');
assert.equal(secondUser, 'user: Bob');
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