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Last active December 26, 2017 08:19
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ES6 katas for Destructuring -
// 10: destructuring - array
describe('destructuring arrays makes shorter code', () => {
it('extract value from array, e.g. extract 0 into x like so `let [x] = [0];`', () => {
let [firstValue] = [1];
assert.strictEqual(firstValue, 1);
it('swap two variables, in one operation', () => {
let [x, y] = ['ax', 'why'];
[y, x] = [x, y];
assert.deepEqual([x, y], ['why', 'ax']);
it('leading commas', () => {
const all = ['ax', 'why', 'zet'];
const [,,z] = all;
assert.equal(z, 'zet');
it('extract from nested arrays', () => {
const user = [['Some', 'One'], 23];
const [[firstName, surname], age] = user;
const expected = 'Some One = 23 years';
assert.equal(`${firstName} ${surname} = ${age} years`, expected);
it('chained assignments', () => {
let c, d;
let [a, b] = [c, d] = [1, 2];
assert.deepEqual([a, b, c, d], [1, 2, 1, 2]);
it('in for-of loop', () => {
for (var [,a, b] of [[0, 1, 2]]) {}
assert.deepEqual([a, b], [1, 2]);
// 11: destructuring - string
describe('destructuring also works on strings', () => {
it('destructure every character', () => {
let [a, b, c] = 'abc';
assert.deepEqual([a, b, c], ['a', 'b', 'c']);
it('missing characters are undefined', () => {
const [a, b, c] = 'ab';
assert.equal(c, void 0);
it('unicode character work too', () => {
const [space, , coffee] = 'a ☕';
assert.equal(coffee, '\u{2615}');
// 12: destructuring - object
describe('destructuring objects', () => {
it('is simple', () => {
const {x} = {x: 1};
assert.equal(x, 1);
describe('nested', () => {
it('multiple objects', () => {
const magic = {first: 23, second: 42};
const {magic: {second}} = {magic};
assert.equal(second, 42);
it('object and array', () => {
const {z:[,x]} = {z: [23, 42]};
assert.equal(x, 42);
it('array and object', () => {
const [,[{lang}]] = [null, [{env: 'browser', lang: 'ES6'}]];
assert.equal(lang, 'ES6');
describe('interesting', () => {
it('missing refs become undefined', () => {
const {z} = {x: 1};
assert.equal(z, void 0);
it('destructure from builtins (string)', () => {
const {substr} = String(1);
assert.equal(substr, String.prototype.substr);
// 13: destructuring - defaults
describe('destructuring can also have default values', () => {
it('for an empty array', () => {
const [a=1] = [];
assert.equal(a, 1);
it('for a missing value', () => {
const [,b=2] = [1,,3];
assert.equal(b, 2);
it('in an object', () => {
const {a, b=2} = {a: 1};
assert.equal(b, 2);
it('if the value is undefined', () => {
const {a, b=2} = {a: 1, b: void 0};
assert.strictEqual(b, 2);
it('also a string works with defaults', () => {
const [a, b=2] = '1';
assert.equal(a, '1');
assert.equal(b, 2);
// 14: destructuring - parameters
describe('destructuring function parameters', () => {
describe('destruct parameters', () => {
it('multiple params from object', () => {
const fn = ({id, name}) => {
assert.equal(id, 42);
assert.equal(name, 'Wolfram');
const user = {name: 'Wolfram', id: 42};
it('multiple params from array/object', () => {
const fn = ([{name}]) => {
assert.equal(name, 'Alice');
const users = [{name: 'Alice', id: 42}, {name: 'nobody'}];
// takes the first match and exits
describe('default values', () => {
it('for simple values', () => {
const fn = (id, name='Bob') => {
assert.strictEqual(id, 23);
assert.strictEqual(name, 'Bob');
it('for a missing array value', () => {
const defaultUser = {id: 23, name: 'Joe'};
const fn = ([user=defaultUser]) => {
assert.deepEqual(user, defaultUser);
it('mix of parameter types', () => {
const fn = (id, [arr=2], {obj=3}) => {
assert.equal(id, 1);
assert.equal(arr, 2);
assert.equal(obj, 3);
fn(1, [], {});
// 15: destructuring - assign
describe('assign object property values to new variables while destructuring', () => {
describe('for simple objects', function() {
it('use a colon after the property name, like so `propertyName: newName`', () => {
const {x: y} = {x: 1};
assert.equal(y, 1);
it('assign a new name and give it a default value using `= <default value>`', () => {
const {x: y=42} = {y: 23};
assert.equal(y, 42);
describe('for function parameter names', function() {
it('do it the same way, with a colon behind it', () => {
const fn = ({x: y}) => {
assert.equal(y, 1);
fn({x: 1});
it('giving it a default value is possible too, like above', () => {
const fn = ({x: y=3}) => {
assert.equal(y, 3);
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