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ES6 katas for Promises -
// 75: Promise - basics
describe('a Promise represents an operation that hasn`t completed yet, but is expected in the future', function() {
it('`Promise` is a global function', function() {
const expectedType = 'function';
assert.equal(typeof Promise, expectedType);
describe('the constructor', function() {
it('instantiating it without params throws', function() {
const fn = () => { new Promise() }
it('expects a function as parameter', function() {
const param = () => {};
assert.doesNotThrow(() => { new Promise(param); });
describe('simplest promises', function() {
it('resolve a promise by calling the `resolve` function given as first parameter', function(done) {
let promise = new Promise((resolve) => {
.then(() => done())
.catch(() => done(new Error('The promise is expected to resolve.')));
it('the `resolve` function can return a value, that is consumed by the `promise.then()` callback', function(done) {
let promise = new Promise((resolve) => {
.then(value => {assert.equal(value, 42); done(); })
.catch(() => done(new Error('The promise is expected to resolve with 42!')));
it('rejecting a promise is done by calling the callback given as 2nd parameter', function(done) {
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(() => done(new Error('The promise is expected to be rejected.')))
.catch(() => done());
describe('an asynchronous promise', function() {
it('can resolve later, also by calling the first callback', function(done) {
let promise = new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(), 100);
.then(() => done())
.catch(() => done(new Error('The promise is expected to resolve.')));
it('reject it at some later point in time, calling the 2nd callback', function(done) {
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => reject(), 100);
.then(() => done(new Error('The promise is expected to be rejected.')))
.catch(() => done());
describe('test library (mocha here) support for promises', function() {
it('just returning the promise makes the test library check that the promise resolves', function() {
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// return the promise to mocha, it has the checking for promise resolving built in, when it receives a promise
return promise;
// 76: Promise - creation
describe('a promise can be created in multiple ways', function() {
describe('creating a promise fails when', function() {
it('using `Promise` as a function', function() {
function callPromiseAsFunction() {
it('no parameter is passed', function() {
function promiseWithoutParams() {
new Promise();
it('passing a non-callable throws too', function() {
const notAFunction = 'non-callable';
assert.throws(() => { new Promise(notAFunction); });
describe('most commonly Promises get created using the constructor', function() {
it('by passing a resolve function to it', function() {
const promise = new Promise((resolve) => resolve());
return promise;
it('by passing a resolve and a reject function to it', function(done) {
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => reject());
.then(() => done(new Error('Expected promise to be rejected.')))
describe('extending a `Promise`', function() {
it('using `class X extends Promise{}` is possible', function() {
class MyPromise extends Promise{}
const promise = new MyPromise(resolve => resolve());
.then(() => done())
.catch(e => done(new Error('Expected to resolve, but failed with: ' + e)));
it('must call `super()` in the constructor if it wants to inherit/specialize the behavior', function() {
class ResolvingPromise extends Promise {
constructor(resolve) {
return new ResolvingPromise(resolve => resolve());
describe('`Promise.all()` returns a promise that resolves when all given promises resolve', function() {
it('returns all results', function(done) {
const promise = Promise.all([
new Promise(resolve => resolve(1)),
new Promise(resolve => resolve(2))
.then(value => { assert.deepEqual(value, [1, 2]); done(); })
.catch(e => done(new Error(e)));
it('is rejected if one rejects', function(done) {
const promise = Promise.all([
new Promise(resolve => reject(1))
.then(() => done(new NotRejectedError()))
.catch(() => done());
describe('`Promise.race()` returns the first settled promise', function() {
it('if it resolves first, the promises resolves', function(done) {
const lateRejectedPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(reject, 100));
const earlyResolvingPromise = new Promise(resolve => resolve('1st :)'));
const promise = Promise.race([lateRejectedPromise, earlyResolvingPromise]);
.then(value => { assert.deepEqual(value, '1st :)'); done(); })
.catch(e => done(new Error('Expected to resolve, but failed with: ' + e)));
it('if one of the given promises rejects first, the returned promise is rejected', function(done) {
const earlyRejectedPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => reject('I am a rejector'));
const lateResolvingPromise = new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10));
const promise = Promise.race([earlyRejectedPromise, lateResolvingPromise]);
.then(() => done(new NotRejectedError()))
.catch(value => { assert.equal(value, 'I am a rejector'); done(); })
describe('`Promise.resolve()` returns a resolving promise', function() {
it('if no value given, it resolves with `undefined`', function(done) {
const promise = Promise.resolve();
.then(value => { assert.deepEqual(value, void 0); done(); })
.catch(e => done(new Error('Expected to resolve, but failed with: ' + e)));
it('resolves with the given value', function(done) {
const promise = Promise.resolve('quick resolve');
.then(value => { assert.equal(value, 'quick resolve'); done(); })
.catch(e => done(e));
describe('`Promise.reject()` returns a rejecting promise', function() {
it('if no value given, it rejects with `undefined`', function(done) {
const promise = Promise.reject();
.then(() => done(new NotRejectedError()))
.catch(value => { assert.deepEqual(value, void 0); done(); })
it('the parameter passed to `reject()` can be used in the `.catch()`', function(done) {
const promise = Promise.reject('quick reject');
.then(() => done(new NotRejectedError()))
.catch(value => { assert.deepEqual(value, 'quick reject'); done(); })
class NotRejectedError extends Error {
constructor() {
this.message = 'Expected promise to be rejected.';
// 77: Promise - chaining
describe('chaining multiple promises can enhance readability', () => {
describe('prerequisites for understanding', function() {
it('reminder: the test passes when a fulfilled promise is returned', function() {
return Promise.resolve('I should fulfill.');
it('a function given to `then()` fulfills (if it doesnt throw)', function() {
const beNice = () => { return 'I am nice' };
return Promise.resolve()
.then(niceMessage => assert.equal(niceMessage, 'I am nice'));
describe('chain promises', function() {
const removeMultipleSpaces = string => string.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
it('`then()` receives the result of the promise it was called on', function() {
const wordsPromise = Promise.resolve('one space between each word');
return wordsPromise
.then(string => removeMultipleSpaces(string))
.then(actual => {assert.equal(actual, 'one space between each word')})
const appendPeriod = string => `${string}.`;
it('multiple `then()`s can be chained', function() {
const wordsPromise = Promise.resolve('Sentence without an end');
return wordsPromise
.then(actual => {assert.equal(actual, 'Sentence without an end.')})
const trim = string => string.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
it('order of the `then()`s matters', function() {
const wordsPromise = Promise.resolve('Sentence without an end ');
return wordsPromise
.then(actual => {assert.equal(actual, 'Sentence without an end.')})
const asyncUpperCaseStart = (string, onDone) => {
const format = () => onDone(string[0].toUpperCase() + string.substr(1));
setTimeout(format, 100);
it('any of the things given to `then()` can resolve asynchronously (the real power of Promises)', function() {
const wordsPromise = Promise.resolve('sentence without an end');
return wordsPromise
.then(string => new Promise(resolve => asyncUpperCaseStart(string, resolve)))
.then(string => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(appendPeriod(string)), 100)))
.then(actual => {assert.equal(actual, 'Sentence without an end.')})
it('also asynchronously, the order still matters, promises wait, but don`t block', function() {
const wordsPromise = Promise.resolve('trailing space ');
return wordsPromise
.then(string => new Promise(resolve => asyncUpperCaseStart(string, resolve)))
.then(string => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(trim(string)), 100)))
.then(string => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(appendPeriod(string)), 100)))
.then(actual => {assert.equal(actual, 'Trailing space.')})
// 78: Promise - API overview
describe('`Promise` API overview', function() {
it('`new Promise()` requires a function as param', () => {
const param = () => {};
assert.doesNotThrow(() => { new Promise(param); });
describe('resolving a promise', () => {
// reminder: the test passes when a fulfilled promise is returned
it('via constructor parameter `new Promise((resolve) => { resolve(); })`', () => {
const param = (resolve) => { resolve(); };
return new Promise(param);
it('using `Promise.resolve()`', () => {
return Promise.resolve('all fine');
describe('a rejected promise', () => {
it('using the constructor parameter', (done) => {
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reject(); });
.then(() => done(new Error('The promise is expected to be rejected.')))
.catch(() => done());
it('via `Promise.reject()`', (done) => {
const promise = Promise.reject();
.then(() => done(new Error('The promise is expected to be rejected.')))
.catch(() => done());
const resolvingPromise = Promise.resolve();
const rejectingPromise = Promise.reject();
describe('`Promise.all()`', () => {
it('`Promise.all([p1, p2])` resolves when all promises resolve', () =>
Promise.all([resolvingPromise, resolvingPromise])
it('`Promise.all([p1, p2])` rejects when a promise is rejected', (done) => {
Promise.all([resolvingPromise, rejectingPromise])
.then(() => done(new Error('The promise is expected to be rejected.')))
.catch(() => done())
describe('`Promise.race()`', () => {
it('`Promise.race([p1, p2])` resolves when one of the promises resolves', () =>
Promise.race([resolvingPromise, rejectingPromise])
it('`Promise.race([p1, p2])` rejects when one of the promises rejects', (done) => {
Promise.race([rejectingPromise, rejectingPromise])
.then(() => done(new Error('The promise is expected to be rejected.')))
.catch(() => done())
it('`Promise.race([p1, p2])` order matters (and timing)', () =>
Promise.race([resolvingPromise, rejectingPromise])
// 79: Promise - catch
describe('`catch()` returns a Promise and deals with rejected cases only', () => {
describe('prerequisites for understanding', () => {
it('*return* a fulfilled promise, to pass a test', () => {
return Promise.resolve();
assert(false); // Don't touch! Make the test pass in the line above!
it('reminder: the test passes when a fulfilled promise is returned', () => {
return Promise.resolve('I should fulfill.');
describe('`catch` method basics', () => {
it('is an instance method', () => {
const p = new Promise(() => {});
assert.equal(typeof p.catch, 'function');
it('catches only promise rejections', (done) => {
const promise = Promise.reject();
.then(() => { done('Should not be called!'); })
it('returns a new promise', () => {
const whatToReturn = () => Promise.reject();
const promise = Promise.reject();
return promise.catch(() =>
it('converts it`s return value into a promise', () => {
const p = Promise.reject();
const p1 = p.catch(() => 'promise?');
return p1.then(result => assert.equal('promise?', result));
it('the first parameter is the rejection reason', () => {
const p = Promise.reject('oops');
return p.catch(reason => {
assert.equal(reason, 'oops');
describe('multiple `catch`es', () => {
it('only the first `catch` is called', () => {
const p = Promise.reject('1');
const p1 = p
.catch(reason => `${reason} AND 2`)
.catch(reason => `${reason} AND 3`)
return p1.then(result =>
assert.equal(result, '1 AND 2')
it('if a `catch` throws, the next `catch` catches it', () => {
const p = Promise.reject('1');
const p1 = p
.catch(reason => { throw Error(`${reason} AND 2`) })
.catch(err => `${err.message} AND 3`)
.catch(err => `${err} but NOT THIS`)
return p1.then(result =>
assert.equal(result, '1 AND 2 AND 3')
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