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Last active December 26, 2017 07:52
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ES6 katas for Arrow functions -
// 5: arrow functions - basics
describe('arrow functions', function() {
it('are shorter to write', function() {
var func = () => {
return 'I am func';
assert.equal(func(), 'I am func');
it('a single expression, without curly braces returns too', function() {
var func = () => 'I return too';
assert.equal(func(), 'I return too');
it('one parameter can be written without parens', () => {
var func = p => p - 1;
assert.equal(func(25), 24);
it('many params require parens', () => {
var func = (param, param1) => param + param1;
assert.equal(func(23, 42), 23+42);
it('body needs parens to return an object', () => {
var func = () => {
return {iAm: 'an object'}
assert.deepEqual(func(), {iAm: 'an object'});
// 6: arrow functions - binding
class LexicallyBound {
getFunction() {
return () => this
getArgumentsFunction() {
return () => arguments
describe('arrow functions have lexical `this`, no dynamic `this`', () => {
it('bound at definition time, use `=>` ', function() {
var bound = new LexicallyBound();
var fn = bound.getFunction();
assert.strictEqual(fn(), bound);
it('can NOT bind a different context', function() {
var bound = new LexicallyBound();
var fn = bound.getFunction();
var anotherObj = {};
var expected = bound;
assert.strictEqual(, expected);
it('`arguments` doesnt work inside arrow functions', function() {
var bound = new LexicallyBound();
var fn = bound.getArgumentsFunction();
assert.equal(fn(1, 2).length, 0);
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