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Created August 29, 2018 14:17
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Restructured accordion.js
This allows a collection of sections to be collapsed by default,
showing only their headers. Sections can be exanded or collapsed
individually by clicking their headers. An "Open all" button is
also added to the top of the accordion, which switches to "Close all"
when all the sections are expanded.
The state of each section is saved to the DOM via the `aria-expanded`
attribute, which also provides accessibility.
import { nodeListForEach } from '../../common'
import '../../vendor/polyfills/Function/prototype/bind'
import '../../vendor/polyfills/Element/prototype/classList'
var KEY_ENTER = 13
var KEY_SPACE = 32
function Accordion ($module) {
this.$module = $module
this.$sections = $module.querySelectorAll('.govuk-accordion__section')
this.$openAllButton = ''
Accordion.prototype.init = function () {
// Check for module
var $module = this.$module
if (!$module) {
nodeListForEach(this.$sections, function ($section) {
// Set header attributes
var header = $section.querySelector('.govuk-accordion__section-header')
var sectionExpanded = $section.classList.contains('govuk-accordion__section--expanded')
$section.setAttribute('aria-expanded', sectionExpanded)
// Handle events
header.addEventListener('keypress', this.onKeyPressed.bind(this, $section))
header.addEventListener('click', this.onToggleExpanded.bind(this, $section))
// Create "Open all" button and set attributes
this.$openAllButton = document.createElement('button')
// Create controls and set attributes
var accordionControls = document.createElement('div')
accordionControls.setAttribute('class', 'govuk-accordion__controls')
this.$module.insertBefore(accordionControls, this.$module.firstChild)
// Handle events
this.$openAllButton.addEventListener('click', this.openOrCloseAllSections.bind(this))
// Open/close section
Accordion.prototype.onToggleExpanded = function ($section) {
var expanded = ($section.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true')
this.setExpanded(!expanded, $section)
// See if OpenAll button text should be updated
var areAllSectionsOpen = this.checkIfAllSectionsOpen()
Accordion.prototype.onKeyPressed = function (section, event) {
if (event.keyCode === KEY_ENTER || event.keyCode === KEY_SPACE) {
// Open/close section
// Toggle aria-expanded when section opened/closed
Accordion.prototype.setExpanded = function (expanded, $section) {
$section.setAttribute('aria-expanded', expanded)
// This is set to trigger reflow for IE8, which doesn't
// always reflow after a setAttribute call.
this.$module.className = this.$module.className
Accordion.prototype.isExpanded = function ($section) {
return ($section.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true')
Accordion.prototype.setHeaderAttributes = function ($header) {
$header.setAttribute('tabindex', '0')
$header.setAttribute('role', 'button')
var icon = document.createElement('span')
icon.setAttribute('class', 'govuk-accordion--icon')
Accordion.prototype.setOpenAllButtonAttributes = function ($button) {
$button.textContent = 'Open all'
$button.setAttribute('class', 'govuk-accordion__expand-all')
$button.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false')
$button.setAttribute('type', 'button')
// Open or close all sections
Accordion.prototype.openOrCloseAllSections = function () {
var $module = this
var $sections = this.$sections
var nowExpanded = !($module.$openAllButton.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true')
nodeListForEach($sections, function ($section) {
$module.setExpanded(nowExpanded, $section)
// Update "Open all" button
Accordion.prototype.updateOpenAllButton = function (expanded) {
var newButtonText = expanded ? 'Close all' : 'Open all'
this.$openAllButton.setAttribute('aria-expanded', expanded)
this.$openAllButton.textContent = newButtonText
// Check if all sections are open and update button text
Accordion.prototype.checkIfAllSectionsOpen = function () {
var $this = this
var $sections = this.$sections
var sectionsCount = this.$sections.length
var openSectionsCount = 0
var areAllSectionsOpen = false
nodeListForEach($sections, function ($section) {
if ($this.isExpanded($section)) {
areAllSectionsOpen = sectionsCount === openSectionsCount
return areAllSectionsOpen
export default Accordion
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