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Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

192607 2.96 -2.30 -2.87 0.22
192608 2.64 -1.40 4.19 0.25
192609 0.36 -1.32 0.01 0.23
192610 -3.24 0.04 0.51 0.32
192611 2.53 -0.20 -0.35 0.31
192612 2.62 -0.04 -0.02 0.28
192701 -0.06 -0.56 4.83 0.25
192702 4.18 -0.10 3.17 0.26
192703 0.13 -1.60 -2.67 0.30
require 'rqrcode'
require 'csv'
require 'RMagick'
class Attendee
attr_reader :email, :register, :full_name, :course, :applied_at, :course_year
def initialize(email, register, full_name, course, applied_at, course_year)
@email = email
@register = register
@full_name = full_name
Tips for running workshops at meetups
- Our most successful are the ones where the speaker creates a Github repository and uses it as the baseline for the workshop. Usually, there will be missing parts of the code and during the presentation, the speaker will complete the missing pieces with the audience, such as by the end of the talk, he/she will push a final version with the answers. This way, everyone has a resolved final version as well.
- Computers - very few places offer computers, so we recommend that participants bring their laptop.
- Specify what people need to install and make sure you also send an email as a reminder, such as
"For this Scala workshop, we will need:
- IntelliJ Idea Community Edition, version X.Y
- Scala plugin
#Write some code, that will flatten an array of arbitrarily nested arrays of integers into a flat array of integers. e.g. [[1,2,[3]],4]
# -> [1,2,3,4].
# input = [[1,2,[3]],4]
# input = [[1]]
input = [[[1]], [2,3,4], [[[[6, 7]]]]]
ffmpeg -i Rust_jfokus_movie.m4v -s 600x400 -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 25 -f gif - | gifsicle --optimize=3 --delay=3 > rust_jfokus.gif
{ "conferences": [
"name": "Sao Paulo Science meetup",
"month": "January",
"city": "Sao Paulo",
"country": "Brazil",
"role": ["Speaker"],
"slides": [""],
"video": "",
"website": [""],
{ "conferences": [
"name": "Sao Paulo Science meetup",
"month": "January",
"city": "Sao Paulo",
"country": "Brazil",
"role": ["Speaker"],
"slides": [""],
"video": "",
"website": [""]
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
track_id, artist, genre, music_file, track, track_length_in_seconds
235bc2af-e3d4-4087-9cac-f3859305a20e, The Doobie Brothers, classic pop and rock, TRJBJBB128F423C18D, Open Your Eyes (LP Version), 196
6b2fa094-eee6-49b6-b70b-5175c8bdb3bf, Thievery Corporation, dance and electronica, TRDXGYW128F92C5A72, Lebanese Blonde, 290
97ec57a5-0407-4d51-8b00-358182a5c83a, Charlie Haden / Don Cherry / Ed Blackwell, jazz and blues, TRLIGCS128EF340743, The Blessing, 361
34cbb1f4-a69d-4130-899f-fa58680e283d, Deadmau5, dance and electronica, TRIMECG128F92D0147, Arguru, 429
bb2d65f5-67d8-4b52-bb9a-b2b56fe5781a, Lamont Dozier, classic pop and rock, TREFTZR128F931B012, Dearest One, 125
e3572949-32c0-4f6b-bbea-da1acdd198f9, Lisa Gerrard_Patrick Cassidy, classic pop and rock, TRCROJO128F423F01E, Amergin's Invocation, 379
6e37c3a3-22e3-4f6a-bf1f-5b8760b31db3, Brenda Holloway, soul and reggae, TRVUGEY128E0784CC5, Starting The Hurt All Over Again, 145
2bd10f14-b084-4e71-b5a6-0f235596d9bb, Freddie Hubbard, jazz and blues, TRC
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
"track_id", "artist", "genre", "music_file", "track", "track_length_in_seconds"
"235bc2af-e3d4-4087-9cac-f3859305a20e", "The Doobie Brothers", "classic pop and rock", "TRJBJBB128F423C18D", "Open Your Eyes (LP Version)", "196"
"6b2fa094-eee6-49b6-b70b-5175c8bdb3bf", "Thievery Corporation", "dance and electronica", "TRDXGYW128F92C5A72", "Lebanese Blonde", "290"
"97ec57a5-0407-4d51-8b00-358182a5c83a", "Charlie Haden / Don Cherry / Ed Blackwell", "jazz and blues", "TRLIGCS128EF340743", "The Blessing", "361"
"34cbb1f4-a69d-4130-899f-fa58680e283d", "Deadmau5", "dance and electronica", "TRIMECG128F92D0147", "Arguru", "429"
"bb2d65f5-67d8-4b52-bb9a-b2b56fe5781a", "Lamont Dozier", "classic pop and rock", "TREFTZR128F931B012", "Dearest One", "125"
"e3572949-32c0-4f6b-bbea-da1acdd198f9", "Lisa Gerrard_Patrick Cassidy", "classic pop and rock", "TRCROJO128F423F01E", "Amergin's Invocation", "379"
"6e37c3a3-22e3-4f6a-bf1f-5b8760b31db3", "Brenda Holloway", "soul and reggae", "TRVUGEY128E0784CC5", "Starting The Hurt Al
C C.W. Stoneking
C Calvin Harris
C Camané
C Cameo
C Camilo Sesto
C Camilo Sesto;Guillermo Anton;Charly Chausson;Coro
C Camino De Lobo
C Captain Beefheart