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Created April 14, 2015 10:53
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# test runner generator from a file with R functions
# some grey magic, <>, 2015-04-14
test_runner <- function(fname) {
invisible(tryCatch ({
conn <- textConnection("out", "w")
dput(, envir=test_ns, args=list()), file=conn)
}, error=function(e) {
warning(fname, " produced exception ", e)
# read test cases
test_ns <- new.env()
tc_data <- paste(readLines("testin.R"), collapse="\n")
eval(parse(text=tc_data), envir=test_ns)
test_cases <- sort(ls(test_ns))
names(test_cases) <- test_cases
# run them!
out <- lapply(test_cases, test_runner)
# generate test driver file
tc_file <- file("runtc.R", "w")
cat("# inlined functions\n", tc_data, "\n\n# begin generated code\n", file=tc_file)
cat("results <- list()\n", file=tc_file)
invisible(lapply(test_cases, function(tc) {
to <- out[tc][[1]]
cat("# ",tc, "\n", sep="", file=tc_file)
if (!is.null(to)) {
cat("results$", tc, " <- identical(", tc, "(), ",
to , ")\n", sep="", file=tc_file)
} else {
cat("results$", tc, " <- {fail <- F; tryCatch({", tc, "()}, error=function(e){fail <<- TRUE}); fail}\n", sep="", file=tc_file)
cat("\n", sep="", file=tc_file)
cat("print(data.frame(name=names(results), result=as.logical(results)))\n", file=tc_file)
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