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Created December 28, 2019 00:21
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Auto Archive Gmail script
// Original author fwed (
// Modified from
function gmailAutoArchive() {
function gmailAutoarchiveHelper(numDays) {
Logger.log('Running archiver for numDays: %s', numDays);
var delayDays = numDays; // will only impact emails more than numDays days
var maxDate = new Date();
maxDate.setDate(maxDate.getDate()-delayDays); // what was the date at that time?
// Get all the threads labelled 'autoarchive'
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("M/autoarchive-" + numDays);
if (label == null || label == undefined) return -1;
Logger.log('Found label: %s', label.getName());
var threads = label.getThreads(0, 500).filter(function(thread) {
// Only include threads older than the limit we set in delayDays
return (thread.getLastMessageDate() < maxDate && thread.isInInbox());
Logger.log('Found %s emails.', threads.length);
var batch_size = 100;
while (threads.length) {
var this_batch_size = Math.min(threads.length, batch_size);
var this_batch = threads.splice(0, this_batch_size);
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