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Last active November 21, 2019 11:27
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Rolling window merge in Stata
Assume you have a data set with time/datestamps, noting
when emails were sent out to customers.
For example,
Your goal is to understand how many emails were sent in a rolling window,
around a specific date.
Suppose that window is 1 day, then you desire to get a dataset like this:
2019-11-20 2 (counting emails sent on 20th and 21st)
2019-11-21 2 (counting emails sent on 20th and 21st)
2019-11-23 1 (counting email sent on 23th)
2019-11-25 1 (counting email sent on 25th)
(in pseudo code):
For each timestamp in unique timestamps in the data:
- Filter data for observations that fall in the desired range.
- Count number of observations.
- Write timestamp and number of observations to temporary file.
Merge original data with temporary file.
* generate dummy input data *
clear all
set seed 123
set obs 10000
* start and end dates in unixtime
local startdate=1542709934
local enddate=1574245934
generate unixtime = floor((`enddate'-`startdate')*runiform())+`startdate'
generate double statatime = unixtime*1000 + mdyhms(1,1,1970,0,0,0)
format statatime %tc
* round statatime to nearest 15-minute interval to reduce the number of unique
* values to potentially match on
gen double statatime_match = (unixtime - mod(unixtime, 15*60)) * 1000 + mdyhms(1,1,1970,0,0,0)
format statatime_match %tc
* iterate through unique values of *matchvar*, sum up *freq* in rolling window (defined by
* windowsize in milliseconds), and write to temp file.
* input: matchvar (put desired variable there)
* windowsize: in milliseconds
* filename: fn_out
local fn_out "summary.csv"
local windowsize 1000*60*60*24
local matchvar statatime_match
file open myfile using "`fn_out'", write replace
file write myfile "`matchvar'" _tab "sum" _n
cap drop freq
gen freq = 1
qui cap drop group
qui cap egen group = group(`matchvar')
qui cap su group, meanonly
local nobs `r(max)'
_dots 0, title(Loop running) reps(`nobs')
forvalues i = 1/`nobs' {
_dots `i' 0
quietly su `matchvar' if group == `i'
local l `r(mean)'
quietly su freq if `matchvar'>=`l'-`windowsize' & `matchvar'<=`l'+`windowsize'
file write myfile "`l'" _tab "`r(sum)'" _n
file close myfile
drop _all
insheet using "`fn_out'"
local outfile = subinstr("`fn_out'",".csv","",.)
save "`outfile'", replace
* merge rolling window summary with original data *
merge 1:1 `matchvar' using "`outfile'"
drop _merge
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