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Last active March 26, 2017 06:51
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Save hannorein/5638999 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The functions parameters are: gjd - geocentric JD based on UTC ra - right ascension (J2000) de - declination The function returns heliocentric correction helcor. Using helcor, you can computed Heliocentric JD from Geocentric JD. The relation is: HJD = GJD + helcor. We do not compute Barycentric JD (BJD).
function computeHELCOR($gjd, $ra, $de) {
// $eps=23.45*Pi()/180;
$ra = EREgI_Replace(" ", "", $ra);
$de = EREgI_Replace(" ", "", $de);
$ra_hh = IntVal(substr($ra, 0, 2));
$ra_mm = IntVal(substr($ra, 2, 2));
$ra_vv = DoubleVal(substr($ra, 4, 4));
$de_dd = IntVal(substr($de, 0, 3));
$de_mm = IntVal(substr($de, 3, 2));
$de_ss = DoubleVal(substr($de, 5, 4));
$prevod = DoubleVal(57.29577951);
$eps = DoubleVal(0.408988821);
$ra_mm /= 60;
$ra_ss /= 3600;
$ra_hh = $ra_hh + $ra_mm + $ra_ss;
$d_ra_hh = 15*$ra_hh; // RA in degrees
$alfa = Deg2Rad($d_ra_hh); // RA in rads
$de_mm /= 60;
$de_ss /= 3600;
$de_dd = $de_dd + $de_mm + $de_ss; // DE in degrees
$delta = Deg2Rad($de_dd); // DE in rads
if (abs(cos($de))<0.0000000001) {
if (sin($de)>0.0) { $de=Pi()/2-0.000000001; }
else { $de=-Pi()/2+0.000000001; }
if (abs(cos($ra))<0.0000000001) $ra=Pi()/2+0.0000000001;
if ($sinbeta<1.0) $cosbeta=sqrt(1-$sinbeta*$sinbeta);
else $cosbeta=0.0000000001;
if ($coslam<0) $lam=$lam+pi();
if ($lam<0) $lam=$lam+2*pi();
if ($gjd > 2400000) {
$t = $gjd - 2400000;
} else {
$t = $gjd;
return Sprintf("%.5f", $helcor);
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Hello Hanno!

Have you tested if this function works ok with a big amount of test cases?
I'm working on an astronomical tool to help an Observatory compute their observation, and i've been searching for a complete heliocentric correction procedure like this one.
It's OK to you if I take this one and make it part of our tool?


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